Hotel Management Simulation

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ASSESSMENT BRIEF___________________________________________________
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Subject Title Hotel Management Simulation
Subject Code HOS301A
Assessment Title Assessment Four: Group Presentation
Graduate Capabilities a. Professional expertise
b. Innovative problem solving
c. Independent self-management
Learning Outcome/s (found in the
Subject Outline)
b. Manage finance within the confines of an operating budget.
c. Assess outcomes of team problem solving and decision making.
d. Prepare regular progression reports utilising administration, time
management and conflict resolution skills.
e. Evaluate business operations and financial performance through
discussion and comparison of results.
Assessment type (group or
Weighting % 45%
30% Written Submission (PowerPoint submission)
15% Presentation (Oral submission)
Word count Not Applicable
Due day 20 minute group presentation during class Week 12.
PowerPoint submitted prior commence of allocated presentation time.
Submission type Moodle Peer Evaluation Link – Group Presentation
Format / Layout of Assessment Presentation:
ICMS Cover Page
Findings and Recommendations
PDF version of PowerPoint
Peer Evaluation process via Moodle link

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Assessment instructions This assessment is a group presentation and submission. Each group
will be required to present a business case to the owning company as
to why the management agreement should be extended for an
additional two (2) years.
The presentation should include a review of the hotel’s three year (3)
performance highlighting areas of success, areas that require
development and recommendations for the next two year’s.
The presentation needs to include the following elements:
What was the overall strategy of the hotel?
What worked? What did not work?
What strategy do you propose for the next two (2) years? You
may want to continue with the current strategy.
Hotel Performance
The hotel performance review needs to include an analysis of
the financial and operational performance.
They metrices used may include the following but not limited
to, use your creativity and imagination when presenting
performance metrics:
o RevPAR performance
o Market Share performance
o GOP performance
o Staff performance and satisfaction
o Customer Satisfaction
o ROCE performance
o Retained earnings
You may want to highlight performance metrics or improved
metrics performance that showcaes your ability to manage a
Projected forecast for the next two years including actions on
how you will achieve them. Hint tell the owners how much
money you will make them!
Leadership Team
A review of the leadership team performance.
Propose the leadership structure for the next two (2) years
under the extended management agreement.
Benefit to Owner
Emphasize the key benefit’s to the owning company of
extending the current management agreement.
Tie in all the elements to present a compelling reason/reasons
why you should be selected as the management team.

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Each group will have 20 minutes to present and should ensure
they fill the full period without going over the allocated time.
There will be a 10 minute Q&A post presentation.
The presentation must include the above elements as a
The presentation needs to be professional and include high
impact slides.
The presentation needs to be structured using an engaging
All team members are required to present.
This is a business presentation and requires each team
member to be appropriately dressed for the presentation,
business attire required.
Each group will need to submit a copy of the PowerPoint
presentation prior to their allocated presentation time.
The PowerPoint needs to be submitted in PDF format.
Submission is to be made via link in Moodle.
The following key criteria that will be used to assess the presentation
and PowerPoint:
Communication: A well-structured presentation that is engaging,
presenting a clear and concise message.
Analysis: The ability to critically analyse data, information and
presenting findings as to why.
Recommendations: The ability to generate strategies and action
plans that provide solutions for findings unearthed in analysis.
Concept Application: Critically reflect how applying strategic
business principles can positively impact the hotels performance. .
Readings for the assessment List or links to relevant readings

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Assessment 4 – Marking Rubric

Criteria HD
Communication and
(Weighting 15%)
Can communicate in a high
quality, engaging and effective
manner. Extremely well
crafted presentation and
layout. Superior use of visuals
and images to support
Can communicate in superior
manner. High standard
presentation and layout, no
errors evident. Excellent use
of visuals and images to
support narrative.
Can communicate effectively.
Well-crafted presentation and
layout. Good use of visuals
and images to support
Some communication is
effective. Acceptable
standard of presentation,
some errors in writing and
layout out presentation.
Adequate use of visuals and
images to support narrative.
Unstructured presentation.
The layout is not well
thought out and is confusing.
Visuals and images do not
support narrative.
Analysis – Demonstrated
ability to analysis key
reports, data and
(Weighting 35%)
The individual/team has
demonstrated a thorough
analytical rationale. The
team/individual used
qualitative and quantitative
methods to provide well
thought-out reasons for
The individual/team has
demonstrated a sound
analytical rationale. The team
used a reasonable amount of
qualitative and quantitative
methods to provide sound
reasons for outcomes.
The individual/team has
demonstrated a reasonably
good analytical rationale. The
team used some qualitative
and quantitative methods to
provide reasonable reasons
for outcomes.
The individual/team has
demonstrated some degree
of analytical rationale. The
team displayed limited use of
qualitative and quantitative
methods to provide analysis.
The individual/team has
demonstrated no or little
analytical rationale. No
evidence of sound research
or ability to provide findings
from analysis.
Recommendations –
Demonstrated ability to
make sound business
recommendations based off
(Weighting 35%)
The individual/team has
demonstrated a highly
effective ability to develop
recommendations that are
well reasoned with clear action
The individual/team has
demonstrated an effective
ability to develop
recommendations that are
sound and has action points.
The individual/team has
demonstrated a reasonable
ability to develop
recommendations that are
good with some action points.
The individual/team has
identified some
potentially more appropriate
recommendations should
have been made with limited
action points.
The individual/team has
demonstrated no or limited
recommendations, with no
action points.
Level of ability to apply key
business concepts.
(Weighting 15%)
Overall the presentation
demonstrates a highly
developed ability to apply
relevant business concepts.
Overall the presentation
demonstrates a well
developed ability to apply
relevant business concepts.
Overall the presentation
demonstrates a reasonably
well developed ability to
apply business concepts.
Overall the presentation
demonstrates a limited ability
to apply the relevant
business concepts.
Overall the presentation
demonstrates little or no
ability to apply the relevant
business concepts.