Lead and manage people

99 views 8:43 am 0 Comments April 15, 2023

Assessment Guide
Lead and manage people
Monitor work operations
Assessment 3
SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people / SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
SITXHRM003/SITXMGT001 Assessment 3 Page 1 of 5
©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
Assessment Coversheet
Student ID:
Email Address:
Unit name:
Unit Code:
Assessment name:
Student Declaration
I declare that –
a. The evidence I have submitted for assessment is my own work, and
b. The evidence I have submitted for assessment has not been shared with other students, and
I have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that my work cannot be accessed by other
students that may seek to submit my work as their own, and
c. All of the sources of information used to prepare my work have been, or may be accurately
cited, and
d. I retain a copy of all my original for my own records, or for resubmission if required by
Academia Australia, and
e. I have read and understood Academia Australia’s policy regarding plagiarism, and I accept
the right of Academia Australia to investigate suspected plagiarism, and to act in accordance
with the policy and procedure I have read.
Student Signature: __________________________________________
Date of Submission: ___ / /20

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people / SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
SITXHRM003/SITXMGT001 Assessment 3 Page 2 of 5
©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
Assessment Information
You must achieve a satisfactory outcome for each of the required criteria of this assessment to
be deemed satisfactory for this assessment. You must achieve a satisfactory result for the
assessments for this unit of competency to achieve a competent result for the unit. If one or more
of the assessment results are not satisfactory, you will be
Not Yet Competent for this unit.
You may follow the Assessment Appeals process in the Student Handbook
www.academia21.com) if you are not satisfied with:
o the assessment result; or
o the way an assessment was carried out by your trainer; or
o the conditions or structure of the assessment
The student handbook has the steps for reassessment if you receive a
Not Yet Competent mark and
do not want to appeal.
Reasonable adjustment for assessment
Where students have highlighted Language, Literacy and Numeracy issues reasonable adjustment to
the assessment can be made. Should you receive a ‘Not Yet Competent’ or ‘Resubmit’ result for the
assessment you will be given the opportunity to re-submit your assessment work with any
amendments requested by your trainer.
The adjustment may include actions such as:
• Student demonstrating knowledge through verbal discussion to identify correct answers
• Student demonstrating knowledge through applied skills
• Allowing additional time relating to disability
• Through consultation amending assessment timeframes
• Assistance in the form of the training location to allow easier access
• Accessing relevant equipment or aids to assist the student
• Adjustments to the assessment methods to cater for any special needs (without effecting the
integrity of the outcome)
If a student requests or is identified as requiring reasonable adjustment to the training and
assessment process a detailed training and assessment plan including timetables, notes regarding
the required adjustments, and any related communications regarding the adjustments must be
maintained in the students file.
The RTO Manager must review and authorise any request for ‘reasonable adjustment’ to ensure that
any adjustments and resulting outcomes are not affecting the integrity of the training and assessment
Location of and completion timeframes for assessment
The location of the assessment will depend upon the nature of the assessment. Direct observation of
student’s skills will be assessed in the commercial kitchens / simulated restaurant at Academia, the
timeframes for these assessments will be related to the scheduled times of the practical classes.
Other assessments such as; role plays, in class activities, presentations and written tests will be
conducting in the classroom. The timeframes and due dates for these assessments, as well as any
reports, projects or research assignments, are documented in the stage outlines. Stage outlines are
handed out at the beginning of each term.

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people / SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
SITXHRM003/SITXMGT001 Assessment 3 Page 3 of 5
©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
Assessment 3 – Case study (1&2)
Read the following case studies and address each question and/or task for each case study.
Case study 1
Quick-Dine Food outlet
The owner of Quick-Dine Food outlet where you work as Manager has decided to reappraise the
business operation which serves lunch and dinner. It operates 7 days a week from 11am to 11pm. It
caters for both dine-in and take away as well as on-line booking.
The owner say’s that there are too many complaints on both the food quality and service. Dine-in
guests complain about food delays. Food items were served to the wrong tables. Take-away
customers complain about the long que and missing items from the on-line booking apps.
You are required to investigate the issues and propose a solution to these issues.
Present your response in a professional format in the upcoming meeting.
Please include the following points in your report:
1. Make necessary changes and adjustments for improvement. Describe how you would monitor
the working hours of the back of house/kitchen team and front of house/service team – this
would also mean your need to identify major and supporting roles, skill level to overcome the
relevant issues and problem.
2. Show what consultative process will be used to allow for the changes and improvement for
example rostering, skill training, over-lapping roles and duties.
3. In the new plan, you must show the organisation chart, their respective roles as well as the
job description. How do you identify the right candidate to perform to their best?
4. Will training and coaching be necessary for the changes and improvement? How would you
organise and implement the training and coaching program. Provide an approximate budget
of this training or retraining program.
5. List all the measures and steps in each respective section to be taken to ensure that it is
functional and efficient.
6. In you report, you need to convince the owner, management and staffs that during this period
of improvement, the day to day operations will not be negatively affected by the proposed
changes. Provide a GANTT chart to display the process.

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people / SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
SITXHRM003/SITXMGT001 Assessment 3 Page 4 of 5
©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
Case study 2
Academia Bar
Elena works as a front of house waiter / cashier at the Academia Bar. She has requested for a
confidential meeting with the HR Manager of Academia Bar to discuss a workplace issue. On arrival,
she explains that her supervisor frequently makes silent offensive remarks and has stalked her on
multiple occasions after work. It also seems that he consistently roster’s her for the same shifts when
he is rostered on.
1. What appears to be the nature of the complaint?
2. What are the process and procedure that should be followed to address Elena’s issue?
3. Write a standard operating procedure (SOP) that can be used to investigate the issue. You
must consider the confidentiality and sensitivity of Elena as well as her manager. Who are the
important personnel that should be involved in this case?
4. What are the legal responsibilities and implications do you have as a manager in your

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people / SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
SITXHRM003/SITXMGT001 Assessment 3 Page 5 of 5
©Copyright Academia International 2019 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
Marking Criteria

Assessment 3 Not Attempted Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Excellent Comments
0 1 2 3
1. Case study ONE
Necessary changes and adjustments for improvement are
provided and discussed. Working hours monitored and major
and supporting roles, skill level to overcome the relevant
issues and problem are identified.
Consultative process demonstrated.
Organisation chart, their respective roles as well as the job
description are provided. identified the right candidate to
perform to their best.
Training and coaching needs identified and an appoximate
budget provided.
Listed all the measures and steps in each respective section
to be taken to ensure that it is functional and efficient.
Provided evidence of operations not being negatively affected
by the proposed changes. Provided a GANTT chart to display
the process.
2. Case study TWO
Nature of the complaint clearly identified and described.
Clearly described the process and procedure that should be
followed to address the complaint.
Important personell in this case identified. Standard operating
procedure (SOP) provided. Issue of confedentiality
Manager’s legal responsibilities and implications discussed
Total Marks out of 30

Student is satisfactory for this assessment task: Yes Not Yet
________________________________ ___ / ___ / _____
Trainer’s Signature Date