MGT5PMT: Assessment 2 Individual Essay (1500 words) |
CRITERIA | A: Excellent (> 80 %) | B: Very good (70 – 79%) | C: Good (60 – 69%) | D: Acceptable (50 – 59%) |
N: Unacceptable (<50%) |
Knowledge and argumentation (25% of total mark) |
☐ Excellent use of relevant theories, concepts, terms and definitions and literature review relating to the topic. Excellent persuasive argumentation and discussion by using valid, relevant and effective examples. Relevant Evidence of a high level of independent research (reasoning and logic in academic research) (20-24 marks ) |
☐ Very good understanding of relevant theories and concepts, terms and definitions in an academic manner. Very good persuasive argumentation and discussion by using valid, relevant and effective examples. Evidence of logical arguments in academic research) (17.5-20 marks ) |
☐ Adequate / sufficient understanding of relevant theories and concepts, terms and definitions. Adequate/sufficient persuasive argumentation and discussion by using valid, relevant and effective examples. Little evidence of independent research (reasoning and logic in academic research(15-17.5 marks ) |
☐ Minimum use of relevant theories, concepts, terms and definitions. Minimum use of persuasive argumentation and discussion by using valid, relevant and effective examples; Poor evidence of independent research (reasoning and logic in academic research) (12.5-15 marks ) |
☐ Poor understanding of relevant theories and concepts, terms and definitions. No evidence of any persuasive argumentation and discussion no evidence of independent research (reasoning and logic in academic research). (<12.5 marks) |
Analyses and Discussions on Four Benefits (25% of total mark) |
☐ Evidence of a high level of independent research (using information beyond that provided in the subject) to address Question 1 through applying the relevant theories and concepts. Great attempt to theoretically justify and address risks arising from a crisis (e.g. COVID-19 Pandemic) in scheduling, resourcing, and budgeting a project. (20-24 marks ) |
☐ Evidence of an independent research to address Question 1 through applying the relevant theories and concepts. Very good attempt to theoretically justify and address risks arising from a crisis (e.g. COVID-19 Pandemic) in scheduling, resourcing, and budgeting a project . (17.5-20 marks) |
☐ Little evidence of independent research to address Question 1. Good attempts to link the relevant theories and concepts. Good attempt to address risks arising from a crisis (e.g. COVID- 19 Pandemic) in scheduling, resourcing, and budgeting a project . (15-17.5 marks) |
☐ Little evidence of independent research to address Question 1. Little attempt to address required points in Question 1. (12.5-15 marks) |
☐ No evidence of any independent research; Little attempt to link the relevant theories and concepts to Question 1. No evidence of addressing required points in Question 1. (<12.5 marks) |
Recommendations (15% of total mark) |
☐ Excellent proposition of 2 recommendations, addressing Question 2 and demonstrating a deep and broad understanding of the subject matter that can practically help future projects. (12-15 marks) |
☐ Very good proposition of 2 recommendations, addressing Question 2 and demonstrating an understanding of the subject matter that can practically help future projects. (10.5-11 marks ) |
☐ Good proposition of 2 recommendations, addressing Question 2 that can help future projects. (9-10 marks ) |
☐ Propositions of less than 2 recommendations addressing Question 2 and demonstrating an understanding of the subject matter that can practically help future projects. (7.5-8 marks ) |
☐ no or less than three recommendations that are not well-articulated in the essay. (<7.5 marks ) |
References & citations (15% of total mark) |
Choosing and using 6 or more peer reviewed journal articles. Correct citations within the text based on APA referencing style. (12-15 marks) |
Choosing and using 6 or more peer reviewed journal articles. A few errors in citations within the text based on APA referencing style. (10.5-11 marks) |
Using 4-5 peer-reviewed journal articles and/or book chapters and citations which are written sufficiently. (9-10 marks) |
Less than 4 peer-reviewed journal articles and/or book chapters /citation. Poor techniques of writing references and citations. (7.5-8 marks) |
Very poor referencing style, no references and/or no citations (<7.5 marks) |
Presentation, structure and clarity (20% of total mark) |
Excellent clarity in the text, presentation and structure in outlining and addressing key issues. Clearly dividing between introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, based on academic essay structure. Very strong logical connection between ideas, sequence and structure. No /a few grammatical mistakes. (16-20 marks) |
Very well and very clear presentation and structure. Addressing some key issues and demonstrating connection between ideas, sequence and structure. The use of different sections (introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion), based on academic essay structure. Existence of grammatical mistakes across the submission. (14-16 marks) |
Presentation and structure are logical and clear. Less attention to addressing the key issues and demonstrating connection between ideas, sequence and structure. Many grammatical errors, too many headings out of an essay structure. (12-14 marks) |
Poor presentation and structure. No headings or too many headings, less connection between ideas, sequence and structure and too many grammatical errors. (10-12 marks) |
Very poor Presentation and structure (<10 marks) |