Introduction to the Profession of Nursing

87 views 9:23 am 0 Comments April 26, 2023

NURS1001: Introduction to the Profession of Nursing
Callaghan and Gosford Semester 1 – 2023
Page 9 of 20

Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item
to pass the course.
Length 1000 words plus 10%. This excludes subheadings and reference list.
Due Date Friday 28th April @2300hrs
Submission Method Online.
Return Method Online.
Assessment Criteria See Attachment 1
Feedback Provided Online
Opportunity to
Students may be given the opportunity to attempt this assessment in accordance with the
Adverse Circumstances policy.
Assessment 3 –Presentation
Assessment Type In Class Presentation
Description This assessment requires students to work in groups and create a powerpoint
presentation that will be presented in class
. One student in the group will be
required to submit the narration
(what you are going to say in the presentation) on
behalf of the group via a word .doc to Turnitin prior to the presentation weeks.
Students will work in groups of 3 students (Groups of 2 or 4 students will subject to
tutor approval).
The assessment is to work in a group and complete the tasks
There are 4 tasks in total.
Even though this is an individual component of the group activity students will need
to work as a group.
Firstly, as a group select one of the model or framework’s below to be used in task 1
and 2.
Roper-Logan-Tierney Model (Holland & Jenkins, 2019)
Person-Centred Care Framework (McCormack & McCance, 2006)
Then each group member is select
one task from the 3 below to complete.
Each task will be presented in
one slide with an approximate 2-minute narration. It
is expected that individual students present their own slide.
Each slide is to include citations and the students name in the bottom of the slide.
Groups with 2 students must answer Task 1, 2.
Groups with 3 students must answer Task 1, 2, 3.
Groups with 4 students must answer Task 1, 2, 3, 3.
1. Select one of the two models/framework below and provide a brief overview
of the model and how it relates to person centred care
Roper-Logan-Tierney Model
Person-Centred Care Framework (McCormack & McCance, 2006)