Human Resource Management

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all assignmentsHRMG 700: Course Topic Paper GuidelinesThroughout Marketing Research and Data Analysisthe course, you will be tasked with selecting, researching, and then writing a paper on theHuman Resource Management (HRM) topic of your choice. You are encouraged to select a topic you findinteresting or one that is relevant to your current or future career. I find that it is generally more enjoyableand thus successful when you focus on research for a topic you personally find interesting and relevant toyou. There are three assignments throughout the seven weeks to help you complete the course topic paper.They are:(1) Topic Paper Proposal – Due Week 2(2) Topic Paper Outline – Due Week 4(3) Topic Paper – Due Week 6(1) Topic ProposalAssignment Points: 75Assignment Expectations:For this portion of the assignment, you will draft a proposal for the topic you would like to furtherresearch. The paper will be on a topic of your choice, related to Human Resource Management. As asuggestion, peruse the text for a topic that is of interest to you, or that you want to more fully understand.The proposal should be between 1-2 pages, and highlight the reason for the topic selected, as well as thescope and purpose of the paper. As a minimum, you should use, cite, and reference at least five scholarlyreferences for the paper. You will receive feedback on you proposal to help you focus in on anappropriate topic and ensure you are not taking on a focus area that is too broad or narrow in scope beforemoving on to the outline stage of the assignment.Due: Week 2, Day 7Submission Expectations:Your submission for this assignment should:? Be in a MS Word document? Follow all APA 6thedition formatting requirements (including cover page and references)? Demonstrate college level writing (spelling, vocabulary, structure, style, etc.)Upload your completed proposal paper via the appropriate link available under the WrittenAssignments area under the Learning Hub section of the course site.(2) Topic Paper Outline & InterviewAssignment Points: 90Assignment Expectations:For the second portion of this assignment you will be interviewing the HR professional of your choice togain a fresh perspective on the topic you have chosen to focus on for the course topic paper thenproviding a written summary of that interview along with an outline of your Topic Paper using a fullsentence outline format.The summary of your interview should provide, at a minimum, detail on the HR professional youinterviewed (who they are, the functional area of HR in which they work), a list of the questions youasked, and a summary of their answers. You will of course be using data gathered within the interview assupporting detail for your final Topic Paper due in week six.The second element due is the full sentence outline. Here, you should demonstrate that progress has beenmade on the course project, and that your research is well underway. You should follow APA 6th editionformat guidelines as you construct your outline. Be sure to provide a list of references you have identifiedas useful (remember you will need to have a minimum of five for the final paper).If you need further guidance on proper full sentence outline format, you may go to the following link toobtain further information and view examples. Week 4, Day 7Submission Expectations:Your submission for this assignment should:? Be in a MS Word document? Follow all APA 6thedition formatting requirements (including cover page and references)? Demonstrate college level writing (spelling, vocabulary, structure, style, etc.)Upload your Interview Summary and full sentence Outline (in one document) via the appropriatelink available under the Written Assignments area under the Learning Hub section of the coursesite.(3) Topic PaperAssignment Points: 125Assignment Expectations:Using the work completed in the first two parts of this assignment (Proposal & Outline/Interview)complete your topic paper on your chosen HRM topic. The paper should be at least 10 – 15 pages inlength (not including cover page, references) addressing the key elements identified in relation to yourselected topic. You are not required to cover all elements of HRM, but only your selected target/topicarea. Be mindful of the scope of your topic and watch assignment length carefully. An important elementof writing at the graduate level is to be clear and concise in your delivery. As a reminder a minimum offive scholarly sources must be utilize, cited within the text of your paper, and referenced. Paper shouldfully follow APA 6th Edition format including the use of appropriate headings and subheadingsthroughout to help guide your reader and facilitate topic transitions, proper citations and references, andappropriate document format (margins, spacing, etc).Assignment Due Date: Day 7, Week 6Submission Expectations:Your submission for this assignment should:? Be in a MS Word document? Follow all APA 6thedition formatting requirements? Demonstrate college level writing (spelling, vocabulary, structure, style, etc.)Upload your completed Course Topic Paper via the appropriate link available under the WrittenAssignments area under the Learning Hub section of the course site.Week3Journal Article Analysis AssignmentResearch, select, analyze, and submit your analysis of a peer-reviewed journal article, related to Human Resource Management. The analysis should be 3-5 pages in length, in MS Word, and APA format must be utilized. Upload your file to the Red Assignment folder for Week 3, located in the Weekly Materials section of the courseroom.Week5Case Analysis AssignmentCase Analysis: 360 Degree Appraisals Case StudyRead the case study on pages 349 – 350.Provide an analysis of the case (3-5 pages).Use ether the AMA 8-step case analysis tool or the one shown in the