International comparative Human Resource Management

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International comparative HumanMarketing Research and Data Analysis Resource Management


Assignment 1

Module Tutor:

Phil Bowen

International and comparative Human Resource Management (HRMM060)

Assignment 2

This assignment requires you to provide a 3,000 word report reflecting upon the case study. The full assignment brief is shown below together with the criteria against which the assignment will be assessed.

The assignment submission date: 22nd May 2014

This date is not negotiable and no extensions will be given. If you are unable to submit your assignment by the required date you must make an application through the university’s mitigating circumstances policy. Details of the mitigating circumstance policy can be found in the student code at

You should submit your assignment electronically through the Turnitin facility on the NILE site. Marks will be posted on NILE. Please note your tutor is however unable to read or make comments on drafts of assignments or resubmitted assignments.

Remember to keep a copy of your assignment.

Assignment brief

This assignment is based on the case study of Crompton and Smythe Ltd. You should read and analyse the case study material and fully answer the assignment brief. In doing so, you should draw on academic literature sources and research evidence to support your analysis and proposals. Avoid over-reliance on web-based sources of information.

Background to organisation

Crompton & Smythe is a Northampton company specialising in the production of handmade shoes and leather products. Founded as a family enterprise in the 1930s, the company has expanded over the decades and now employs about 150 people at its Northampton headquarters. Traditionally, the company has only exported its products from Northampton but Crompton & Smythe has now decided to purchase manufacturing plants in low-cost countries in order to increase profits.

In its first venture overseas, Crompton & Smythe recently purchased a small shoe factory in an industrial area in Germany. This plant, which was set up by a prominent local German businessman three years ago and which currently employs about 80 staff, has operated quite well since its creation, but uses somewhat outdated manufacturing technology and is being sold as the present owner wants to move to Germany and needs funds to enter a different field of business there.

Having now acquired whole ownership of the plant, Crompton & Smythe wish to send a team of three expatriates to Germany, comprising a General Manager, a Finance Manager, and a Production Engineer to manage the plant, ensure that it runs efficiently, oversee the quality of production and prepare the company as a basis for expanding operations throughout Eastern Europe. Part of the output will be marketed in Germany; the rest will be exported to other European countries and to the Middle East. The Finance manager is a disabled woman in a wheelchair and requires support. It is expected that the assignment will be of three years duration. Thereafter, it is anticipated that the German operation will be managed by local managers.

Crompton & Smythe has never operated outside Northampton before and consequently has no international experience base. It has also incurred a substantial cost for acquiring its German plant. As a result, Crompton & Smythe’s top management is somewhat apprehensive about its three expatriates failing to achieve their objectives in Germany and is seeking qualified advice as to what needs to be done to “locate, prepare and manage the performance” of these managers in order to maximize their chances of success in the foreign environment and to justify the expenditure undertaken.

Having completed an MBA programme at Northampton Business School, with a specialism in International Human Resource Management, you apply in response to an advertisement by Crompton & Smythe and are promptly hired by the company as a short-term consultant. The company’s Vice-President has allocated a budget of £150,000 which includes your consultancy fees of £12,000, in return for locating and preparing prospective expatriates from within Crompton & Smythe in Northampton for assignment to Germany. He also informs you that all three expatriates must be in that country as soon as possible, preferably no later than four weeks from today.

Assignment brief

You have been asked to write a report to the board of Crompton & Smythe detailing the requirements for successful transition of the three expatriates to their roles in the organisation in Germany.

It is essential that you make theoretical references and include sources using Harvard referencing. (Do not use Wikipedia).

Critically analyse and evaluate the employee relations strategy that the organisation could establish for the German operation and subsequent expansion into other countries? (Include and reflect on high, low and medium behaviours/ societies; possible merger, acquisition, joint venture)

Assess the cultural differences and similarities that the three expatriates may face in Germany?

Identify the training and development required for the expatriates to fit in with their new colleagues?

Assess and describe the pay and benefits package that could be offered to the expatriates?

Analyse and explain the arrangements the organisation would need to make for the three staff for their successful repatriation to the UK?

