Key components of this assessment

73 views 8:53 am 0 Comments April 29, 2023

Key components of this assessment Weigh Grade Demonstrated the key things you have learned from the required reading/case studies and have answered the question asked under each activity requirement. •Your answer demonstrates: (i) An understanding of the course material and/or other credible reference material relevant to the issue(s) the question is addressing. (ii) The extent to which you have considered the reference material within the context of the question, and to propose creative, reflective and insightful thoughts specific to the question being asked. 80% HD D C P1 P2 F1 F2 Format, Style & Referencing: Appropriate format; Succinct writing; Use of creative writing methods (charts, tables, or figures); Appropriate referencing when applicable Presentation: Legible and well set out; Arguments presented in a clear and logical manner; Well developed with supporting evidence for arguments; Correct grammar; Absence of typos, incomplete sentences, and confusing expressions 20% HD D C P1 P2 F1 F2
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