International Strategy

159 views 7:45 am 0 Comments March 14, 2023

International Strategy

Individual Assignment


  • You are required to “Critically analyse International Strategy practices of a global company in an industry of your choice. Based on your critical analysis, provide managerial implications/recommendations for the chosen firm and industry.”


  • You are expected to apply relevant concepts and theories delivered in the module for at least 3 topics (covered during lectures). You can choose more topics from lectures, as long as the depth and breadth of the arguments are balanced.


  • Each lecture is allocated to a topic (e.g., RBV, IBV, and so on). Therefore, by choosing any of the lectures as a topic (e.g., IBV), you are expected to include all related themes/topics that are covered during the corresponding lecture.


  • Following APA referencing style is mandatory for this assignment.


  • Any industry/global company can be chosen, and you do not need to justify your choice.


  • Word Count: 3000 words, +/-10%, excluding the table of contents/figures/cover page of the assignment (e.g., student’s name and ID, name of the module, lecturers’ name) and the reference list.


  • The assignment should be double-spaced, in a 12-size font throughout, using either Times New Roman or Arial fonts. The pages should be numbered, and the margins should not be less than 1 inch on all sides.


  • A short (10 min approximately) individual presentation (as a summary of the report) is expected from all students during weeks 11 and 12 (weeks commencing 09 and 17 April accordingly). Students are supposed to inform me about their chosen week in advance (e.g., by week 10).


  • Submission deadline of the written assignment is 30/04/2023.
  • If there is any question about the above-mentioned points, please share it during the lectures/seminars, therefore all students can benefit from the answers/clarifications.



Marking rubric


Criteria Weight Outstanding (86-


Excellent (78-85.9%) Good-V. Good (66-


Sat.–V. Sat. (54-


Pass (50-53.9%) Fail (0-49.9%)
Application of relevant theories/models/definitions for the chosen topics  



Exceptional use of relevant theories/models/definitions Very good use of relevant theories/models/definitions  

Good use of relevant theories/models/definitions

Satisfactory use of relevant theories/models/definitions Rather limited use of relevant theories/models/definitions No/very limited use of relevant theories/models/definitions
Real-world data collection and analysis for the chosen topics  


Exceptional real-world data collection and analysis Very good real-world data collection and analysis Good real-world data collection and analysis Satisfactory real-world data collection and analysis Rather limited real-world data collection and analysis No/very limited real-world data collection and analysis

Conclusion and recommendations




Excellent conclusion and recommendations section Very good conclusion and recommendations section Good conclusion and recommendations section Adequate conclusion and recommendations section Rather limited conclusion and recommendations section No/very limited conclusion and recommendations section

APA Referencing



Referencing clear, relevant and

consistent. Virtually error-free

Referencing relevant and consistent with few errors  

Referencing relevant with some errors

Inconsistent referencing with some errors Inconsistent, incoherent referencing No/very limited referencing






Exceptionally fluent structure, and clarity of expression.

Adheres well to style instructions


Language fluent thoughts and ideas clearly expressed. Adheres to style instructions.

Language mainly fluent, minor spelling and/or grammar and/or punctuation errors. Some

deviation from the style instructions.

Language understandable, meaning apparent but not explicit, grammar and/or spelling poor.

Deviation from style instructions.

Language rather far from fluent, meaning rather unclear, grammar and/or spelling rather poor. Style

instructions rather poorly followed.

Language far from fluent, meaning unclear, grammar and/or spelling very poor.

Style instructions not followed.