International Logistics

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International Logistics
2022/23 Spring Term
Assessment 002: Individual Essay
1. Individual Coursework Marking Criteria and Grading Standards
The performance of students is assessed by the assessment method – ‘Individual
as appropriate to the level and learning outcome of the assessment protocol.
The individual coursework consttutes 80% assessment weightng for this module. Students
are required to write an individual coursework/essay (1500 words) by Incorporatng the
following ideas.
Background of Assignment Topic:
Logistcs is primarily a military term, so the frst applicatons were in military areas.
However, the word’s main importance was frst understood during World War II and then
started to be viewed and applied to logistcs as a scientfc subject. Afer World War II, many
U.S. enterprise businesses recognized the importance of logistcs and started to take
advantage of logistcs services beginning in 1960 and contnuing to the present.
Businesses gave importance to transportaton in order to maintain their existence in a
compettve environment. However, length of distances and the importance of tme
management have been compettve factors, and businesses must act by integratng various
transportaton systems. As a result, control of transportaton systems has become an
important factor. Companies have considered transportaton as strategically important in
order to maintain the speed of their actvites and avoid losing their market share.
You are to write an individual report clearly identfying the following:
Recognising today’s endless globalizaton and internatonalisaton, companies are
required to improve their logistc capacity. How this supports the views that supply
chain management plays an important role in natonal and internatonal trading.
Support the answer by providing relevant examples and critcal arguments –
to be
done by week 3.
(450 words)
Critcally evaluate the need for more stringent regulaton around environmental,
ethical, and social supply chain management by considering the theoretcal and
other aspects pertnent to this area; highlightng the relevance of CSR, Green
logistcs etc. –
to be done by week 7
(450 words)
Considering the factors of future challenges like protectonism, failure to secure free
trade agreements and development of disruptve technologies in this rapidly
changing global world; recommend the innovatve ideas that the emerging markets
have to adopt and critcally evaluate how logistcs industry can be an integral part in
this sort of dynamic world –
to be done by week 10
(450 words)
Produce a conclusion to your report – to be done by week 11
(150 words)
Week 12 – Submission deadline: Friday 5th May 2023 by 3pm online on Turnitn
(Word-processed document)
It is recommended to write your essay with the structure of:
Cover Page with your student ID, Module Code and Name, Date for Submission,
Word Counts
Main Body used for answering these questons
Appendix (not compulsory)
Overall, the essay will be assessed based on the above marking rubrics,
standards and criteria as below,
Content: accuracy, relevance, focus and coverage
Constructon of argument: integraton and coherence of structure
Quality of argument: evidence of understanding, judgement, critcal analysis,
originality, logic and synthesis
Reading and research: demonstraton of independent reading
Quality of communicaton: overall presentaton, language and clarity.
Please use the sources listed in your FE7061 handbook:
Main Text
Manners-Bell, J. (2016) An Introducton to Global Logistcs. Kogan Page.
Secondary Reading
Chick G. and Handfeld R.B. (2015) The Procurement Value Propositon: The Rise of
Supply Management. Kogan Page.
Christopher. M., Logistcs and Supply Chain Management (4th Editon) Financial
Dani., S.D. (2015) Food Supply Chain Management and Logistcs: From Farm to Fork.
Kogan Page
Manners-Bell, J. (2014) Supply Chain Risk, Kogan Page.
Manners-Bell, J. (2017) Supply Chain Ethics, Kogan Page.
Manners-Bell, J. (2014) Logistcs and Supply Chains in Emerging Markets, Kogan
Morana, J. (2013) Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Wiley
Roe, M., Xu, W., Song, D. Optmizing Supply Chain Performance (2015)
Sindi, S. H., Roe, M. (2017): Strategic Supply Chain Management. Palgrave
Trautrims, A., Wong, C.Y. & Grant D.B. (2015) Sustainable Logistcs and Supply Chain
Management (Revised Editon). Kogan Page.
Whybark, D.C., Jacobs,F.R., Vollmann, T.E., and Berry W.L.(2011)Manufacturing
Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management McGraw Hill (APICS/CPM
Certfcaton editon)
Yücesan, E. Compettve Supply Chains (2016) Palgrave
The Internatonal Journal of Logistcs Management viz Issue 1 2013 Special Issue:
Ocean freight logistcs.
Internatonal Journal of Logistcs Systems and Management
Internatonal Journal of Logistcs Research and Applicatons
Internatonal Journal of Logistcs Management Logistcs Research

The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistcs (AJSL)
Journal of Business logistcs
Logistcs Manager
Supply Chain Management:
Operatons and Supply Chain Management
Journal of Sustainable Transportaton,
Signifcant Web sites
You Tube items
GS1 Australia (EPICS)
UK Chartered Insttute of Logistcs and Transport
Walmart Supply Chain
Simchi-Levi. D., Kaminsky. P., Simchi-Levi E., Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3e with Student
CD 3rd Editon

Please note that this grading system is very different to the one which applies to
undergraduate submissions.
(70%+) The coursework is an excellent piece of work, demonstratng that the students
possess an authoritatve grasp of internatonal logistcs and supply chain
management concepts and their applicaton; content appropriate to the subject
being assessed;
are focused and show awareness and understanding of academic publicatons and
their value
are able to synthesise, analyse, interpret and summarise material in a business
select and organise material with consistent success at an exceptonally high level
and make excellent use of sources; excellent use of the Harvard Referencing System.
can display depth of thought and personal insight, and can express their arguments
(60-69%) The piece of work submited proves the students’ good level of
understanding, organisaton and interpretaton of internatonal logistcs and supply
chain management concepts, theories and applicaton, and clear grasp of an
appropriate material suitably focused on the topic.
synthesis of material; responses reveal insight and may offer some depth of thought,
though the work is not critcal.
referencing systems
use of language, spelling, writng style and grammar.
(50-59%) The piece of work demonstrates that the students’ grasp of internatonal logistcs
and supply chain management material is such as to enable coherent responses to the topic.
The students’ knowledge of concepts is just about right, performance may be routne, the
work might be unbalanced (weaker analysis for example), with slight grammar/spelling/style
mistakes, but is appropriately organised. A modest degree of insight is usual at this level,
with conclusions but poor in recommendatons. Some parts may be fragmented or irrelevant
to the purpose of the assessment.
(49% and below) The piece of work reflects students’ defcient performance in most
respects, revealing an inadequate grasp of material, poor internatonal logistcs and supply
chain management concept understanding and applicaton, poor referencing system, poor

organising ability and poorly developed communicaton skills; ofen very poor English
grammar or academic writng style is also evident. Work with a lot less than the accepted
lower word limit are likely to be included in this range too; also work lacking a good
conceptual understanding and/or any form of reference list.