Leadership in Practice

70 views 7:55 am 0 Comments March 21, 2023
Module Leadership in Practice
Code MN5067QA
Portfolio Parts 1 & 2 (Combined)
Intake November 2022
Available on WeLearn Tuesday 15th November 2022
Submission Date and
Monday 13th March 2023 before 3pm via
Portfolio should be submitted as a single Word Document.
YouTube Video link should be pasted at the bottom of cover
page and screen shots of PowerPoint slides provided in Part 1
of the Portfolio with essay/report and reflection provided in Part
Note: No Pdf, No PowerPoint Submission, No excel
Total Mark: 100%


Portfolio Part 1: BRIEF
Individual Leadership Presentation
(5 Minutes) and brief PowerPoint

Portfolio: Part 1 – Individual Leadership Presentation: Academic analysis
and application of leadership theory, including self-assessment of
leadership traits, skills, style
Due Date: Week 14 Monday 13/03/23 via Weblearn /Turnitin before
LO1: Analyse current leadership theories and models and demonstrate how these are applied
in practice
The purpose of the presentation is to demonstrate an understanding of Leadership and to
critique and apply leadership theory to your chosen leader. You should also present an
analysis of your own self-assessment of your leadership traits/ skills briefly here and then
expand it in your Portfolio Self-reflection section (Part 2)
Your Individual presentation is a 5-minute video on Leadership. You should put YouTube video
link at the bottom of the cover page of your portfolio submission which should have
screenshots of a maximum of 7 PowerPoint slides that supports your video. The purpose of
the presentation is to demonstrate an understanding of Leadership and to critique and apply
leadership theory to your chosen leader.
This first part of your portfolio is an individual presentation where you must demonstrate your
understanding of leadership theory. For your presentation you must select a leader and
critically apply at least 2 types of leadership theory you have studied on the module e.g. Trait
and Transformational Theory. You must use academic referencing, using the module
materials e.g. Northouse, Kotter. You must show how the leader demonstrates (or not) the
theory and provide some critique on the theory. For example, What is Trait Theory? how do
the traits, behaviours, style of your leader relate to the 4I’s of Transformational Theory? You
could for example critique whether it is always good to be ‘charismatic in business. What about
ethical leadership? What does the theory say and how can you apply it to your leader?

Having completed self-administered questionnaires on leadership styles and preferences, this
presentation will expect you to briefly evaluate your style against the leadership theory you
have studied as well as developing your self-reflection in more depth in your Portfolio Part 2:
Self-reflective Piece.
Key Points
1. Choose a leader from one of the following categories:
• Politics
• Fashion
• Retail
• Sport
• Technology
• Media
2. You should analyse and critically apply 2 appropriate leadership theories/
models or theories that have been discussed during the first semester.
3. Make sure you use the academic journal articles and books recommended on
weblearn and in the reading list in your presentation and you must reference
correctly according to the Harvard Reference system – see library website for
4. Your Presentation must include
7 references from at least 3 of the academic
journal articles we have studied and your wider academic reading e.g.
Northouse/ Academic Journal Articles and Business quality references e.g. FT/
Economist/ Forbes.
Here are some of aspects you could use to develop your argumentation in your

• Using academic references e.g. Kotter/ Northouse – use Harvard Referencing
• Your leader – What makes her/him a leader? Use academic references to support this –
use Harvard referencing
• What specific leadership models and theories could help to describe or explain their
approach to leadership in their field of expertise? Select 1 or 2 and discuss using Harvard
academic referencing
• What is their leadership style? Reference this e.g. media quotes
• What traits / characteristics do they demonstrate? How / why? Reference
• What area of leadership does this person best demonstrate? (Use module theory e.g.
Skills/ behaviour/ situational/ transformational)
• Briefly outline how are they portrayed in the media? – how does this relate to their
leadership style / internal leadership? Use Quality business references e.g. FT/ Economist/
Forbes/ Trade press
• What are their successes and failures?
• What can business learn from your chosen leader?
• You also need to ensure you include a range of media e.g. radio/TV interview clip/ twitter
feed/ newspaper etc.
• What have you learned so far on the module about your own leadership traits and skills?
What do you want to develop going forward?
5. Presentation skills
This is an academic presentation. You are expected to and will be graded on;
• demonstrating a high level of scholarship by drawing from a broad range of recognised
sources, accurately referenced, and competently applying them
• demonstrating complete professionalism in the way you present yourself and your work
• demonstrating the professional delivery of the presentation
Submission: WEEK 14 Monday 13th March 2023 via Weblearn / Turnitin as part 1 of a
combined portfolio (word document) with parts 1 and 2 of the assessment brief
• Remember this is Part 1 of your Portfolio
• You must update your tutor weekly with progress reports on how you are progressing

Portfolio Part 2: BRIEF

Part 2: A critical review of Power and Modern Leadership Practices
using practical examples from business (1,500 words, excluding
appendices) & including your self-reflective piece (500 words)
LO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the role of Power, Influence and Ethics
on modern leadership practices

