Implement improved learning practice

92 views 8:40 am 0 Comments April 15, 2023

Implement Improved Learning
Project Portfolio
TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Project Portfolio, V. 2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works


Section 1: Evaluation and planning 4
Section 2: Testing and advocating 8

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Project Portfolio, V. 2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

Student name:
Organisation you are basing
this project on:
Relevant qualification, skill
set or unit:

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Project Portfolio, V. 2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

Section 1: Evaluation and planning


1. Describe the organisation
and the course you are
basing this project on.
2. Describe the cohort of
learners you are basing
this project on.
3. Provide an overview of
current training and
assessment practices.
What learning materials
are being used?
b. What training techniques
are being used?
c. What assessment
methods are being used?
d. What other resources and
equipment are being
e. How is technology
currently being used?
f. You will need to attach the
current Training and
Assessment Strategy

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Project Portfolio, V. 2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

(TAS) as part of your
4. How are you going to
conduct observations and
an analysis of your learner
This must include:
Their interests, abilities,
relationships and any
contextual needs.
b. Their unique learner
styles and how
appropriate the current
learning methods are for
c. This will involve data
collection and building
learner profiles.
d. Attach your evidence
once you have
completed your
observations and
5. Evaluation of advances in
learning practices
What advances in
practice have you
b. How do these advances
specifically apply to the
course you are basing
this project on?
c. How these are being
implemented by other
d. List your sources.

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Project Portfolio, V. 2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

6. Evaluation of technology
What is the role of
technology in this industry
b. What is the impact of new
technologies on learners
and training techniques
and how this could be
incorporated into your
learning environment?
7. Provide an evaluation for
how new learning
practices can be
introduced for your chosen
course and cohort in a
way that will ensure
learning practice still
reflects the qualification
What are the requirements
that must be met and how
can you ensure this when
introducing changes?
8. Why should changes be
When was the Training and
Assessment Strategy (TAS)
last reviewed and why is there
a need to review and
challenge existing practices?

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Project Portfolio, V. 2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

Summarise the changes
you are going to make to
learning practice for the
current course along with
your reasons why you
have chosen to this.
b. Include details of how you
have considered:
Learner styles, needs
and preferences
Advances in
contemporary practice
c. Make a copy of the TAS
and work your changes
into the copy.
Attach as evidence.
Attach: Current Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS)
Evidence of observations and data collection – analysis of
learners and their needs (surveys, learner profiles you
have developed etc.)
Revised Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS)

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Project Portfolio, V. 2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

Section 2: Testing and advocating


1. Testing approaches used
Outline how you tested
changes to learning
practice based on your
planning in Section 1.
b. Include details of testing
and trials that took place,
participants, timeframes,
successes and failures.
c. Attach evidence of testing
(documentation, modified
resources etc.)
2. Discuss the resources you
used during this phase.
How did you source them
b. how did you ensure they
were available?
3. Results
Summarise the results of
your testing and what
you’ve learned.
b. How was the learning
c. What were the comments
of the trial participants?
d. Attach evidence (surveys /
feedback forms / data

TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Project Portfolio, V. 2.0 January 2023, Approved Quality assurance & Compliance Manager
Pan Bird Pty Ltd t/a Tr4in Right l RTO Code 22281 l CRICOS Code 03618G Page
9 of 9
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works

4. Advocacy
Outline how you
advocated for improved
learning practice and
acted as a mentor to your
b. How did you share your
knowledge and
experience with others to
develop improved
c. Attach evidence.
Attach: Evidence of testing (videos, documentation, modified
resources etc.)
Evidence of results (surveys/data/graphs/feedback)
Evidence of advocacy and mentoring (article, blog, vlog,
video, presentation etc).