Kitchen Management

71 views 6:52 am 0 Comments March 30, 2023


SITXHRM008 roster staff

Student Must Fill this Section
Qualification SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
Student Name:  
Student ID:






Privacy Release Clause: “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”.
Authenticity Declaration: “I declare that:

·         The material I have submitted is my own work;

·         I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others”.

Student Signature:                                                           Date:


Assessment Outcome


Assessor Name:
Attempt Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Date Assessor Signature

Initial attempt


2nd attempt/Re-assessment









Information for Student:
  • All work is to be entirely of the student.

General Information for this assessment:


  • Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
  • Be sure to PRINT your FIRST name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
  • Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
  • For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, essay reports, etc. The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
  • All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
  • If the student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.
  • Re-submission of assessment after the term will incur additional fees.
Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:


If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.


Re-assessment Process:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  • An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
  • Academic Manager will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment.
  • The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
  • If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic Manager  OR if need be an external assessor.
  • The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
  • If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
  • Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject.

The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.

Academic Appeals:

  • If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through academic appeals handling protocol.
  • To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for Appeal of a Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any.  This form is available via our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:

Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Email: [email protected]

  • The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
  • If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
  • In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
  • The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
  • Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.




Comments/Feedback to Students












Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXHRM008 Roster staff. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

  • Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.
  • Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities to complete a project.





















Assessment Task 2: Project

Information for students

Tasks required for this unit

This unit of competency requires that you:

·         prepare staff rosters that meet diverse operational requirements across three different roster periods

·           ensure the following when preparing the above staff rosters:
o     sufficient staff to ensure the delivery of required services within wage budget constraints

o     appropriate skills mix of the team

o     modifications are incorporated where required

o     compliance with industrial provisions and organisational policies and procedures

o     completion of rosters within commercial and staff time constraints.

Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.





Complete the following activities.

  1. Carefully read the following information.
Successful completion of this unit requires that you complete the range of tasks listed above. It is important that you provide evidence that you have successfully completed each task.

Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge you must demonstrate when you are completing each activity step. We have provided a number of documents to assist you and you will find these in the student resources.

You will need access to:

·           your learning resources and other information for reference

·           rostering software

·           your Operational Policy

·           your Business Case Study Template

·           your Staff Profile Template

·           your Timesheet Template

·           your Staff Record Template

·           your Evaluation Report Template

·           space for a meeting.

  What do I need to demonstrate?

During this task, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:

·           developing a roster following relevant industrial agreements, other considerations and wage budgets

·           maximising operational and customer service efficiency while minimising wage costs

·           combining duties where appropriate to ensure effective use of staff

·           rostering teams with complementary skills mix to meet operational requirements

·           taking account of social and cultural considerations and broader organisational policies that affect staff rosters

·           consulting with colleagues to obtain their input into rosters

·           using roster systems and equipment to administer rosters

·           presenting rosters in required formats to ensure clarity of information according to organisational standards

·           communicating rosters to appropriate colleagues within designated timeframes

·           administering records of shift time completed by employees or contractors

·           maintaining staff rostering records according to organisational procedures

·           monitoring effectiveness of rosters in consultation with colleagues

·           identifying ways in which rosters and roster development processes may be improved and take appropriate action.

  How will I provide evidence?

Your assessor will provide you with templates to complete each task. You will find some detailed information about providing evidence; this will include:

·           a completed Business Case Study

·           a completed Staff Roster

·           an amended Staff Roster

·           two completed Staff Timesheets

·           a completed Staff Record

·           an Evaluation Report.

You will need to complete each activity and submit the completed templates at the end of each step completed.

  1. Select a business and roster teams.
  You are required to prepare a three-week roster for kitchen staff using a business such as a restaurant or hotel of your choice. A Business Case Study Template has been provided to guide you on the information required in order to complete the assessment as well as an Operational Policy to help identify operational requirements.

Once you have completed the Business Case Study, you will then need to meet with staff to discuss their availability over the next three weeks.

The assessor will divide you into groups of five (5). Each person in the group must select one of the staff positions that you identified in the Business Case Study and complete the Staff Profile Template provided. They will do this providing their own details and skills and experience.

When completing the Staff Profile Template (as you will be completing one for other students as part of their project) – make sure you are true to your own commitments and availability over the roster period. Also consider your own personal, social and cultural needs and ensure to communicate any requirements to the person preparing the roster.

Please note that this is an individual task so each person must develop their own business case.

When conducting discussions, take into consideration:

·           any staff requests for the roster including any upcoming personal commitments

·           social and cultural considerations such as working flexibly, family commitments, cultural events or ceremonies.

During the meeting with your group, ensure that you use effective communication skills including:

·           listening to staff requests

·           using active listening to confirm understanding

·           asking questions to confirm any requirements.

