Healthcare Ethics

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HLSC220: Healthcare Ethics
HLSC220 _ Assessment 1: Written Reflection _ © Australian Catholic University 2022 _ Page 1 of 3

Assessment Title Written Reflection
Purpose The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to engage with a
structured reflective consideration of their ethical perspective on health, health
as a ‘human good’, and how ethical perspectives may differ within society.
Due Date Refer to HLSC220 EUO
Time Due Refer to HLSC220 EUO
Weighting 20%
Length 800 words +/- 10%
As a general guide allow an approximate word count for each section of the
reflective cycle as follows:
‘What?’ 200 words
‘So What?’ 450 words
‘What now?’ 150 words
Assessment Rubric Refer to Extended Unit Outline Appendix 1
LOs Assessed LO1
Task You are required to develop a written reflection in which you examine your
perspectives on health, health as a ‘human good’, and how ethical
perspectives may differ within a society or across societies.
The reflection needs to draw from and directly reference Ashley’s case study
from Weeks 1-3. Identify one point of interest from the case study as the focal
point for your reflection
Use Driscoll’s ‘What, So what, What now’ reflective cycle to structure the
Ensure you use scholarly sources to support the evaluation and analysis
sections and include all sources in the reference list (see information on
reference style below).
Target Audience Healthcare professionals
Submission Via the Turnitin link in the HLSC220 LEO site.
File format Please submit as a word document i.e.doc or .docx (not .pdf files)
Margins 2.54cm, all sides
Font and size Use 11-point Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman

HLSC220: Healthcare Ethics
HLSC220 _ Assessment 1: Written Reflection _ © Australian Catholic University 2022 _ Page 2 of 3

Spacing Double spacing
Paragraph Aligned to left margin, indent first line of each paragraph 1.27cm
Title Page Not to be used
Level 1 Heading Centered, bold, capitalize each word (14-point Calibri, Arial or Times New
Level 2 Headings Left justified, bold, sentence case, italicized (12-point Calibri, Arial or Times New
Structure Structure according to Driscoll’s ‘What, So what, What now’ reflective cycle.
Direct quotes Always require a page number. No more than 10% of the word count should be
direct quotes.
Header Not required
Footer Not required
Referencing Style APA 7th Edition.
It is recommended that you download ENDNOTE referencing software free from
Minimum References There is no set number of references that must be used as a minimum for this
task, but as a rough guide only, if you have utilized less than 3-5 unique quality
peer-reviewed sources then you have not read widely enough.
All arguments must be supported using a variety of high-quality primary
evidence. Avoid using any one source repetitively.
Age of References Most references for this task should be published within the last 5 years,
however the appropriate use of older evidence sources (e.g. seminal theoretical
ethical work) is acceptable.
Alphabetical Order References are arranged alphabetically by author family name
Hanging Indent Second and subsequent lines of a reference have a hanging indent
DOI or URL Presented as functional hyperlink
Spacing Double spacing the entire reference list, both within and between entries
Late Penalties Late penalties will be applied from 02:01pm on the 25thMarch 2023, incurring 5%
penalty of the maximum marks available up to a maximum of 15% in total.
Assessment tasks that are submitted more than three calendar days after the
due date or extended due date will not be allocated a mark.
An assignment is submitted 12 hours late and is initially marked at 60 out of 100.
A 5% penalty is applied (5% of 100 is 5 marks). Therefore, the student receives
55 out of 100 as a final mark.

HLSC220: Healthcare Ethics
HLSC220 _ Assessment 1: Written Reflection _ © Australian Catholic University 2022 _ Page 3 of 3

Penalty Timeframe Penalty Marks Deducted
2:00 pm Wednesday to 1:59pm
5% penalty 5 marks
2:00pm Thursday to1:59pm Friday 10% penalty 10 marks
2:00 pm Friday to 2:00pm Saturday 15% penalty 15 marks
Received after 2:00pm Saturday No mark allocated n/a
Return of Marks Marks will generally be returned in three weeks of the submission due date; if
this is not obtainable, you will be notified via the campus LEO forum.
Final Assignment Marks for assessment two of this unit will usually be made available after three
weeks from your due date of submission.
Assessment template project informed by ACU student forums, ACU Librarians and the Academic Skills Unit.