Health and Illness

72 views 8:30 am 0 Comments April 24, 2023


Learner achievement (please circle) NB: All learner achievement is provisional until confirmed at the AVA Awards Board.

Level Achieved:



(Level 3 units only)







Title of Access to HE Diploma: Nursing

Unit title(s): Health and Illness

Unit code(s): CBA935


Tutor/Assessor: Michael Kwaitoo

Description of Assignment: For this assignment you will have 3 separate tasks

As part of your studies to become a nurse you are required to produce pieces of work that consider health issues and how people deal with them.

TASK 1 (a/c 1.1, 1.2) – Models of health Behaviour (500 – 750 words)

You are asked to create a case study of a person who is suffering from an illness (of your choice – This in NOT included in the word count). You should then explain how the different models of health behaviour would approach explaining this illness. You should include a description the medical definition of health and illness (biomedical model) and other models of health and illness (for example the Biopsychosocial model of health, social model). You should present evidence about factors of particular interest to you, such as cultural, individual and socio-economic factors and how these may impact on the individual.

To fulfil the criteria (1.1) this needs to be an extended piece of writing which explains clearly the differences between the models related to your case study. You need to explain three models of health and have compared them. To fulfil the criteria for 1.2 you need to have explained the difference between ‘health’ and ‘absence of illness’ and write an explanation of how the three models may view this differently. Your work needs to be fully referenced.

TASK 2 (a/c 2.1, 2.2, 5.1) – Stress and its impacts on Health (750 – 1,000 words)

Using the case study from task 1 you should outline at least 2 models of stress (2.2) and explain how various factors, including the illness the person is suffering may cause the person to suffer stress (2.1). You MUST relate the models to the case study- it cannot be a description of the models only.

To fulfil the criteria for 2.2 you should explain the physical effects of stress on the body and how this may impact on the current and future illness. Finally, you should address in your answer how the person may change their behaviour and life style in response to the stress they are under (5.1). With reference to the relevant health impact of these, you should provide a summary of the advice you would give the person to improve their health outcomes.

TASK 3 (a/c 3.1, 3.2, 4.1) – Concepts of mental health (750 – 1,000 words)

The third task assignment covers your understanding of mental health, the impact of culture on the definitions of mental illness and the importance of behavioural change on health.

For this task you will be given a case study. You should explain the concept of ‘mental health and wellbeing’ (3.1) and outline the different ways in which abnormal behaviour may be diagnosed. These should then be applied to the case study – what indicators are there that the person is mentally healthy? Is there evidence that they may be mentally ill? You should refer to the relevant theories and methods of diagnosis in your answer. (3.2).

With reference to the difficulties of assessing mental illness across cultures (4.1), you should also address how the cultural background of the individual concerned may complicate their diagnosis.

Date set:

Date for draft submission

(if applicable): N/A

Date for final

submission: 3.5.23

Extension date

(if agreed):

Signed by Tutor/Assessor to agree extension:



Internal Moderation: Yes / No


Signed by internal moderator:


Learner declaration:

The explanations and evaluations in this work have been developed and written by me.

I have not submitted material copied from the Internet, textbooks or other sources in place of my own thinking and writing.

When I have referred to the work of others I have done so to discuss, comment on or argue their ideas.

I have kept quotation and paraphrasing to an absolute minimum and only to support points I have made.

I understand that referencing the names of authors whose ideas I have used without including my own interpretation of those ideas, does not meet the assessment criteria and cannot attract the Pass, Merit or Distinction grades.

I have not copied the work of my peers.

Learner comments: (please use this space to comment on any aspect of the assignment when handing in your work)



TO THE LEARNER: Please attach this assignment brief to any written work you are handing in for assessment, or submit the brief as instructed.


Level 3

Unit title: Health and Illness

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

This is what you will learn on the unit.

This is what you must be able to demonstrate that you can do in your assignment in order to achieve the unit.

The learner will:

The learner can:

Understand the concepts of Health and Illness

Compare definitions of medical health and illness and other models of health and illness.

Explain the difference between health and the absence of illness

2. Understand the causes and impact of stress on health.

2.1. Explain different causes of stress.

2.2. Explain models of stress and how it affects the body.

Understand the concept of mental health and wellbeing.

3.1. Explain the concept of mental health and wellbeing.

3.2. Compare and contrast indicators of mental health and mental illness

4. Understand the key cultural elements of mental health.

4.1. Explain the impact of culture on definitions of mental illness.

5. Understand the importance of lifestyle and behavioural factors on health.

5.1. Analyse the impact of lifestyle and behavioural factors on health.

Level 3 units only:

Learners achieve a Pass if they meet all Level 3 Assessment Criteria for a unit. You will achieve a Merit or Distinction by meeting the following Grade Descriptors. Your tutor will give you feedback for all three grades.

Grade Descriptor


(Choose one or more relevant grade components)


(Choose one or more relevant grade components)


Your work must demonstrate a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base

It must demonstrate a very good understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study

Your work must demonstrate an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base

It must demonstrate an excellent understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study

Grade Descriptor


(Choose one or more relevant grade components)


(Choose one or more relevant grade components)


Your work must make relevant use of ideas and theories & studies

Very good levels of accuracy and synthesis

Your work must make relevant use of ideas, theories, facts and models.

