In search of a research philosophy

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Case 4. In search of a research philosophy
As she contemplated these tha bdeecs;:ligAZ roeva:r,”1Veat rtet .rnwPaasbe°c;in’reurncg’wh: rues.ectharPic7′:Zt nhoYt Onnlyheshroeisrrd’hce; rpehsiel:cohp 7b9unt dt:taat :erne ct7oadrOir ann4YhOsdZ:d’bsy 6re (7,7,:sn re’itnd’i’ceart :Oaf rct research philosophy lanet was enthused and encouraged as she now recognrt. why her
h,:lesred’Pthhaas;s:,de ts);:i Zedd.`,7:107,::!:’,kh€,::,’oreesnesaur,(eht:=1,7, far he, ,P,`:,’:`,;:yastoc°Zsetret’al:e7:,’,’,:k7,:Tar:;:ce’haPdhL:=;:est`e7,70f,t7rnehc:,”,”,”`
as research outcomes (Alyesson and Skoldberg. 200, Mir et al , 20161 Moreover, Janet’s increasing awareness of her own values and research philosophy, and her ability to be retie..
late, over coffee. Janet had a thought-provoking discussion about research philosophies
meth.s tend. to be associated with particular research philosophies (Ms.°. and Clegg. 2003, Alvesson and Skoldberg. 2009; Mir et al , 20161, she began to wonder whether the way in which HARP had been fram.. designed and intend. to be used represented a particular philosophical perspectrve Enthused and intrigued. Janet decided to undertake further reading and drtcuss her rtteas with Brad She recognised that although she had only just b,un to understand her own assumptions a. re…, Ph,Ose.PhY. she coniel coml.. her re.arch P.Posal
References Al7zone.d::1 Skonldrz K (20091 Rellemv Methoddogy: New Vistas for Ovabtatwe Research e, A „leL2,0031′,R:f(lry9e8t;_qimin Organizational Research’ Ouestions and MK R , H=t, H. an1Greenwoocd.,,,n1S4.Z3=16) The Roodedge Comp.,. Phdosophy

Questions Itfh7c’hh.:17″, tevse°,:ry0:= pu:::::17:::iLounouu=Cr:hadiolOepte,cd 2 Wshcc=rnnpsov;t7n’t7c■rhlaaZ”teoagZStdy her research assumpuon„ Why „ Knportant for 3 rugnreeyouil’a717nert.71=aun”d’a:= her quest., ‘IS po„ble to have more than one
__philosophical position?’
Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
Case study extension question: 4 To what ertent . you c.sider the way HARP is tram. and design. and is intend. to be us. represents a panKular philosophrcal perspective? Give reasons for your answer
Additional case studies relating to material covered in this chanter are available this book, companion website• They are: . Marketing music products alongside emerging digital music channels. • 0…sultan, research for a not.for-profit organisation (C’h?:re’s’eat=lt Ise:171:r :rultY r:f?le:hs rheo’P;i79