Health Check of an Existing Travel or Tourism Business

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Assignment Spring 2015: HNTT 110 Business Health Check (Assessor )Human Computer Interaction
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Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit Number and Title
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in
Travel and Tourism Management
HNTT 110 Business Health Check
Level 5 (15 credits)
Student Name Assessor Internal Verifier
M Sajid F Khan
Date issued Task 1 Submission Task 2 Submission
18/02/2015 19th April 2015 31st May 2015
Assignment title Health Check of an Existing Travel or Tourism Business
Learning Outcome Assessment
In this assignment you will have the
opportunity to present evidence
that shows you are able to:
(Page no)
1.1 Analyse the objectives of the business 1 LO1 The learner will
nderstand the
focuses of the
1.2 Explain factors that impact on the
1.3 Determine potential improvements to
the business organisation and/or
2.1 Review the effectiveness of the
LO2 The learner will
e able to develop
plans for businesses
2.2 Develop plans to improve the
business, justifying their value
3.1 Evaluate the current skills of
management and staff
LO3 The learner will
be able to evaluate
and develop skills of
management and
3.2 Devise and justify plans for the
development of skills for management
and staff
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully
Student signature: Date:

Assignment Spring 2015: HNTT 110 Business Health Check (Assessor )
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In addition to the above Pass Criteria, this assignment gives you opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the
following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation
M1 Identify and apply strategies
to find appropriate solutions
Effective judgements have been
To achieve M1:
Effective judgements are made about the business,
including its objectives, environment, effectiveness and
management and staff skills. These judgements are made
based on reasoned analysis of the business and its staff.
(Tasks 1 and 2)
M2 Select/design and apply
appropriate methods/techniques
Appropriate learning methods /
techniques have been applied
To achieve M2:
Recommendations for improvement are clearly set out,
cover a range of relevant factors and are developed from
the analyses of the business and its staff.
(Tasks 1 and 2)
M3 Present and communicate
appropriate findings
The appropriate structure and
approach has been used
To achieve M3:
The written assignment is in an appropriate academic
report format, i.e. in impersonal academic language and
well structured, with contents page, introduction and
conclusion. The work is neatly and professionally
presented, maintaining the highest academic and
professional standard.
The work has been checked for spelling errors.
A range of sources of information is used. This is shown
by clear on-page citations and a bibliography, in the
Harvard format, of at least ten sources for the whole
Business Health Check assignment.
All tasks are submitted on time.
(Tasks 1 and 2)

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In addition to the above Pass Criteria, this assignment gives you opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the
following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation
D1 Use critical reflection to
evaluate own work and justify
valid conclusion
Conclusions have been arrived at
through synthesis of ideas and have
been justified
To achieve D1:
Conclusions are summative, well-justified and demonstrate
deep evaluative and strategic thinking based on though
investigation of the business and awareness of the relative
importance of different factors to the success of the
(Tasks 1 and 2)
D2 Take responsibility for
managing and organising
Activities have been managed. To achieve D2:
The student has demonstrated an effective approach to
independent research and study throughout this Business
Health Check assignment, so ideas in the reports are well
developed, clear and logical, demonstrating independent
The whole assignment has been completed to a high
standard. The student has regularly attended (80%) and
contributed to class sessions.
(Tasks 1 and 2)
D3 Demonstrate
Ideas have been generated and
decisions taken
To achieve D3:
Recommendations for the future development of the
business and its staff are realistic and made after
consideration of different options, their suitability, feasibility
and acceptability.
(Tasks 1 and 2)

