Leadership Assignment

138 views 7:35 am 0 Comments October 20, 2023


John P. Kotter’s change of management model is a widely accepted framework for effectively managing and introducing change. The model consists of 8 steps that guide management and leaders to achieve successfully the process of change within a company structure. In Tirlan I am going to go through the process of the appointment of a new CEO which is likely to happen over the next 12 to 24 months. The challenge is to appoint the right person for the job. This needs to be done by setting the correct process by which the new CEO will be appointed. Do we select from within the company or do we look outside? It is clear that it is the responsibility of the whole board to be involved in and have ownership of the process by which the new person is appointed.

Step 1:
In order to succeed the first thing is to be very clear that we must go through each of the 8 steps. Meticulous planning is needed. We need to create a sense of urgency. Ideally, we need to set a timeframe. We need to get the right people motivated and moving. Expecting success is the only option.

Step 2:
Get the right people involved. In our case, we have a nominations committee. This group needs to be diverse and have the credibility confidence and even trust to achieve the best result for all stakeholders.

Step 3:
The entire board needs to be confident that the successful candidate will be able to inspire a shared vision for all and be able to communicate this through the whole organization.

Step 4:
In order to be able to communicate a strong vision as to what direction the business will go. Communication is a two-way street. Listening should not be deemed a failure as it is sometimes perceived by management.

Step 5:
With the new CEO, there should be a clear purpose, vision, and values set out in conjunction with the board of management. We need employees and farmers to buy into this philosophy because we have huge potential to grow and be great with full buy-in.

Step 6:
Consolidating the short-term gains that have been achieved by all stakeholders. Celebrating those gains will help create confidence in the boardroom and result in people willing to step up to any new ideas or challenges. The new CEO would be central to this.

Step 7:
This stage consolidates the gains that have been made. In Tirlan given the age profile of our senior management, there will be major change over the next 3-5 years in the different roles. If we as a board including management are seen to do this successfully. We can then identify opportunities for further change and innovation.

Step 8:
The final step is anchoring the change in the organization’s culture. The new CEO must believe in and become ingrained in the organization’s values. The new CEO must lead change and sustain and lead to an ever-evolving business.