For this assessment you are required to explore the role of Power, Politics and Conflict
in relation to what happens in real organisations. This is an individual piece of 1,500
words (excluding appendices) in which you will demonstrate your understanding and
application of the concepts of Power, Politics, ethics and Conflict.
Using relevant academic theory studied on the module you must critique how power,
politics, ethics and conflict are used in business and how theory can help shed light
on solutions. You should reference some of the core texts studied on the module
including Machiavelli’s – The Prince, as well as the other academic articles studied on
the module e.g. Cairns (2017), Lingo & McGinn (2020). You can include your own
research and further reading.
Critical review (1,500-words, excluding appendices):
You can either write your review as an essay, which should be clearly structured, or
else divide it into sections, with titles, headings and subheadings as appropriate –
shown below:
You must use a specific case study or several business examples
as well as academic referencing for the material studied on the module to
develop your critical review. The main aim is to demonstrate your understanding
of the theory how you link Theory to Practice –
How can you use your real-life
organisational examples or a case study to demonstrate how the theory on Power,
Politics and Conflict is reflected in real business life?

1. Introduction (approx 250 words). You need to state the aims and objectives of your
critical review. Introduce the key concepts, ideas, theories, theorists you will use in
relation to power, politics and conflict. Identify which real-life examples you will use
from industry to apply the theory to.
2. Academic Analysis (approx 1000 words), where you briefly evaluate all of the
three concepts (see below) we have studied in relation to practical business cases
and examples e.g. Apple/ Samsung
Power – Discuss the concept of Power in leadership and business. Drawing on
texts/ case examples used in the module apply the key concepts to show your
understanding e.g. Machiavelli, French and Raven’s 5 Bases of Power, power in
Politics – what is meant by organisational politics? How could you reference the
theory? and what role does organisational politics play in the real-life
organisational example(s) you have chosen?
Conflict – What is the nature of the conflict? How was it created and what impact
does it have on the outcome for the organisation?
• Use relevant Harvard Business Referencing
Linking Theory to Practice – How can you use your real-life organisational
examples to demonstrate how the theory on Power, Politics and Conflict is
reflected in real business life?
3. Conclusion (approx. 250 words)
Bring together the ideas and theories you discuss in relation to the real-life business
examples. State how you have achieved the aims and objectives of your review. You
should identify the core the issues in relation to Power, Politics and Conflict. Write how
the assignment has helped you understand the theory and how this is applied in a
business setting.

A self-reflective piece (500 words)
LO3: Identify their own leadership traits, style, skills e.g. negotiation, communication,
and behaviours and create a leadership self-reflective piece to demonstrate their new
understanding and evidence how they might apply this in their future career leadership
This part of your portfolio is an opportunity for you to put yourself centre stage and
explore your learning on the module. You will reflect on what you have learned and
evaluate how your engagement with the theory/ models/ questionnaires can support
your professional, academic and personal development. Using actual examples, you
will consider what has specifically challenged and broadened your thinking. It is an
opportunity for creative, individual expression and to evidence how you will use this
new learning to support you in your future career and job roles.
To conduct your self-reflection, use a model such as Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle, Gibbs
reflective cycle, Schon’s model etc to ask and answer:
What have I learned – specifically?
How has that impacted or influenced me?
How have I changed – my Thinking? my skills? my approach? my behaviour?
How can I use this new self-awareness and new knowledge to develop my leadership
skills and approaches in the workplace?
What is my learning style? How can I use it in my career – what do I need to develop?
You should consider the following 3 core areas:
Self-Reflective Statement (approximately 500 words)
Academic – what specific areas of academic learning have impacted you most?
How and why? What do you now know about your leadership traits and skills –

and what will you do differently? – how will this help you in the workplace? How
do you view your use of power in your job/ potential job? What articles, cases
or youtube clips developed or challenged your thinking and learning?
Practice – what new skills, tools and techniques have you learned? e. g. critical
analysis? Academic writing skills? Presentation skills? Research?
Collaboration? Negotiation? How will this help you in your career?
Personal – what have you learned about you in relation to what you have studied
on the module? e.g. knowledge, skills, abilities, increased confidence, type of
leader, understanding power? Your negotiation skills? How could you use your
learning to support you in your job/ career better or get a promotion e.g. how
might you use ‘power’ in your job and career differently now? How are you
developing into an ethical leader?
• Remember that both parts of the portfolio must be submitted as a single word
document before
deadline of 3pm on Monday 13th March 2023. Please note
there are
no extensions unless you apply for extenuating/mitigating
You must update your seminar tutor with regular progress reports on how you are
getting on

Grading criteria

Marking criteria Letter grade Mark recorded
The extent to which the Portfolio shows evidence of:
LO1: Analyse current leadership theories and models and
demonstrate how these are applied in practice
LO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the role of Power,
Influence and Ethics on modern leadership practices
LO3: Identify their own leadership traits, style, skills e.g.
negotiation, communication, and behaviours and create a
leadership self-reflective piece to demonstrate their new
understanding and evidence how they might apply this in
their future career leadership roles.
Application of Theory to Practice
Excellent, concise introduction to theory and business
context demonstrating extensive research.
In-depth critical understanding of several theories & ideas
e.g., Trait Theory, French and Raven 6 Bases of Power,
Machiavelli’s teachings
Ability to synthesize and integrate approaches to
demonstrate understanding. Strong application of theory to
Practice including the use of case studies, examples and
own practical business experience.
A 70+