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Assignment Brief

Purpose of the assignment
This purpose of this assignment is for you to carry out a business health check to help you gain greater
understanding of travel and tourism businesses, including their foci, planning and human resource
management. Thus you should use this assignment to build on learning not only from this unit but also
from other related units.
Evidence Required
Task 1 – Individual written report with citations and bibliography in the Harvard Referencing Format.
Task 2 – Individual written report with citations and bibliography in the Harvard Referencing Format.
Imagine you are a business consultant and have been approached by a travel or tourism organisation
which has asked you to review its performance and suggest areas for future improvement. You have
been asked to produce your report in two parts – the first focusses on the business as a whole and the
second on the staff and their contribution to the business.
Task 1: Travel / Tourism Business Analysis and Planning (LO1, LO2: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2
and M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3)
Select an existing business / organisation which operates in the travel or tourism sector (either
one you are familiar with or a well-known business / organisation that you can obtain sufficient
data for), prepare a report on its current position and make recommendations as to how its
performance could be improved upon.
The findings from task 1 should be submitted in a written report with an introduction at the
beginning and a conclusion at the end. The suggested word length for this report is 2,000 – 3,000
words, excluding any appendices. Include a bibliography of all sources used in the Harvard
Referencing Format, showing use of at least ten sources. Excellent bibliographies show use of
high quality valid sources, e.g. academic journals. Make sure you write your name on your report
and number all the pages.
The analytical report should be structured as follows:
a. Introduction, which includes a short description of the selected travel or tourism business.
b. Analysis of the objectives of the case study business. A good analysis will consider how well these
relate to the stated mission, vision, goals, priorities, etc. of the business
c. SWOT and PESTLE analysis of the business. Good analyses will show your ability to make reasoned
judgements about internal environment factors (e.g. trading status, management skills, policies,
stakeholders, financial performance, staff resources, location, problems and ability to change) and
external environment factors (i.e. political, economic, social, technological, legislation and
environmental factors) Excellent analyses are well justified.
d. Explanation of the different factors which impact on the business, based on the SWOT and PESTLE
analyses. Good explanations will also consider the market environment (e.g. customers, customer
loyalty, quality management, marketing methods, competitors and competitive advantage) in addition
to the external and internal environment. Excellent explanations will demonstrate thorough awareness
of the relative importance of the different factors to the success of the business.
e. Review of the effectiveness of the business. A good review will include aspects such as the
product/services, marketing, sales, finance and overall business performance. Excellent reviews are
thorough and finish with a summative conclusion.
f. Determination of potential improvements that could be made to the business, based on the SWOT,
PESTLE and market analyses that have been carried out. Good determinations will be related to the
long-term objectives of the business. Excellent determinations will evaluate a range of options based
on their suitability, feasibility and acceptability.

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g. Business plan that you have developed for improving the business. This plan must be justified. A
good plan will include resources (including premises and personnel) finances and financial
management systems, marketing, quality management, action planning, risk management and
timescale. Excellent plans are realistic and well justified, showing ability to apply theory about
improving business performance.
h. Conclusion with summarises the key points of your analysis and the main proposals for improvement.
Excellent conclusions include in-depth evaluation of the main lessons learnt and how
recommendations made build on strengths and overcome weaknesses.
For M1 Effective judgements are made about the business, based on reasoned analysis of the business.
For M2 Recommendations and business plan are clear, comprehensive and developed from the analysis.
For M3 The report is in impersonal language and well structured with citations and a bibliography in the
Harvard referencing format. It has been checked for spelling errors.
For D1 Evaluative conclusions come directly from your own critical in-depth analysis.
For D2 The whole task is completed to a high standard, demonstrating that it has been well planned and
managed. Ideas are clearly presented.
For D3 Recommendations for future business development are realistic and made after consideration of
different options, their suitability, feasibility and acceptability.
Task 2: Travel / Tourism Business Staff Evaluation and Development (LO 3: 3.1, 3.2 and
M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3)
Staff are key to any business success and so a good strategic business plan should include
workforce planning, based on a staff skills audit. This second report should be for the same
travel / tourism business / organisation as the first report.
The findings from task 2 should be submitted in a written report with an introduction at the
beginning and a conclusion at the end. The suggested word length for this report is 1,000 –
1,500 words, excluding any appendices. Include a bibliography of all sources used in the
Harvard Referencing Format, showing use of at least ten sources. Excellent bibliographies show
use of high quality valid sources, e.g. academic journals. Make sure you write your name on
your report and number all the pages.
The analytical report should be structured as follows:
a. Introduction, which recaps the short description of the selected travel or tourism business.
b. Evaluation of the current skills of key managers and selected staff. This staff skills audit should be
focussed on relevant technical, operational and management skills. A good evaluation will include a
skills gap analysis in which the current skills are compared with those needed both now and in the
future for meeting long-term business objectives. An excellent evaluation will lead to
recommendations for staff training and recruitment for improved business performance.
c. Plan that you have devised for developing the skills of key managers and selected staff. A good plan
will set clear targets, consider what training is required, when and how it should be delivered,
availability of suitable training, etc. An excellent plan will also include consideration of the cost /
benefit analysis of the planned training for the business as a whole.
d. Conclusion which summarises your key recommendations for the travel / tourism business. Excellent
conclusions demonstrate in-depth evaluation and strategic thinking.
For M1 Effective judgements are made about management and staff skills, based on reasoned analysis.
For M2 Recommendations cover a range of relevant factors and are developed from the analyses.
For M3 The report is well structured, in an appropriate academic format, with citations and a bibliography
in the Harvard referencing format and it has been checked for spelling errors.
For D1 Evaluative conclusions come directly from your own critical in-depth analysis.
For D2 The whole report has been completed to a high standard, using high-quality sources.
For D3 Recommendations for staff development are realistic and include cost / benefit analysis.

