Identify an environmental organization

136 views 10:27 am 0 Comments April 28, 2023

Purpose: You will identify an environmental organization, gather information about it, and answer questions about what you have learned.
Examples of environmental organizations: African Wildlife Foundation, American Bird Conservancy, Humane Society of the US, National Audubon Society, National Wildlife Federation, World Wildlife Fund, National Religious Partnership for the Environment, Children’s Environmental Health Network, Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Food Safety. If you have an organization in mind and wish to learn more about them, that is acceptable, as long as the organization’s purpose is environmental-related. If you are unsure, please check with me.
Provide the following information about your organization, in the following format/order:
1. Name
2. Primary objectives/goals
3. Activities (how do they accomplish their goals/objectives)?
4. Length of time in existence
5. Method of communicating their message to the public
6. Role of members
7. Is the organization influential when it comes to decisions made by governing bodies? Please explain.
8. Summary/reflection
a. Your impression of the organization in general
b. Do you agree with their mission/purpose?
c. Do you believe that they are effective? Why or why not?
d. Is there anything you feel they should do differently? Why or why not?