Self-reflection: Excellent detailed self-reflection which
evidences thoughtful critique of own learning and how this
new knowledge can support further development.
Excellent use of self-analytical tools e.g. Questionnaires,
excellent self-evaluation and consideration of how this can
help in their future career
Presentation skills:
Demonstrates excellent creativity, professionalism,
confidence, a well-practiced presentation. Excellent use of
voice- clear well-paced verbal delivery. Excellent choice
and use of appropriate material. Excellent written work.
Portfolio, overall, is well developed, appropriately
structured and well presented
Creativity & Organisation: evidence that the Portfolio has
been creatively & carefully planned and researched. A well
presented portfolio. Well-structured and well written.
Scholarship: Excellent evidence of wide reading,
application and referencing.
Application of Theory to Practice
Very good application of theory to practice using relevant
and current examples.
Good evidence of research – more in-depth analysis and
application of theory could be shown.
B 60-69


Good level of critique, and context demonstrating
extensive research.
Very good critical understanding of theories
Very good creativity shown
Could have integrated theories to a greater extent
Self-reflection: Very good self-reflection which evidences
thoughtful critique of own learning and how this new
knowledge can support further development. Some use of
self-analytical tools e.g. Questionnaires, good level of self
evaluation and consideration of how this can help in future
Presentation skills:
Very good presentation skills
Good use of voice, clear and well-paced..
Professional however could need a bit more practice.
Overall Portfolio presented to a very good standard. Well
written however could be in more depth.
Creativity & Organisation: A well organised Portfolio
demonstrating good creativity and innovation. A well
presented portfolio. Some aspects of presentation could be
Scholarship: some evidence of reading and referencing
but needs additional research and wider reading.


Application of Theory to Practice:
More evidence is needed to demonstrate a more detailed
understanding of theory and improved application to
business needed.
Mainly descriptive – need to develop criticality
Self-reflection: Some interesting ideas and thoughts on
self-reflection. Could be developed in more depth.
Presentation skills: Good attempt, however, needs
development e.g., too fast/ slow, informal language,
nervous. Acceptable presentation of all parts of the
portfolio. Written work could be more accurate.
Creativity & Organisation: A good attempt to
demonstrate creativity and innovation. Presentation of
portfolio could be improved including overall structure and
Scholarship: some evidence of reading and referencing
but needs additional research and wider reading.
Weak referencing.
C 50-59
Application of Theory to Practice:
More research is needed to demonstrate understanding of
theory and how it can be applied in practice. Little use of
material from the module
Little understanding of theories explored on the module.
More detail and in-depth critique needed
D 40-49


Minimal evidence of self-reflection
Presentation skills
Little evidence of practice of presentation skills – needs
improvement. Portfolio not well-presented, with errors
Creativity & Organisation:
Little or no creativity and innovation shown in Portfolio
Some attempt however overall poor referencing.
Does not address the task set. Presents minimal material
related to the topic. Little evidence of understanding of
theory. Little application to practice. Incomplete or minimal
self-reflection shown. Minimal referencing.
Poor structure and presentation of work. Minimal, incorrect
or no academic referencing
F1 39
Does not address the task set. Little evidence of
understanding either the task or the subject matter. No
evidence of scholarship. No evidence of application of
theory to practice. Little or no evidence of self-reflection .
Little or no academic referencing.
F2 23
Fail – Non-attendance and non-engagement. F3 0

You will be marked, graded, and assessed according to the previously outlined criteria
and as follows

Class Mark % Comments
1st 70 + Excellent in every way. Knowledgeable, incisively analytical, conceptually sound,
widely researched and well-structured. Displays a critical and sophisticated
understanding of ideas, debates, methodologies and principles. Comprehensively
cited and referenced. A degree of flair apparent in the work.
2i 60 – 69 Very good, well-researched, solid. Addresses question. Sensibly structured and well
presented. Evidence of analysis, reasoning and evaluation. May have some errors
in emphasis but not in fact and may be limited in terms of supporting material and
breadth of coverage. Appropriately cited and referenced.
2ii 50 – 59 Average to good. Reasonable bibliography. Signs of effort, though more descriptive
than analytical. May have some errors but balanced by sound work. May not fully
address the question with deficiencies in knowledge and understanding or directness
and organisation.
3 40 – 49 Pass. Descriptive narrative. May be partly irrelevant. Indiscriminate. Lacks structure.
Could be more direct and explicit. Little independent research evident. Short
Bare pass. May be confused or irrelevant. Heavily based on lecture notes, but a
minimum of understanding to justify a pass. Answers by inference.
Fail 0 – 39 Poor. Does not answer question directly. Little evidence of independent reading or
lecture notes. Major errors or too brief. Unstructured.
Very poor indeed. Fails in every respect to answer the question effectively. No
evidence of learning, reading or knowledge. Largely irrelevant. Very brief.