IT and Business Fraud

142 views 8:11 am 0 Comments May 1, 2023

BIT244: IT and Business Fraud (Individual Assessment 2-Report 1)
Report (40%)
Presentation (10%)
Total: 50 Marks
Due Date: 04.05.2023 (11:59 PM)
Presentation Date: 04.05.2023 (During Class in Person)
Assignment Overview (Report Writing)
Each student is required to investigate a real-world legal case involving intellectual property rights. The
written report must cover the following topisc:
Case Study-Select a recent case study between 2022-2023 on intellectual property.
Identified Problems-Identify main problems within the case study related to intellectual property.
Categories of Intellectual Property-Identify different categories of intellectual property issues and
which particular issue is been identified in the case study.
Breach of Intellectual Property Rights-Describe how intellectual property rights have been
breached in the identified case study.
Impact on Business Value-Describe how business benefits have been impacted for breaching this
intellectual property rights.
Infringments-Mention common infringements for breacing the intellectual property right.
Legal Laws-Mention different legal laws that can be applied to protect intellectual property rights.
Ethical and Social Issues– Describe different Ethical and Social Issues related to Intellectual
(2500 words)
Your final report must include the following:
Assignment Cover Page: (Include the Title,
Assignment number, Student Names and IDs, Subject)
Title page (Name of report who it is prepared for, and authors)
Executive summary (1 paragraph)
Table of contents
Body (Numerous headings and texts needed for the paper. Use the marking criteria and topic
questions to help identify these headings)
References/ Bibliography (must be in APA 7 style)
1. Report Submission: It should be made through Turnitin link in Moodle
Presentation file: It should be submitted from different link after presenting in class.
See MOODLE for the exact dates and times.

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All used sources must be properly acknowledged with references and citations, if you did not create it.
Quotations and paraphrasing are allowed but the sources must be acknowledged. Failure to do so is regarded as
plagiarism and the minimum penalty for plagiarism is failure for the assignment. The act of giving your
assignment to another student is classified as a plagiarism offence. Copying large chucks and supplying a
reference will result in zero marks as you have not contributed to the report. Copying from Youtube or other
videos is also plagiarism (including transcripts). Citation in a video can be included as credits at the end.
Due Date & Submission
By the due date, you must submit:
1. Name your file with your student number and name.
2. Upload Report to TurnItIn to MOODLE.
To upload on TurnItIn, go to
Late submission of assignments will be penalised as follows:
For assignments 1 to 5 days late, a penalty of 10% (of total earned marks) per day.
For assignments more than 5 days late, a penalty of 100% will apply.
Your submission must be compatible with the software (PDF/Word/Video) in Melbourne Polytechnic,
Computer Laboratories/Classrooms.
Extensions: Under normal circumstances extensions will not be granted. In case of extenuating circumstances—
such as illness—a Special Consideration form, accompanied by supporting documentation, must be received before 3
working days from the due date. If granted,
an extension will be only granted only by the time period stated on the
documentation; that is, if the illness medical certificate was for one day, an extension will be granted for one day only
Accordingly the student must submit within that time limit.
Penalties may apply for late submission without an approved extension.
Penalties: Academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism incur penalties ranging from a zero result to program
Marking criteria:
Marks are allocated as indicated on each question, taking the following aspects into account:

Aspects Description
Analysis (if appropriate) Investigation, comparison, discussion
Explanation/justification Description/answer to the question
Presentation Inadequate structure, careless presentation, poor writing
Reference style Proper referencing if required
Plagiarism Copy from another student, copy from internet source/textbook, copy from
other sources without proper acknowledgement

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Marking Rubrics: BIT244
(Some topics will require adjustment to this marking scheme)

N A Attempt Poor Good Very
Report has an identified purpose
i) Executive summary (3)
ii) Table of Contents (1)
Body of report
i) Case Study selection and brief (5 marks)
ii) Identified problems (3 marks).
iii) Categories of Intellectual Property (3
iv) Breach of Intellectual Property Rights (5
v) Impact on Business Benefits (5 marks)
vi) Infringments (4 marks)
vii) Legal Laws (4 marks)
viii) Ethical and Social Issues (3 marks)
References & Grammar
i) Citations used and indicated correctly (Harvard); (2)
ii) Grammatical expression is satisfactory. (2)
Report – Total 40 Marks Gross Result:
Presentation on the report at week 9 (10 Marks)
Turnitin adjustment
(the deductions below are a guidelines, each situation needs separate evaluation by the lecturer)
i) No significant matches (No reduction)
ii) Match score between 15 and 20 (-5 marks)
iii) Match score >= 20 with significant unreferenced matches or large ‘matching’ sections (-15)
iv)Not submitted to Turnitin (-20 marks)
Late submission deduction
Total Result (Total 50)

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All assessments (except for final examination) and feedback are provided via the Moodle site and in
Assessment Tasks: Due Date SLOs CLOs Weight Comments/Descript
1. Test:
Short answer questions based
on Weeks 1, 2 and 3 content.
Week 4 1 1, 2, 3 10% Individual
(equivalent to 500
2. Report 1 and Presentation:
A report and 10-minute
presentation on an assigned
topic, analysing the impact on
ICT and society, and any legal
implications. Present the
report to the class.
Week 8
Week 9
2, 3, 4 1, 2 Report 40%
Report 2,000 words,
equivalent to 1,000
3. Report 2:
Investigate a contemporary
computer crime case study
and write a comprehensive
End of
1-4 1, 2, 3 40% Individual
(2,500 words)