Introduction to Pain Management

185 views 9:00 am 0 Comments October 18, 2023

PAIN711 2023
Introduction to Pain Management
Assignment 2: Information Resource
50% of final grade
Due: Monday 16th October 2023
This assessment is designed to give you an opportunity to investigate a new/emerging treatment
for pain, and to practice translating your knowledge of the evidence-based management of pain
for patients. In this assessment, you will produce a resource that you may be able to use in your
clinical practice/situation.
You have been asked to create a Patient Information Resource about a new/emerging treatment
for pain (of your choice) for use in your clinical practice setting. You have creative license as to
what format this resource will take, but it needs to contain enough information for a patient to
give informed consent.
1. Select a new/emerging pain management approach/treatment for either acute or chronic
pain (eg: deep brain stimulation, virtual reality, ‘medicinal cannabis’). There are no hard
rules about how ‘new’ a treatment must be, but as a guide, your treatment should not be
available in the majority of clinics within New Zealand. Feel free to get in touch with Mark
with queries.
2. Create a
Patient Resource describing this intervention/treatment in enough detail that
someone could give informed Consent. Your resource can take any format you see fit
but should be easy to understand, engaging and appropriate for a lay audience.
You should consider including information about:
a) Description of the treatment: What the treatment involves, what the patient can
expect both during and after treatment, where the treatment is available, who can
offer it, how long it takes, costs etc.
b) Scientific basis: How the treatment works (or is proposed to work), the theoretic basis or
proposed mechanism(s) etc.
c) Evidence of effectiveness: How well the treatment works, what the potential
benefits/outcomes are and how likely these are (ie: the evidence base) etc.
d) Safety considerations: Indications (for whom and when it might be best) and
contraindications (who not, when not, drug interactions), any potential side
effects or adverse events and the likelihood of these etc.
e) Alternatives: What the alternative or complementary treatment options are etc.
For a refresher on Informed Consent see the following resource provided on Blackboard:
You need to consider who your resource is for and use appropriate language for your target
For help with designing and writing your resource, see the ‘Helpful Resources’ provided on Blackboard
Your resource MUST include references to the literature. For the purposes of this
assignment, if you prefer, you may use an alternative referencing system other than APA
th (eg: a numbered system such as Vancouver or Chicago might be better and more
patient friendly).
For help with referencing styles, see the following resources provided on Blackboard:
Otago Libraries Subject Guide on ‘Referencing/Citation Styles’
3. Submit your Patient Resource via the Assessment Submission Portal on Blackboard by
the end of the day
on Monday 16th October 2023. Please note: Unless a late submission
request has been approved by the Paper Coordinator, a 5% penalty for late submission
of Assignments will be applied.
If your resource is in a format other than .PDF or .DOC please email
[email protected] before the due date to arrange an alternative way of
This assessment will be marked out of
50 marks using the Marking Rubric below and is worth 50% of your
Help with your assessment is available via the main Discussion Board Forum on
Blackboard. Please ask any questions here so that everyone can benefit from the
An example of an Information Resource by a previous student is available on Blackboard as an
Review the marking rubric below for areas you should focus on.
Many organisations create patient information resources, do an online search and see what you

PAIN711 2023 Assignment 2: Information Resource – Marking Rubric

Marks 15 – 12 11 – 10 9 – 8 7 – 0
Use of
15 marks
Has selected and synthesised a
wide range of appropriate, high
quality sources, developing a
coherent rationale for the selected
treatment. Has presented an up
to-date and balanced view
creatively by applying peripheral
literature when needed.
Has selected and applied a range
of quality sources, developing a
clear rationale for the selected
treatment. Attempts to present
an up-to-date and balanced
Appropriate literature has been
selected but is either presented
uncritically or used in a descriptive
way. Does not present a clear
rationale for the selected
Literature either not consulted,
irrelevant to assessment or of poor
15 – 12 11 – 10 9 – 8 7 – 0
15 marks
Summary is well-structured and
Presents information succinctly in
an easily useable way for target
Summary is clearly structured.
Presents information in a usable
way for target audience.
Summary is somewhat unclear or
not well structured
Information is not presented in a
usable way for target audience.
Presentation of summary is
inappropriate for target audience.
15 – 12 11 – 10 9 – 8 7 – 0
15 marks
Resource provides a
comprehensive overview of
treatment from the patient
perspective and contains more
than adequate information needed
for patient to give Informed
Resource provides an overview of
treatment from the patient
perspective and contains adequate
information needed for patient to
give Informed Consent.
Resource attempts to provide an
overview of treatment but may
not contain adequate
information for patient to give
Informed Consent.
Resource does not contain
adequate information for patient
to give Informed Consent.
5 4 3 2 – 0
5 marks
Citations are clearly presented
using a consistent referencing
style, allowing reader to source
Citations are presented using a
mostly consistent referencing style
allowing reader to source
Citations are presented but are
inconsistent, reader may not be
able to source all references.
Citations are not presented at all
or are presented in a way that
does not allow reader to source


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