Identify the elements of the creative process

37 views 9:38 am 0 Comments March 12, 2023

The first goal of this course states that you should be able to “identify the elements of the creative process and trace the development of this process within yourself.” In this paper, you will be tracing your development as an artist.

You have just explored children’s artistic development, learned different approaches to understanding children’s art, looked at aesthetics, and discovered the meaning of creativity. Your 2-3 page in length paper, should consider the following: (To earn up to full points,

response should be in a paragraph format

A discussion of your childhood memories of you as an artist-

What did you do?

Did you enjoy it, why or why not?

How did your parents and/or teachers respond to your efforts?


how you felt about doing art activities when you first started this class and how your feelings have changed and/or remained the same.

Discuss how you have grown and developed as an artist in the past few weeks. What if anything has happened in this class to influence your feelings and abilities?

Write about the most significant information you have learned about teaching creative art to young children, including talking to young children about their art.

Note: Make sure you include your resources.