Introduction to the Built Environment

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Assessment Guide

Module Code and Name

CMA3003: Introduction to the Built Environment

Module Leader

Dr. Mehran Barani Shikhrobat


October 2022



Assessment component(s)


Restrictions on time/word count

3000 words



Assessment weighting(s)


Hand in date(s)

Monday 15th May 2023 before 23:59

Planned feedback date(s)

3 weeks from submission date

Assessment Task(s) – Summary

You are required to write a 3000-word essay discussing various aspects of ONE construction project in the UK, you must identify the main professional bodies involved and discuss the socio-economic impact of the construction industry to the UK economy and society.

Assessment Task(s) – Detailed Instructions

Additional information/guidance:

Introduction (approx. 200 words)

Encourage the reader’s attention, introduce the topic generally, thesis statement and structure of essay.


Investigate the various sectors of the built environment within the construction industry (approx. 300 words)

You may want to introduce the different sectors within the construction industry; public sector and private sector. How are these different?

Select an example of a construction project in the UK (approx. 800 words)

Provide a detailed background of the selected UK construction project.

Identify when the project started and was completed, describe the types of activities that took place in the main phases of the project, refer to the project lifecycle discussed in class.

Identify the main professionals and professional bodies involved in your selected project (approx. 700 words)

Define the roles and responsibilities of the main professional bodies involved in the selected UK construction project, as well as the way they contribute to the completion of the project (You can use graphs or tables to illustrate this).

Highlight the benefits of the construction industry to the UK economy and local communities (approx. 600 words)

Discuss in detail a range of social benefits and financial benefits that the selected UK construction project has brought to the local community.

Reflection on the selected UK construction project (200 words)

Outline the reasons why you selected the specific UK construction project. You can discuss; why you selected the project, what interests you the most about it and if what recommendations could you make to improve the project.

Conclusion (approx. 200 words)

Restate thesis statement, review the key points of your essay.

Assessment criteria/marking rubric (personalise this to your specific module assessment requirements)

Component 1

Dimensions 70 – 100% (1st) 60 – 69% (2:1) 50 – 59% (2:2) 40 – 49% (3rd) 0 – 39% (Fail)
Criterion 1 (25%)

Selected an appropriate construction related project from the UK, introduced the background of the project in detail, has described the various types of activities that took place in the main phases of the project and has referred to the project lifecycle.

Student has selected an appropriate construction project, has excellently detailed the background of the project, described wide range of activities that took place in the project and has clearly presented details on the project life cycle. Student has selected an appropriate construction project, provided good detail on the background of the project, described a good range of activities that took place in the project and has clearly presented details on the project life cycle. Student has selected an appropriate construction project, detailed the background of the project, described some activities that took place in the project and has presented some details on the project life cycle. Student has selected a construction project, poorly detailed the background of the project, unsatisfactory discussion of activities that took place in the project, student did not mention the project life cycle stages. Student has a provided a poor background of the selected construction project, with minimal discussion on the project activities involved and the project life cycle.
Criterion 2 (25%)

Identified the roles and involvement of a range of professional bodies in the selected project.

Student has an excellent understanding of the roles and responsibility of professional bodies in the selected project. Student has a good understanding of the roles and responsibility of professional bodies in the selected project. Student has displayed some understanding of the roles and responsibility of professional bodies in the selected project. Student has displayed basic understanding of the roles and responsibility of professional bodies in the selected project. Student has a poor or no understanding of the roles and responsibility of professional bodies in the selected project.
Criterion 3 (20%)

A range of economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK have been presented.

Student has an excellent understanding of the economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK. Student has a good. Understanding of the economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK. Student has some understanding of the economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK. Student has a basic understanding of the economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK. Student has a poor or no understanding of the economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK.
Criterion 4 (10%)

Reflection on the choice of UK construction project.

Student has clearly articulated a range of reasons why they have selected the chosen UK construction project. Student has articulated a range of reasons why they have selected the chosen UK construction project. Student has adequately articulated a range of reasons why they have selected the chosen UK construction project. Student has provided a poor range of reasons why they have selected the chosen UK construction project. Student has not provided details of the why they have selected the chosen UK construction project.
Criterion 4 (10%)

Reading and referencing.

Illustration of a wide range of sources which are formatted according to Harvard referencing style.

Insightful and effective use of a carefully selected range of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing. Student has a good. understanding of the economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK. Student has some understanding of the economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK. Student has a basic understanding of the economic and social benefits of construction projects to the UK. Poor engagement with essential texts and no evidence or very limited evidence of wider reading. Heavily reliant on taught elements. Inconsistent and weak or no use of referencing.
Criterion 5 (10%)

Presentation of work, essay is well structured, formatted and designed.

Exemplary presentation of work that is fluent and flawless throughout. Well-formed presentation of work that is coherently structures and clearly expressed throughout. Work is structured in a largely coherent manner and is for the most part clearly expressed. Ordered presentation in which relevant ideas/ concepts are reasonably expressed. Work is poorly presented in a disjointed manner. Information and ideas are poorly expressed, with weak English and/or inappropriate style.

Learning Outcomes

This assessment will enable you to demonstrate in full or in part the following learning outcomes as identified in the module descriptor (delete/add rows as appropriate):

LO1 Knowledge of key terminology for the varied disciplines in the construction industry

LO2 Knowledge of the roles, responsibilities of construction and trade professionals

LO3 Introductory understanding of the construction industry and its socio-economic impact on local communities

LO4 Foundational knowledge of the construction design process


Referencing Requirements

Guidance for Online Submission Through Moodle

All assessments should be submitted to the module Moodle site (Assessments tab) by no later than 23:59 on the designated submission date. For guidance on how to upload your work to Moodle, please see:

Late Submissions

If you miss a coursework deadline (unless you have arranged an approved extension), the following penalties will apply:

Work handed in after the deadline, but before the cut-off date (usually one week later), will be given a maximum score of 40 (pass mark);

Work handed in after the cut-off date will be marked zero (fail).


How to Arrange an Extension

Contact your Student Success Tutor at GBS to request an extension in advance of the coursework deadline. You should provide a valid reason for requesting an extension, e.g. illness, and you must support your claim with evidence.

The normal extension period is a week, anything more than a week must be applied for and approved by BSU as Exceptional Circumstances (see section below).

Exceptional Circumstances


Academic Misconduct

Academic Integrity is essential for the successful completion of your studies.

If you do not understand how to properly reference your work you risk accidentally committing academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, collusion or cheating. This may result in you failing an assignment or a module. Repeated academic misconduct can lead to more serious consequences.

All student work submitted at GBS is thoroughly checked by anti-plagiarism software to ensure it is your own work and not the work of others.

Click here to go to our Academic Integrity course to learn more about this important topic and how you can avoid academic misconduct.


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