Hospital Placement

128 views 1:33 pm 0 Comments March 24, 2023

First Reflective Dairies –
Hospital Placement
Partnership working
Reflect on a situation where you worked collaboratively and effectively with other members of the multi-disciplinary team to ensure high-quality, person-centred care. — YOU NEED TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION PROBABLY
The total word limit for this entry is 500 words. Structure your writing using 3 paragraphs.
Driscoll 3 stage model consists of asking 3 fundamental questions; ‘What?’, ‘So what?’, and ‘Now What?’ are matched to the stages of an EL cycle, with added trigger questions that can be asked to complete the cycle.
Consider the patient journey from hospital admission to discharge to ensure the accurate, safe and timely prescribing and administration of medicines.
Participate in patient counselling where important points are emphasised about medicines.
What is realistic medicine? How would you use the principles when delivering pharmaceutical care
Discuss the links between hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy and primary care pharmacy. Discuss the links between hospital pharmacy and other primary care healthcare professionals. How is communication achieved? Are there any considerations to be taken into account e.g.information sharing, data protection, patient confidentiality.
Take part in interface care planning.