syllabus.Submit your paper in MS Word format to the upload link contained in the Week 5 Red Assignment folder.Week7Course PowerPoint PresentationWith your group partners you are to act as a consulting firm and develop a narrated PowerPoint presentation for High Growth Industries (HGI) management via Blackboard’s Collaborate Classroom. Shirley Stevenson, recently hired HR Vice President has asked you to come into HGI and provide her and HGI’s senior management a review and recommendation for the next two to three years. She has requested a SWOT Analysis of HGI’s situation, an Operational Plan Analysis, and a Strategic Plan making recommendations.Running Head: HIGH GROWTH INDUSTRIES (HGI) CASE OVERVIEWVer.: February 25, 2013High Growth Industries (HGI) Case OverviewHigh Growth Industries (HGI) is a regionally accredited chain of daycare centers in northern California with headquarters in San Francisco. HGI has established an excellent reputation during more than 30 years of service and has worked hard to achieve its motto to “foster high growth for your child.” It was recently awarded its largest contract ever; in just six months, HGI will be the sole provider of daycare services for all central and northern California state agencies. HGI currently operates 17 daycare centers, mostly near San Francisco, Sacramento, and Napa Valley. These centers employ approximately 163 teachers, childcare specialists, and aides. Thirteen centers are more than 15 years old, and 60 percent of workers have been with HGI for more than 10 years. Centers range in size from two to 19 employees. Shirley Stevenson was recently hired as HGI’s first Vice President of Human Resources. She left an HR director position in a major manufacturing organization out of boredom. With an HR degree and 20 years of progressive HR experience in various industries, she claims to have seen it all.She has always been quite successful and eagerly anticipates the challenge that HGI’s president said would be there for her. Yet she cannot help feel somewhat uneasy at the enormity of all future tasks and in building the HR function.The current HR department is in a shambles. She was unable to find an affirmative action plan, training documents, or other basic personnel information, including I-9s. Although the company has been unionized for the better part of 20 years, labor contracts are available for only the past five years. The teachers’ union attempted to strike two years ago over wages and conditions, although the specialists/aides union appears less militant. Each union is a union shop. Both contracts expire January 1 of next year.In the past, the president and each center’s managers performed all of the organization’s personnel functions by the seat of their pants. Recruiting was done by word-of-mouth, performance appraisals rarely occurred, and the president was the chief union negotiator. “Management by walking around” is constantly practiced;the president visits each childcare center every month. Most managers are happy with this management style and the flexibility it provides them. The data surrounding HGI’s upcoming expansion are astounding. HGI will be adding between 1,200 and 1,500 daycare workers, and a commensurate number of support staff. There will be approximately 40 new daycare facilities, some as far as 350 miles away. Shirley is now wondering if enough skilled and certified teachers are available.HGI organization consist of the following functional areas:· •Chief executive officer.· •HR vice president: Shirley Stevenson’s new position.· •Legal staff: Focus on all legal issues within the corporation, including teacher certification, labor· issues (EEO, wage and hour, legal ability to work, safety, etc.).· •Marketing vice president: Focus on increasing the client base, both short-term, and long-term.· •Chief financial officer: Focus on budgetary and other financial issues, seeking ways to keep costs· low. Should examine cost-saving potential in operations, teachers, and support staff.· •Managers of individual daycare centers: Responsible for the daily operations of each center.· •Middle management (such as accounting, purchasing, etc.): Responsible for specific functions.· •Training director: Responsible for teacher and support staff training (either conducting the training· internally or finding budgetary sources for training).· •Union leadership: Elected by the teachers, specialists, and aides themselves. A union shop requires· all workers to join the union shortly after becoming employed.· •Workers: These are primarily the teachers, specialists, and aides who work with the children. (They· do not necessarily have the same goals as the union leaders.)· HIGH GROWTH INDUSTRIES (HGI) CASE OVERVIEW PAGE 2 OF 3· To help Shirley get her hands around this situation, she has called on your consulting group to assist. She hasasked for your group to first carry out a SWOT analysis of HGI’s HR situation. She described the process· that she would like to see as:· First, provide aSWOT Analysisof HGI’s situation.· •Strengths are those tangible and intangible qualities that enable an organization to achieve its· mission. These include human competencies, services, and process capabilities.· •Weaknesses are those activities, services or other factors that block the organization from fulfilling· its mission.· •Opportunities present themselves through the environment in which an organization operates. They· may be generated by the appearance of new trends in the marketplace, technology or demographics.· •Threats are external to the organization. Unlike weaknesses, they cannot be directly controlled; in· fact, they exploit weaknesses and increase vulnerability.· Second, she has asked for your group to devise anOperational Plan Analysisto suggest steps to be taken to· deal and to minimize the problems, based on the SWOT analysis, with a review of:· •Legal issues, including I-9s, affirmative action and EEO, teacher certification, etc.