Notes/ Guidance

You are required to address each of the points raised in the brief.

Provide definitions

You need to incorporate theory and sources in your report

Provide possible examples from the case study.

Harvard referencing needs to be provided.

Do not use Wikipedia.

Do not simply copy and paste.

Suggested report format

Title Page

Contents page

1 Introduction

Begin with brief details of the aims and objectives of the report.

Provide background.

2. Report detail

Reflect on theory, findings and observations. Balance these and compare.

Reflect on each of the tasks/ headings and analyse/ evaluate/ compare.

3. Conclusion and recommendations

Pull together your findings/ theories and observations.

Provide recommendations.

Referencing (Harvard referencing)

Any relevant Articles / Appendix

Assessment criteria

Your assignment will be assessed against the following criteria;

Business awareness – appreciation of international, national and organisational context 20%

Knowledge of the subject matter – evidence of wide reading and a comprehensive familiarity with the topic reinforced by citations from appropriate third-party sources, research and relevant literature 30%

Critical thinking – demonstration of the ability to analyse and evaluate both theory and research and to make objective and impartial judgements and proposals 30%

Application capability –the development of firm conclusions which reflect the analysis undertaken 10%

Presentation and persuasion skills – the systematic organisation and presentation of the report so that it is coherent, convincing, accurate, reader-friendly and businesslike 10%

It is essential that your assignment is thoroughly researched, clearly focused on the assignment brief and that the analysis is full, convincing and supported by up to date and appropriate academic references. The Centre for Academic Practice has produced a range of open learning materials to help students with assignment preparation and production. These are available at

In particular the following materials will be useful for you;

Critical thinking and logical argument skills

Building an argument

Analytical thinking

Report writing and report layout

Suggested report format

Title Page

Contents page

1 Introduction

Begin with brief details of the aims and objectives of the report.

Provide background.

Provide summary

3. Report detail

Reflect on theory, findings and observations. Balance these and compare.

Consider SWOT/ PESTLE factors relating to the topic and organisation

Reflect on each of the tasks/ headings and analyse/ evaluate/ compare.

4. Conclusion and recommendations

Pull together your findings/ theories and observations.

Provide recommendations.

Bibliography & Referencing (Harvard referencing)

Any relevant Articles / Appendix

Reading List:

Brewster C, Sparrow P and Vernon G (2007) International Human Resource Management, 2nd edition, CIPD

Briscoe D, Schuler R and Claus E (2009) International Human Resource Management, Routledge, 3rd edition

Dowling P, Welch D and Schuler R (1999) International Human Resource Management. Managing People in a Multinational Context, South-Western

Edwards T and Rees C (2006) International Human Resource Management. Globalization, National Systems and Multinational Companies, FT Prentice Hall

French R (2008) Cross-cultural Management in Work Organisations, CIPD

Harris H, Brewster C and Sparrow P (2003) International Human Resource Management, CIPD

Harzing A-W and Ruysseveldt J (2004) (eds) International Human Resource Management, Sage, 2nd edition

Özbilgin M (2005) International Human Resource Management. Theory and Practice, Palgrave

Jackson T (2002) International HRM. A cross-cultural approach, Sage

Joynt P and Morton B (1999) The Global HR Manager. Creating the Seamless Organisation, CIPD

Lucas R, Lupton B and Mathieson H (2006) HRM in an International Context, CIPD

Schneider S and Barsoux J-L (2003) Managing across Cultures, FT Prentice Hall, 2nd edition

Schuler R, Jackson S and Luo Y (2004) Managing Human Resources in Cross- Border Alliances, Sage

Scullion H and Lineham M (2005) International Human Resource Management. A Critical Text, Palgrave

Scullion H and Collings D (2006) Global Staffing, Routledge

Sparrow P, Brewster C and Harris H (2004) Globalizing Human Resource Management, Routledge

Tayeb M (1996) The Management of a Multicultural Workforce, John Wiley

Tayeb M (2005) International Human Resource Management. A Multinational Company Perspective, Oxford University Press

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