Issue of work-life balance

134 views 11:03 am 0 Comments June 12, 2023

EDU4UML: Assessment Task 2 template

Name: Priyanka

Your statements

Copy and paste the following text from Padlet or class activity (Module 1):


Please fill in:
Your ‘issues statement’

(Your outline of your issue or problem covered in your poster)

The issue of work-life balance among Indian women is becoming increasingly important in today’s society. Doing a job along with managing household responsibilities causes difficulty for women to handle both at the same time [ CITATION Ami221 l 1033 ]. There are many things associated with the job, such as conflict with colleagues, burnout, lack of performance productivity, and a massive workload, which all contribute to an imbalance in the personal and professional lives of women. The lack of balance between work life and personal life leads to lower levels of job satisfaction and job performance among women workers as a result of poor work-life balance. A large part of the problem with mismanaging work-life balance today can be attributed to a lack of effective policies in the workplace that support women in their career and home lives. There is a perception among many Indian women that the work-life balance problems are caused by the unsupportive behavior of their families, the increasing need for up-to-date job-related skills, and conflicts within their families. Due to this, women suffer from burnout and blues, which ultimately hampers their productivity both at work and at home [ CITATION Sho14 l 1033 ].

Your ‘audience statement’

(Your outline of your intended audience)

Specifically, it is intended for women, including both those who are single and those who are married, who are working or looking for employment and are facing the major challenge of balancing work-life balance and working in business environments where women are employed. Employers, managers, supervisors, and co-workers are some of the groups of people that make up the audience of business organizations. It is intended that the audience of this poster work will be interested in finding out why work-life balance is a challenge, how they can relate to this challenge, or how they can see women employees in their daily work environment experiencing this challenge and finding solutions. Work demands and household demands are both pressures on women, and that impacts their mental health and their performance at work as well. The targeted audience will have the opportunity to discover facts and figures about the topic, and through this piece, they will be able to solve their problem in a detailed and insightful manner as a result.


Briefly describe the factors you considered when seeking to understand your issue (bullet points are fine). List any research that you used to inform your understanding of the issue.

In order to research well as well as acquire excellent understanding of the issue, following are the factors that were considered –

Background information: The background information such as detail information regarding what the issue is and why it is a problem was researched using the database like Google Scholar.

Targeted audience: To seek understanding of the issue, I considered the targeted audience such as women who are the major victims of the work –life balance. It directed me towards researching on work-life balance issue of both single and married Indian women to understand what the stats or existing studies say about the issue.

Impact of the issue: To understand the issue well, I also researched about the causes or consequences of women. Various consequences such as impact on mental health, physical health, family relations, relations with employees, and behaviour of women employees etc. were researched to measure how major this issue is.

Research used

The published work such as research articles, conference papers, government reports, and the statistical data available on the issue was considered during the research to enhance the understanding regarding the issue.

Your ‘How can we….so that’ statement

(Your problem definition statement, based on the design thinking process)

The Poor work-life balance causes issues of mental health and physical health which also lead to poor work-related performance and job satisfaction (Andukuri, et al., 2013). So, to address all of these issues, it is important to introduce systematic programs such as paid leaves and flexible working hours at the workplace to cooperate with women.

Your poster design ideas

Insert the three poster ideas that you created in Session 2 and added to the Padlet. Your ideas can be rough: you don’t need to be a good artist. It’s the ideas that count.

Bold color schemes: Color schemes that are bold can be featured in a poster in order to grab the attention of the target audience. There is no doubt that posters with bold colors are going to dominate the minds of the readers as they will attract their attention towards what is being written on the poster. The poster can be made to stand out from the crowd by using this technique.

Organizing in blocks: There is another idea which can be followed when designing a poster and that is to divide or organize the poster into blocks for the poster to be organized in such a way that it can provide a more effective structure for the poster. With the same design, lots of information such as content, ideas, issues, and solutions can be organized well in the organized blocks so that the information can be added efficiently. The clean and concise space between the blocks can attract the readers to read the information in all blocks.

Place the content in one place: In order to create an interesting and creative poster, the content of the poster needed to be gathered in one place. A reader is able to find all of the information in one place since all of the information is contained in one place. This poster does not differ from the others in the way that the information is not arranged in one space but in the way it is presented.

Your poster feedback

Copy and paste the following text from Padlet:

The three or more items of feedback you have provided to your peers on their poster ideas

Theme-based poster: I would agree that theme-based posters have their own attractiveness. Creating a poster that seems appropriate to the topic enhances the value of the poster.

Visual presentation: I agree with you on adding images or pictures along with the text to enlighten the audience regarding the issue with a textual and visual presentation in a poster.

Light color scheme: I do not think that adding light-shaded colors can improve the attractiveness and creativeness of the poster. In my opinion, light colors sometimes make the poster look dull, and to enhance the visualization of the poster, dark and bright colors can make it better.

Your response to peer feedback about your poster ideas

Placing content in one place: I am thankful for your response. I may agree with your response that placing content in one place without the use of pictures may make the poster unattractive. As it can be against creative design making. I would consider your response that in making a poster look professional, it is important to understand where content needs to be added.

Organizing in blocks: Thankful for your response and positive feedback that organizing the poster in blocks is important because it can help to add the required information need to be added to enhance the understanding of the targeted audience. I may consider your feedback that organizing as many blocks with color-filled outlines of the blocks to enhance the credibility of the poster.

Bold color schemes: I may not agree with your feedback because in my opinion, using bold colors in a poster can be attractive to the human eye and it achieves the purpose of catching the intention of the audience.

Your final poster

Insert your final poster design here:


Andukuri, R. S., Shravanthi, Deshmukh, S. S., & Nanjappan, D. (2013). Work Life Balance of Women in India. International Journal of Research in Management Sciences , 1 (1), 83-92.

Sundaresan, S. (2014). Work-Life Balance – Implications For Working Women. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development , 7 (7), 93-102.

Verma, A. (2022). A Study on Work-Life Balance of a Female Employee in Indian Industry. International Journal of Special Education , 37 (3), 1429-1439.

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