· •Contract negotiation, labor relations, union certification/decertification, and other labor issues.· •HR staff development.· •Teacher staffing and diversity.· •Documentation, both past and future.· •Compensation.· •New vs. old: respect loyal employees while simultaneously embracing change.· •HR vice president; personal style, department style.· •Communication needs and corporate culture issues.· •Effect of changes on both operations managers and the CEO.· •Budget.· •Training needs· •Methods of getting employ and management buy-in.· •Use of consultants or other short-term support staff (e.g., retired executives).And last she suggests aStrategic Planmaking recommendations not only for the areas mentioned above, but to get entire organizational buy-in for the next two to three years. She would like to see your recommendations and a timeline so that she plans for implementation and budgeting.Your group’s consulting assignment is to address these problems based on your study ofManaging Human Resourcesand to develop a narrated PowerPoint presentation (Executive presentation) that will be present to her and the Chief Executive Officers via Blackboard’s Collaborate Classroom. Shirley has asked that it not be longer than 25 minutes in length.Your analysis should follow the case model described below:•Describe a Synopsis of the Situation: background information about this case, and an overview of the case as you understand it or assume it to be.•Present Key Issues: Define the key issues/factors and the roles of the Key Players. You should include only those issues that affect the identified problem.•Define the Problem(s): Identify one key problem. While there may be several problems and amultitude of symptoms, attempt to identify one problem, the resolution of which would alleviatemost of the symptoms found in the case.•Alternative Solutions: Develop alternative solutions to the defined problem. This should not be a laundry list of actions one could take to address every symptom, but alternative actions that could correct the problem at hand. Identify the pros and cons of implementing each alternative.HIGH GROWTH INDUSTRIES (HGI) CASE OVERVIEW PAGE 3 OF 3•Selected Solution to the Problem: Select several of the alternatives and explain why it would be best.•Implementation/Recommendations: Identify how to implement the selected solution and what the expected results (positive and negative) might be. Your job is to identify an action plan.General Guidelines:1. Your final group analysis will be presented as a narrated PowerPoint presentation in the Blackboard Collaborate Classroom, not longer than 25 minutes.2. Use the information learned to develop and agree upon a group approach.3. Spend more time on Recommendations than Synopsis of Situation. This is where you demonstrate your problem solving abilities. Be sure you (a) identify alternatives, (b) evaluate each alternative, and (c) recommend the alternative you think is best.4. Be specific in your recommendations. Develop specific recommendations logically and be sure your recommendations are well defended by your analysis. Avoid using generalizations, clichés, and ambiguous statements. Remember that any number of answers is possible and so your professor is most concerned about how your reasoning led to your recommendations and how well you develop and support your ideas.5. Do not overlook implementation. Many good analyses receive poor evaluations because they do not include a discussion of implementation. Your analysis will be much stronger when you discuss how your recommendation can be implemented. Include some of the specific actions needed to achieve the objectives you are proposing.6. Specifically state your assumptions. Cases, like all real business situations, involve incomplete information. Therefore, it is important that you clearly state any assumptions you make in your analysis.7. Include a title slide that lists each participating team members name and a reference slide that indicates the outside resources used to prepare your presentation. One team member should upload your final PowerPoint through the assignment manager for grading. All participating team members will receive the same grade.8. Present your narrated case project via the Collaborate Live Classroom, much like you are presenting your findings and recommendations directly to Shirley
Stevenson. Make sure you record your presentation so the instructor is able to view it. There is a practice area for each group.9. As a team, present your PowerPoint in Live Classroom. Create an introductory overview and then each team member can address specific sections of your findings and recommendations—see the items presented above. The final presentation should be uploaded and presented in your teams via Blackboard Collaborate.10. Try to be professional as possible. Visualize yourselves as a consulting group who really want to help this organization and to make a good impression so this can become a lasting consulting opportunity.11?Present and record your narrated presentation via Blackboard Collaborate. You will need a microphone and speakers or a headset with a microphone to record the presentation.12?Your last recorded presentation by date and time will be the presentation that will be reviewed and graded using the associated scoring rubric.all discussionsWeek 1 Discussion
Exhibit 1.2 in
theManaging Human Resources textbook
provides an integrative framework for managing human resources effectively. For
your initial post, in your own words describe what an integrative framework
means for managing human resources? Describe the major components of the
framework and provide two or three examples of the relationship or
interconnections among the various components of the framework.

