148 views 10:12 am 0 Comments August 3, 2023



The extent to which employees are satisfied with their jobs is an important consideration. After all, satisfied employees may be more productive and more committed. The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions gathers information on job satisfaction in 5-year intervals and you are asked to analyse data from the two latest surveys, administered in 2010 and 2015. The sample consists of 2,793 German employees. The Excel file labelled ‘GERMANY’ contains one sheet with the data and one sheet with variable definitions. Data cover 13 indicators for characteristics of employees and their jobs, 3 indicators for company characteristics, and one indicator for the year in which the observation was collected.


Using the available data, please address the assignments below. Please take note of the following instructions. Failure to comply with these will require you to resubmit the assignment subject to a late submission penalty, without exceptions.

The report should be at most 3 pages A4, with 1-inch margins all around, portrait page orientation, Times New Roman 12pt and 1.5 line spacing, submitted in PDF format.

The 3-page limit includes any appendices and so 3 pages is the total, all inclusive.

Possible tables and figures must appear large enough to be readable, and text in them must be at least Times New Roman 10pt. Ensure that each table or figure is numbered and named, and unambiguously referred to in-text.


Provide a basic summary of the available data.

Is there evidence that the average level of job satisfaction has changed between 2010 and 2015?

Available research would lead us to expect that job satisfaction may be predicted by employee characteristics, characteristics of jobs, and company characteristics.

Using the tool of regression analysis, does the data set imply support for such expectations?

If so, then which employee, job, and company characteristics predict job satisfaction, and what is the nature of any such effects in terms of their sign and magnitude?

Job satisfaction may be lowest neither for very young nor very old employees, and so the association between age and job satisfaction may be U-shaped.

Do the German data imply support for such an expectation?

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