Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment

137 views 10:51 am 0 Comments May 21, 2023

Student Name:
Student Number:
Griffith University
School of Engineering and Built Environment
7409ENG Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment
Sample exam questions
Closed Book, 10 min perusal, 1 hr 30 min Working Time
1. (10 marks) List and briefly explain
two (2) treatment options for water and/or
wastewater stream that contain trace/low heavy metal ions from industry sources.
2. (10 marks) How can the level of dissolved oxygen (DO) in industry water supply be
reduced? Present
one option only and (a) briefly explain the scientific and/or
engineering principles of the underlying processes, and (b) list the key design
parameters that need to be determined during the process design stage of the treatment
3. (15 marks) A processing industry generates an organic wastewater stream of 200
kL/day and it is to be treated on site and the effluent discharged into domestic
wastewater system for further treatment. The major compositions of the wastewater
stream are given below. Design a suitable treatment process for the onsite treatment.
Present your answer in (a) a schematic process flow diagram, which shows the flow
rates and BOD values of all key process streams, and (b) for each key processing unit
in your design, briefly explain the reasons for its inclusion in the treatment process.
Your design must be theoretically sound and practically feasible.

BOD (mg/L) Suspended solids (mg/L) pH
500 – 1200 10 – 50 3.0 – 5.0

4. (5 marks) Briefly discuss the concept of colour in the context of industry water use
and/or treatment.