International Business Management

139 views 9:50 am 0 Comments March 20, 2023
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Apply your understanding of international business, market selection and entry modes to a specific organisationBritish
. Your report must be written about this organisation. You must seek approval from the Unit Coordinator if you
wish to use a different UK company other than the one allocated to you. Please specify your reasons for doing so.
You must evaluate the organisation’s current international strategy and recommend a new market to enter, the optimal entry
mode to be used and any other relevant information you deem important.


Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on: 20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)
15 working days after deadline (L6)
10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
Click or tap to enter a date.


Unit title & code International Business Management BSS044-3
Assignment number and title Assessment 1
Assessment type Written Report
Weighting of assessment 40%
Size or length of assessment 3,000 words
Unit learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
To demonstrate understanding of how international businesses operate within their strategic
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
To use appropriate research concepts and frameworks to evaluate international business




Specifically, you should make sure you include, at minimum:
An evaluation of the current international strategy of the organisation
A justified recommendation for a suitable new market to enter with supporting evidence and reasoning
A justified recommendation for a suitable entry mode to use with supporting evidence and reasoning
You will need to utilise both theoretical knowledge and necessary frameworks/tools relevant to the assessment alongside
strong consideration of practical issues and potential obstacles. You need to apply your research skills to find information and
literature on your selected company and potential markets.
You should also consider and discuss any relevant global trends that may affect international expansion for your chosen
business, including but not limited to Brexit, the impact of Covid-19 and changing global trade trends.
Additional Guidance:
1. The balance between market analysis and the actual planning/recommendations– ensure that your work is balanced
with regards to analysis and recommendations. For example, do not use a lot of words summarising the analysis, at the
expense of developing your recommendations and considering potential issues.
Clarity – planning needs to be very specific; stating that you will entry country X using entry mode Y is not enough. You
need to explain the rationale behind your choices, the academic tools/frameworks used, the issues that you took into
consideration and also demonstrate that you have given some thought to the implementation and implications of your
Academic content – you are expected to include academic material into your report rather than relying upon online
sources alone. You need to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical background of international business
through your citation of relevant academic content.
Executive summary – an executive summary should be written in a way that allows the executive who reads it to know
what the problem is and how it is to be solved. Essentially, it is a summary of your problem statement, objectives and
how to achieve them (i.e., how to solve the problem).
Secondary data use – Analysis should be supported with secondary data (from the literature). You should demonstrate
wider reading and acknowledge the sources of your information, both in the main body and in your bibliography.
Information pertaining to the potential markets and selected company should be sourced from reliable sources rather
than through general web search, you should speak to an Academic Librarian if you require assistance with this.
Presentation and structure – to achieve an excellent grade, your presentation needs to be immaculate – this includes
numbering tables, referencing correctly etc. Do not present a lot of data and information in tables as appendices. Data
or statistics that refer directly to your discussion in the main body, should be presented in the main body.
Tables and figures – tables and figures need to be numbered and each should have a title that is self-explanatory. Your
analytical content must be high, demonstrating critical thinking and the ability to apply relevant marketing concepts


8. Word limit 3,000 words. This will exclude your references in the executive summary, reference list, title page, table
of contents and the appendices. Please, note that your cover page must have your Full Name and ID Number.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Show sufficient knowledge of how international businesses operate within their strategic context. Use appropriate research concepts and
frameworks to evaluate and appraise international business practice.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the
Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
We will discuss and explore conditions for international market entry in scheduled sessions, developing and refining our
knowledge regarding market analysis, entry modes and other related academic theories, models and concepts. You should
develop this body of knowledge and apply to your individual reports.


How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.


3rd Class – 40-49% Lower 2nd – 50-59% Upper 2nd – 60-69% 1st Class – 70%+
Some use of academic literature but
with limited logical interrelation
with the problem set. Limited use of
relevant course concepts, models or
theories. Very limited understanding
of the industry in which the chosen
organization operates within.
Limited or no awareness of the
strategic context within which the
international business operates.
Minimum of 2 or more entry modes
discussed with some errors and/or
Fair use of academic literature
but lack of depth/connect to
problem set. Some use of
course concepts, models and
theories. Little understanding
of the industry in which the
chosen organization operates
within. Limited awareness of
the strategic context within
which the international
business operates. 3 or more
entry modes discussed with
minor errors and/or omissions.
Good use of academic
literature, good use of course
concepts, models and
theories but lacking in depth
and/or breadth. Some
understanding of the industry
and strategic context within
which the chosen
organization operates.
Multiple entry modes
discussed with general
Very good use of academic
literature in connection to
problem set and excellent
overall application of multiple
course concepts, models and
theories. Clear and proficient
understanding of the industry
and strategic context within
which the chosen organization
operates. Multiple entry modes
discussed with accuracy.
Quality (30%)
Poor quality of research with low
quality sources used. Poor input into
discussion and conclusion of report.
Fair quality of research but
limited in scope or depth,
limited input into discussion
and conclusion of report.
Good quality of research with
reasonable input into
discussion and conclusion of
report. May be limited in
Excellent quality and range of
research demonstrated, with
clear input into discussion and
conclusion of report.
Structure and
Poor structure and design with a
reasonable flow of ideas. Individual
points made with little connective
Fair structure and design.
Individual points have some
connection with attempt at a
persuasive overall argument.
Well-structured arguments
and design with reasonable
flow of the report.
Well-structured arguments
with good design of the
sections with good flow of


tissue in constructing persuasive
No report structure used or a very
poor, disjointed report structure
utilised. Referencing present but
frequent errors. Reference list
utilizes some references detailed in
the unit reference list.
Report structure used by with
errors and/or poor
implementation. Referencing
present but some errors.
Reference list includes some
references from those detailed
in the unit reading list.
Formal report structure used
for the most part of the
assessment. Mostly accurate
referencing. Reference list
includes a good number of
references from those
detailed in the unit reading
Formal report structure and
format used consistently
throughout the assessment.
Accurate referencing. The
reference list includes many
sources as detailed in the unit
reading list.