Human side of projects

124 views 9:31 am 0 Comments May 26, 2023

a topic area for discussion (as it relates to project management):


Human side of projects (e.g. stakeholder management, PM skills, teaming, etc.)



You are required to:


Develop a specific research question regarding an aspect of the topic selected;

Adopt an explicit viewpoint in regard to the formulated question;


Advance written arguments to substantiate and support your viewpoint.


As a targeted literature review your initial point of view should be clearly stated at the outset (i.e. in the ‘Introduction’ section of your essay) and kept constantly in mind so that all research is directed toward gathering relevant information. The essay should then develop your ideas and reasoning in a logical and coherent manner towards a concise and well supported conclusion. Where appropriate, assumptions/definitions should be clearly stated and explained.


The essay should be 3,000 to 3,500 words of body (i.e. excluding executive summary, table of contents, references, appendices, etc.). Care should be taken to follow the guidelines presented below, particularly with regard to report style and referencing. It is envisaged reports will have at least 15 unique (and reasonably current) references from a variety of quality sources.

Main Text

Marchewka, J.T. (2015) Information Technology Project Management, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.

(4th edition from 2012 is also OK)