Introducing your Geographic Area

147 views 9:51 am 0 Comments March 31, 2023

Introduction: e-book Chapter 1 — Introducing your Geographic Area . Now it’s time to complete the first chapter of your e-book. This chapter is an introduction. It will fot be assessed yet. You will be able to come back to it at the end of the course and make any changes you wish to it. To write your introduction, take the following steps: 1. Choose your geographical area. AEE REN ANAS SAAR SA RN SR rubrics’ or rrr ns fa to lean m about how to deconstruct a rubric.) 3. Write a general description of the asographical: area that you have chosen. Include the following in your general description: | wl! i a. Where is it located? hi b. What are some of the special characteristics of this area? 0 Why did you choose this area? d You will come back to this file often throughout the course. . What living things are in this area?