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Guidelines for assignment submission
The assignment has TWO TASKS. Please read BOTH TASKS carefully.
Each task has its own submission date. Please submit all assignment tasks ON TIME.
All tasks MUST be submitted on time to be considered for a MERIT grade.
The attendance percentage and participation in class tutorials will contribute towards the
achievement of DISTINCTION grade.
All assignments will be subject to PLAGIARISM checks. PLAGIARISM is a serious
academic offence and will automatically lead to
In the event of
COLLUSION (similar/identical submissions) please note that both students will
automatically be subject to
When IPADS/TABLETS/MACS are used please make sure documents are saved as .doc.
Otherwise the submission will not be valid and may not be marked.
Writing Guidelines
Your evidence for assessment must be handed in with a signed learner declaration.
Make sure that all required Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria are covered in
the assignment. You must hand in individual work for assessment for all tasks.
Written reports must be word-processed report and should use Times New Roman / Arial font
and font size 12. Use 1.0 or 1.5 line spacing. Please ensure that all pages of your report are
numbered and identify your name, ID number and unit number.
You should use your own words and ideas as much as possible. There must be no
plagiarism (see above for consequences)
You must include a BIBLIOGRAPHY of all sources used for the whole assignment, such as
books journals, websites, class handouts, etc. The bibliography should be in the Harvard
referencing format and show use of a wide range of sources of up-to-date relevant material.
(See the college guidelines for how to reference correctly).
Ensure that citations, referencing and bibliography fully acknowledge all sources. All ideas,
quotes, tables, pictures, diagrams, etc. from books, journals or the Internet must be identified
and clearly cited on the same page.
Wikipedia and similar sources must not be used as an academic reference.
Ensure that citations, referencing and bibliography fully acknowledge all sources. All ideas,
quotes, tables, pictures, diagrams, etc. from books, journals or the Internet must be identified
and clearly cited on the same page.
Wikipedia and similar sources must not be used as an academic reference.
Analyse: Break an issue into its constituent parts. Look in depth at each part using supporting
arguments and evidence for and against as well as how these interrelate to one another.
Critically evaluate/analyse: Give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a
piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a
wide range of sources. Come to a final conclusion, basing your decision on what you judge to be
the most important factors and justify how you have made your choice.
Discuss: Outline competing points of view; weighing up arguments for and against; drawing on
evidence and considering implications.
Explain: Clarify a topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why it occurs, or what is meant
by the use of this term in a particular context. Your writing should have clarity so that complex
procedures or sequences of events can be understood, defining key terms where appropriate, and
be substantiated with relevant research.

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