Introduction to GNSS Equipment and Software

140 views 8:22 am 0 Comments March 31, 2023

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KGG306 Assessment 1, 2023 – Introduction to GNSS Equipment and Software
The aim of this assessment is to familiarise students with the GNSS equipment and software that will
be used throughout the unit. We will introduce basic static data collection and simple data
processing. We will also develop skills in Scientific Report Writing and Data presentation.
Fieldwork and Data Collection (27th February): see practical week 2 instructions
Data Processing & Analysis (6th March): see practical week 3 instructions
Report Length: ~4-6 pages (mostly tables, plots, images and field notes)
Submission Due: 5pm, Friday 24th March – PDF format via MYLO assignment dropbox
Data Analysis
1) INFINITY results
Your INFINITY results will be found in the .csv file that you created in the data processing
2) PPP results
Extract the ITRF2014 coordinates for your SS mark and for the 2 solutions (15 mins & 1+ hr) for
the SS12 site from the
PPP processing outputs from the data processing practical (= total of 5
PPP solutions)
You will need to extract the mean final coordinates (in degrees, minutes, seconds – dms) and the
lat/lon 95% sigmas (uncertainty) from the front page of the .PDF file
To compute horizontal uncertainty of the mean coordinates: