110 views 8:33 am 0 Comments March 31, 2023

Assessment 2: Individual Analytical Essay (30%)

In this assessment task, you will build on assessment 1 essay preparation template by completing the essay in response to the statement below. 

Unit learning outcomes: 1,2,3
Weighting: 30%
Length: 1500 words
Due date: 11.59pm (AEST) Sunday of Week 8
Type: Individual essay
Submission: Submission via Turnitin

Assessment instructions

Consider the following statement:

Australia’s historical approach towards some people in our society has resulted in ongoing contemporary oppressive and/or discriminatory issues. Do you agree or disagree? Use key theories and structural historical factors (ie socio-cultural, legislation, policies or events) in Australia to support your position and highlight the implications for community services.


To complete this task:

Respond to this statement in an essay format with 1800-2000 words. 

Integration of material from the textbooks and readings on Moodle is essential.

Your written essay should also include at least 5 current (less than 10 years old) scholarly journal articles, as well as textbook references. Adherence to the course formatting guidelines (e.g. spacing, font, coversheet, wordcount) is essential. APA 7 referencing is required.

Supporting resources

See your prescribed textbook chapters, additional readings for activities unit outline materials, utilise Stotts College library and Google scholar to access peer reviewed resources on issues such as discrimination, oppression, structural inequality  etc. 

If you completed assessment 1 and you have not changed the focus then you should’ve received feedback that would support and provide direction forward for this essay. 

Assessment criteria

Your assessment task will be assessed according to the following criteria:


You will submit this assessment task via Turnitin.



CAS204 Managing Multiculturalism and Diversity T1-2023