Guidelines and Essay

141 views 10:52 am 0 Comments July 7, 2023

ASU — HIS 132 — Section 1-7: Requirements — Examinations 1 through 4: Guidelines and Essay Topics 1
Examination 2 (Detailed Text Outlines): GuidelinesHuman Computer Interaction
A. In this examination you will select three (3) essay topics.
B. These two essay topics will be three different Detailed Text Outlines prepared
either by 1. your fellow students in HIS 131 OR 2. by students in previous
courses (here: Student 2, Student 5, Student 6, and Student 7).
You CANNOT select your own Detailed Text Outline for Examination 2.
You MUST follow the required format listed on pages 1 (C) and 3 of
Section 1-6
in the HIS 132 course pack.
D. At the beginning of EACH of your two essays you will need to specify (at the
beginning of the essay) the following information.
1. The name of the fellow student whose Detailed Text Outline you have
selected (or: Student 2, Student 5, Student 6, and Student 7)
2. The book (History of World Societies [HWS] OR History of Africa [Afr]
OR Patterns in World History (Patterns) in which that Chapter is found.
3. The Number of your Chapter:
4. [Three examples]: Jane Doe — HWS 6
John Doe — Afr 8
Student 1 — Patterns 19
E. In EACH of your two essays, the three paragraphs that constitute the narrative
of your essay MUST focus on the specific content of the Detailed Text Outline
that you have chosen. You MAY also utilize the contents of the actual chapter
on which EACH of the Detailed Text Outlines that you have selected is based.
F. In EACH of your two essays will also need to write a concluding paragraph
with your own personal comments.

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