Be sure to cite your sources in APA style. Your
researched response is due Day 2. Interaction, discussion and engagement with
your peers are expected throughout the weekDiscusison Imagine that you are working at a local
bank in a mid-level management position. You learn on the evening news that
your company has agreed to a merger with a competitor. The rationale that’s
given for the merger is, “There are many synergies that a merger will allow us
to exploit. This merger is about becoming more efficient—this is the way of the
future for our industry.” Assuming this statement is true. Research current
articles about the topic and describe three significant HR issues for the new

Be to sure cite your sources in APA style. Your
researched response is due by Day 4. Interaction, discussion and engagement
with your peers are expected throughout the week.Week2
it inevitable that employees will respond to change with feelings of fear?
After doing some preliminary research from at least two (2) sources other than
your textbook, and you believe the answer is yes, state the implications of
this for managing strategic change. If you believe the answer is no, describe
what managers can do to minimize such feelings during change.

sure to cite your sources in APA style. Your researched response is due by Day
2. Interaction, discussion and engagement with your peers are expected
throughout the week.Question 2
your career you will often be expected to lead and facilitate radical change
initiatives. What can you personally do now to become better prepared to be an
effective change leader and facilitator? In addition to our textbook, research
at least two current articles about the topic and explain your response.Be to sure
cite your sources in APA style. Your researched response is due by Day 4.
Interaction, discussion, and engagement with your peers are expected throughout
the week.Week 3The
courts have recognized task-based job analysis as useful for preventing
unfair discrimination. Some HR professionals worry that
competency-based approaches are more susceptible to stereotyping and
bias. From an employee’s perspective, would you prefer to have a job
description and performance appraisal based on a task-oriented job
analysis or a competency modeling study? Explain why.Be sure to cite
your sources (at least two, other than the textbook) in APA style. Your
researched response is due by Day 2. Interaction, discussion and
engagement with your peers are expected throughout the week.Question2
Job applicants
typically want to find a job that is a “good fit.” For you personally, what is
a good fit? Describe how you will decide whether a job you are offered is a
good fit.
Be sure to cite
your sources (at least two, other than the textbook) in APA style. Your
researched response is due by Day 4. Interaction, discussion and engagement
with your peers are expected throughout the week.
Week4A frequent diagnosis of an
observed performance problem in an organization is, “This person was a
selection mistake.” What are the short- and long-term consequences of
this so-called selection mistakes? If possible, relate this question to
your own experiences with organizations.Be sure to cite your sources
(at least two, other than the textbook) in APA style. Your researched
response is due by Day 2. Interaction, discussion, and engagement with
your peers are expected throughout the week.Question2An
auto dealer has hired you to help improve the performance of its sales
and service staff. Your first task is to conduct a needs analysis for
the organization. Outline and describe what you will do. Then, provide
examples of possible training and development activities that could be
used to change or influence the knowledge, behavior, and attitudes of
the staff.Be sure to cite your sources (at least two, other than the
textbook) in APA style. Your researched response is due Day 4.
Interaction, discussion and engagement with your peers are expected
throughout the week.Week5What are three advantages and three disadvantages of a 360-degree appraisal system?As
you name, describe, and discuss each be sure to support your discussion
by citing from at least two other sources, other than the textbook.
Your researched response is due by Day 2. Interaction, discussion and
engagement with your peers are expected throughout the week.Question2If
you were considering a job offer, which elements of total compensation
would be more important to you: base pay, incentives, or benefits and
services? Why? What are the implications of your answer for employers
seeking to attract people like you to work for them?Be sure to cite
your sources (at least two, other than the textbook) in APA style. Your
researched response is due by Day 4. Interaction, discussion and
engagement with your peers are expected throughout the week.Week6
From the perspective of employees, what are the
major disadvantages of the four major forms of performance-based pay
(recognition, merit, incentives, earnings-at-risk)?
Support your position by citing from at least two
other sources, other than the textbook, in APA style. Your researched response
is due Day 2. Interaction, discussion, and engagement with your peers are
expected throughout the week.Question2Imagine
you are the benefits and services manager for a medium-sized U.S. firm
that offers consulting services. Describe how you could use benefits and
services to improve your organization’s productivity.Support
your position by citing from at least two other sources, other than the
textbook, in APA style. Your researched response is due by Day 4.
Interaction, discussion, and engagement with your peers are expected
throughout the week.Week7Explain
how each of the following HR practices can be used to maintain safe and
healthy workplaces: job analysis, selection, training, performance
measurement and feedback, and incentives.Support your
position by citing from at least two other sources, other than the
textbook, in APA style. Your researched response is due by Day 4.
Interaction, discussion, and engagement with your peers are expected
throughout the week.Question2Despite the fact that union
membership is relatively low, many people believe that the fear of
unionization serves to ensure that employers treat employees well. Do
you agree or disagree with this view? Why?Be to sure cite
your sources (at least two, other than the textbook) in APA style. Your
researched response is due by Day 4. Interaction, discussion, and
engagement with your peers are expected throughout the week

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