School of Education
EDPR3000 EDPR3006 EDP343 Inquiry in the Mathematics Classroom | Assessment 2 / Essay |Total marks: 50%
HD Exemplary (mark) | D Excellent (mark) | CR Proficient (mark) | P Sound (mark) | F Unresolved (mark) | |
Criterion 1 5 marks Provides a short rationale for, and a description of the inquiry task, and describes how the inquiry would develop over a series of lessons |
Sophisticated rationale provided; detailed and clear description of the inquiry task and how the task develops over a series of lessons |
Very good rationale provided; detailed and clear description of the inquiry task and how the task develops over a series of lessons |
Appropriate rationale provided; adequate description of the inquiry task and how the task develops over a series of lessons. |
Rationale provided.Questions/tasks may not meet all criteria in parts;originality;suitability. Rationale needs further development to identify key ideas. AC links attempted. |
Little or no rationale provided; minimal, no, or unclear description of the inquiry task and/or how the task develops over a series of lessons. |
Criterion 2 15 marks Writes a clear and comprehensive lesson plan for introducing the inquiry to a class of children |
Highly detailed lesson plan is provided including clear and specific lesson objectives; teaching strategies are highly appropriate in terms of lesson objectives. |
Strong lesson plan is provided including clear and specific lesson objectives; teaching strategies are highly appropriate in terms of lesson objectives. |
Appropriate lesson plan is provided including clear and specific lesson objectives; teaching strategies are appropriate in terms of lesson objectives. |
Lesson plan provided.Inconsistent pattern of teaching strategies and/or diversity and/or learning objectives. |
Lesson plan lacks detail and/or lacks clear lesson objectives; teaching strategies are less than appropriate, or not appropriate, in terms of lesson objectives. |
Criterion 3 10 marks Discusses the key content as well as typical strategies/ tasks/activities that would be effective in teaching of data handling, and which would cater for differentiation in the primary classroom |
Comprehensive, detailed and accurate discussion of the key content in the teaching of data handling; highly effective strategies for teaching data handling are discussed; creative strategies to differentiate teaching are evident. |
Strong, detailed and accurate discussion of the key content in the teaching of data handling; effective strategies for teaching data handling are discussed; a range of strategies to differentiate teaching are evident. |
Sound discussion of the key content in the teaching of data handling; sound strategies for teaching data handling are discussed; strategies to differentiate teaching are evident. |
Good discussion of key content in the teaching of data handling but depth missing in regard to effectiveness and application.Limited connection to key readings. |
Minimal, unclear, or inaccurate discussion of the key content in the teaching of data handling; strategies for teaching data handling are poorly understood, or absent; little or no strategies to differentiate teaching. |
Criterion 4 10 marks Discusses the key content as well as typical strategies/ tasks/activities that would be effective in teaching of probability, and which would cater for differentiation in the primary classroom |
Comprehensive, detailed and accurate discussion of the key content in the teaching of probability; highly effective strategies for teaching probability are discussed; creative strategies to differentiate teaching are evident. |
Strong, detailed and accurate discussion of the key content in the teaching of probability; effective strategies for teaching probability are discussed; a range of strategies to differentiate teaching are evident. |
Sound discussion of the key content in the teaching of probability; sound strategies for teaching probability are discussed; strategies to differentiate teaching are evident. |
Good discussion of key content in the teaching of probability but depth missing in regard to effectiveness and application.Limited connection to key readings. |
Minimal, unclear, or inaccurate discussion of the key content in the teaching of probability; strategies for teaching probability are poorly understood, or absent; little or no strategies to differentiate teaching. |
Criterion 5 5 marks Discusses the benefits of teaching through inquiry and describes one example of a strong inquiry task, investigation, exploration, or problem |
A comprehensive understanding of inquiry based lessons and tasks is evident. Enlightening examples of an inquiry-based task or lessons are provided |
A strong understanding of inquiry based lessons and tasks is evident. Quality examples of an inquiry-based task or lessons are provided |
A sound understanding of inquiry based lessons and tasks is evident. Clear examples of an inquiry-based task or lessons are provided |
A good understanding of inquiry-based lessons and tasks is evident. Some examples of an inquiry-based task or lessons are provided |
Weak, or no, understanding of inquiry-based lessons and tasks. Tasks or lessons provided don’t reflect an inquiry approach to learning. |
Criterion 6 5 marks Discussion is linked to A.C: Mathematics, and FSiM Key Understandings, and is supported by reference to key sources |
An extensive range of credible academic references, including sources from FSiM, are used to support discussion,; accurate links to the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. |
An very good range of credible academic references, including sources from FSiM, are used to support discussion,; accurate links to the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. |
A good range of academic references, including sources from FSiM, are used to support discussion,; some accurate links to the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. |
Satisfactory range of academic references to support discussion;links to FSiM,Australian Curriculum. |
Few, or no, academic references, including sources from FSiM, are used to support discussion; links to the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics lack accuracy or relevance. |
Criterion 7 Transcriptional elements of writing |
Essentially free from spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Fluent sentence and paragraph construction.5 marks |
Generally free from spelling, grammar, and punctuation,errors.Sentences and paragraphs are well-formed.4 marks |
Occasional minor spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Sentences and paragraphs are generally coherent.3 marks |
Frequent minor spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Some awkward construction of sentences and paragraphs.2.5 marks |
Frequent and seriousspelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Awkward or poor sentence and paragraph construction. 0-2 marks |
Career No marks Achievement in relation to career goals |
You have demonstrated exemplary achievement of the AITSL standards associated with this assessment. You can use this assessment as an example of these standards for your DPP. |
You have demonstrated excellent achievement of the AITSL standards associated with this assessment. You can use this assessment as an example of these standards for your DPP. |
You have demonstrated proficent achievement of the AITSL standards associated with this assessment. You can use this assessment as an example of these standards in your DPP. |
You have demonstrated sound achievement of the AITSL standards associated with this assessment. Once you have made minor revisions according to assessment feedback, you can use this assessment as an example of these standards in your DPP. |
Your achievement on the AITSL standards associated with this assessment is unresolved. In order to progress your knowledge of the task’s AITSL standards, you are encouraged to make major revisions to your assessment based on the feedback provided. |
Integrity Acting honestly, ethically and fairly is taken very seriously in the University and relates to the way you work with others and share information, conduct relevant research, incorporate evidence, acknowledge the ideas and work of others (which includes using APA7 referencing conventions correctly), and present your work. Breaches are reported and can lead to penalties. Refer to Curtin’s Academic Integrity webpage, which provides comprehensive information and guidance. s/rights/academic-integrity/ |
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically; exploring relevant research and situating your own ideas within the academic discourse; and using APA7 conventions consistently and precisely to reflect this. |
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including ensuring that the ideas of others gained from your reading and research are acknowledged by correctly using APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing conventions. |
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including ensuring that the ideas of others gained from your reading and research are acknowledged by correctly using APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing conventions. |
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including applying APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing conventions to acknowledge ideas of others gained from your reading and research; however, some minor errors indicate you need to be more vigilant about doing this accurately and consistently. |
Purposely left blank. |
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