You are to base all wages on the pay guide for the Hospitality Industry (General) Award (you can download this from:

Conduct the meeting/role play.

You are one of the staff members and the others in your group will also be staff members. Provide your own skills and experiences and record the other group member’s details and skills and experience.

Use the Business Case Study Template that has been provided to you to record the details provided by the other staff members as well as the Operational Policy to help identify operational requirements and the staff members’ completed profiles.

Record the details and submit the completed Business Case Study and each Staff Profile to your assessor.
  1. Research and select roster software.


Using the internet research an appropriate scheduling software that you could use to create the roster. You may need to register to download the software, however, only select one that has a free trial around 30 days. The assessor must approve the selected software.
  1. Create a roster.
Using the software you have downloaded, create the staff roster according to the discussions held with staff (your group), information gathered for the Business Case Study and operational requirements outlined in the Operational Policy.

Your roster must meet the following criteria:

·           Meet operational requirements as set out in the Operational Policy.

·           Meet the business requirements as identified in the Business Case Study.

·           Have the right amount of staff with the necessary skills and mix to deliver services effectively.

·           Meet any wage and budget constraints as outlined in the Operational Policy and complying with the Hospitality Industry (General) Award, based upon the positions identified.

·           Be clear enough so that it can easily be understood by all staff.

The roster must be submitted in a suitable format to your supervisor for approval within the time allocated. This could be a PDF document, a printed report from the software, or a screenshot.

Submit your roster to your assessor.
  1. Roster changes.
The supervisor (your assessor) will provide you with the following messages from three members of staff:

·           One member of staff is sick.

·           One casual member of staff has requested extra hours.

·           One member of staff has been called for jury duty.

The assessor will let you know which students in your group represent each staff member and provide you with further information on the messages received.

Change the roster using the staff requesting extra hours to cover for the two members of staff unavailable. Ensure that it still meets the roster criteria and the requirements of the Operational Policy.

Send an email to the supervisor explaining the changes and why they were made, include the amended roster and ask for final approval.

The roster must be developed and submitted to your supervisor for approval within the time allocated.

Submit the adjusted/modified roster to your assessor
  1. Communicating the roster.
The supervisor has approved the roster.

Draft an email to the members of staff rostered and cc to your supervisor. In the email you must clearly point out the changes made.

The roster must be communicated to staff within the timeframe allocated.

Submit the email to the assessor, including the roster saved in an appropriate format.

  1. Maintaining records.
  As part of your role, you are to record timesheets completed by two staff members.

They must complete the Timesheets for the first week based on their actual shifts and submit this back to you.

You will be required to do the same for each of the other members in your group.

Once you have received both Timesheets, check the information received against the roster.

  Record and maintain the staff records by completing the Staff Record Template. Ensure that you accurately record all the information to ensure that the member of staff is paid the right amount of money for the hours worked.
Submit the completed Staff Record and a copy of the Timesheets to your assessor.
  1. Feedback and evaluation.
Meet with your initial group and discuss the effectiveness of the roster development process. Discuss what worked and what didn’t work.

Take notes during the discussion and use these to write an evaluation of the roster development process, including any recommendations or actions required to improve the roster process used.

An Evaluation Report Template has been provided to assist you.

  Record your findings on the Evaluation Report Template to guide your response.
Submit the Evaluation Report to your assessor.




Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Student’s name:    
Has the following been completed? Completed successfully? Comments
Yes No
The student has satisfactorily prepared a three-week roster for kitchen staff.      
The student has satisfactorily included the operational requirements of the business when developing the roster.      
The student has satisfactorily prepared a roster with a sufficient amount of staff for effective service delivery.      
The student has satisfactorily prepared a roster that considered industrial agreements and provisions.      
The student has satisfactorily effectively utilised staff skills, duties, wages and requirements when preparing rosters.      
The student has satisfactorily consulted with colleagues when preparing rosters.      
The student has satisfactorily considered social and cultural needs of staff when preparing rosters.      
The student has satisfactorily communicated with colleagues to confirm requirements by asking questions.      
During the meeting with their group, the student has satisfactorily used effective communication skills including:

·           listening to staff requests

·           asking questions to confirm any requirements.

The student has satisfactorily listened to and understood messages relating to staff requesting changes for their staff roster.      
The student has satisfactorily amended staff rosters due to illness, staff requests and personal commitments.      
The student has satisfactorily prepared rosters according to time constraints.      
The student has satisfactorily prepared rosters using relevant software.      
The student has satisfactorily presented rosters to staff in an appropriate format and allocated timeframe.      
The student has satisfactorily administered and maintained staff records.      
The student has satisfactorily monitored the effectiveness of rosters through consultation with staff.      
The student has satisfactorily identified improvements to the roster development process.      
Task outcome: ¨  Satisfactory ¨  Not satisfactory  
Assessor signature:    
Assessor name:    