An excellent levels of accuracy and synthesis

Grade Descriptor


(Choose one or more relevant grade components)


(Choose one or more relevant grade components)

GD7: Quality

c) taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment

c) taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the


Grade Guidance: Learners must carefully read the guidance below which is linked to the components above


Referencing at a pass level will include all or most of the components with an attempt to put these in the correct order although there may be minor omissions. Referencing on the whole will include the author’s name, date and the title of the book or article as well as the publisher and town of publication where relevant, with an attempt to punctuate correctly and include italics where necessary. Students should show that they have made an attempt to format the reference correctly for the type of source. References to online sources in the reference list must demonstrate some attempt to indicate the web link from which the source is available: and date of access. Students must demonstrate some attempt to use reputable sources.

MERIT: (e.g. To achieve a Merit your work will show…..)

GD1: You should select relevant models and provide a clear and detailed explanation of how each model would approach the issue that your case study has. Models will be clear applied to the case study with a good level of detail. Explanations of the stress response and its effect on the body will be clear and applied with a very good level of detail to the case study. Comparisons will be clearly made and explained in some detail.

GD2: Appropriate models will be chosen, well explained and applied to the case study in a clear and accurate way. Summarises are clear and provide the reader with a good level of detail that enables them to understand the theory or models upon reading. Life style factors are clearly identified and how this impacts on the individual is highlighted in an accurate and concise way. So, for instance what are the explanations for illness & health/stress and the consequences of these on the body? In a clearly structured way the answers are mostly logical and consistent.

GD7: The work is clear and concise, has few spelling and grammatical errors and obeys the conventions requested. References provided are in the correct format. Referencing at a merit level will in general have all of the main components in the correct order. Reference must show an attempt to format correctly for the type of source used. Referencing will include the author’s name, date and the title of the book or article, as well as the publisher and town of publication where relevant, with an attempt to punctuate correctly and include italics and brackets where necessary. References to online sources in the reference list must indicate the web link from which the source is available: and date of access. Referencing will for the most part include brackets and italics where necessary. References should demonstrate an attempt to correctly format the inclusion of multiple authors where relevant. Some attempt should also be made to indicate an edited book and the number of the edition if relevant. Students must demonstrate some attempt to use reputable sources.

DISTINCTION: (e.g. To achieve a Distinction your work will show…..)

GD1: Relevant models are selected and there is an excellent explanation of each model with a clear, precise and concise application to the case study. There is a high level of application to the case study where subtle differences between the models are highlighted. There is a concise, clear and well applied explanation of the stress response and its effect on the body are discussed in detail with consequences for the person highlighted. Comparisons between models are explained with an excellent level of detail.

GD2: Appropriate models will be chosen, well explained and summarised. There will be a close application to the case study in a clear and highly accurate way. Summarises are clear and provide the reader with an excellent level of detail that enables them to have an excellent understand the theory or models upon reading. Life style factors are clearly identified, explained in details and the impact on the individual is highlighted in a significant detail.

GD7: The work is clear and concise, has no spelling or grammatical errors and obeys the conventions requested. References provided are in the correct format and are carefully selected. Referencing at a Distinction level will have all of the main components in the correct order. References must use the correct format for the type of source used. Referencing will include the author’s name, date and the title of the book or article, as well as the publisher and town of publication where relevant, with generally accurate punctuation including attention given to capital letters where needed. Referencing must include correctly placed italics and brackets where necessary. References to online sources in the reference list must indicate the web link from which the source is available: and date of access. References must on the whole correctly format the inclusion of multiple authors where relevant. References will indicate whether a book is edited and the number of the edition where relevant. Students must on the whole use reputable sources.

Part A: Feedback on credit level

AC no

Credit achieved (L3)

Location of evidence

Tutor/Assessor comments on assessment criteria

(the assessor may also indicate on the work itself where each AC is met)


Task 1


Task 1


Task 2


Task 2


Task 3


Task 3


Task 3


Task 2

Level achieved

Tutor/Assessor’s signature:


Resubmission (if applicable) If any of the assessment criteria for this assignment have not been met at Level 3, a resubmission may be permitted. Resubmission must follow the QAA guidelines and be permitted only once.

Requirements for resubmission/new Task set:

Date Set:

Date due:

Date Submitted:

Feedback on resubmission:

Level achieved

after resubmission:

Tutor/Assessor’s signature:


Part B: Feedback on grading (Applicable only if all assessment criteria achieved at Level 3)

Grade Descriptor

Tutor/Assessor comments against grade descriptors

Grade indicator


Please enter the final grade on page 1 based on this grade profile e.g. PPM=P

GD1 Understanding of the subject


Application of knowledge

GD7: Quality

Tutor/Assessor’s reason for final grade decision (if applicable):

Areas for development (how will the learner be able to use and improve on what they have learnt on this unit and the skills that they have used in their further studies?)