Group Presentation

112 views 8:28 am 0 Comments April 19, 2023

London: A Global City – Assignment Brief 1 Academic Year 2022/23

1. Module Code
and Title:
FDY3009 London: A Global City 4. Module Convener: Dr Stephen Asafo Agyei
2. Assignment
No. and
Assignment 1 – Group Presentation 5. Assessment
weighting per
3. Submission
Time and
*** Mandatory: All
students must
submit their
assignment for
formative feedback
Formative Feedback Submission
Week 8
23/04/2023 Sunday 23.59
Submission Due:
Week 9
27/04/2023 Thursday 23.59
6. Target feedback
moderated mark**:
Time and Date:
(**Note the LPTC’s working
day feedback deadline and
SMU’s moderation do not
include bank holidays,
weekends or periods when
the college is closed)


7. Task Aims
Assignment 1 is a 10-minute group presentation focusing on students’ ability to describe London’s global
nature and understand how other global competitor cities influence it. It requires students to use
secondary data descriptively and be able to use teamwork dynamics to deliver content in the context of
professional business communication.
8. Assessed Learning Outcomes:
(CW1 has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of a selection or all of the
following module learning outcomes as designated below
CW1 LO1. Outline the principles of globalisation.
LO2. Identify examples of globalisation in London.
LO3. Describe the role of London as a global financial centre.


9. Task Requirements
Students will be placed into groups. Each group can have at least three members, with a maximum limit
of 4. Although the assessment marking outcome is based on group performance, you are reminded that
30% of the total mark assessment will be allocated for individual delivery performance.
Each group is expected to select
one of the globalisation trends, identify and describe three of its effects
on a London-based business organisation and create a presentation for the assignment. The content and
delivery of the group presentation will be assessed and recorded, and the presentation slides will be
submitted on Moodle.
The presentation task will involve the following:
a. Select a London-based business from the following contexts (sport, culture, television,
tourism/hospitality, finance, education etc.).
b. Describe the impact of one of the globalisation trends shaping the selected London-based
business, pointing out three of its effects on the business functions and operations.
Each group should demonstrate (a), (b), and (c) in three additional slides in the Powerpoint/Google
a) The provision of evidence of face-to-face or online meeting (s) or collective communication [e.g., a
screenshot of Whatsapp or a photo of face-to-face], demonstrating the collaborative
brainstorming and sharing thoughts on the Assignment 1 planning, development and collaboration
b) Create an Excel table or chart showing each team member’s assigned role and task.
c) List of references [See Section 10 for further guidance] used to source the content of the
developed slides.


10. Assignment Format: Notes for Guidance
Although the assessment is based on group performance, you are reminded that 30% of the total mark
will go for individual performance and the contributed evidence.
The team should stick to the allowed time of 8 minutes of presentation and 2 minutes for questions from
the audience if any. The presentation delivery should be within the threshold of +/-10%; otherwise, all
the group members will lose five marks every 2 minutes exceeding the above delivery time threshold.
You should include a cover page with a) full identifiers (e.g. Module Name, Academic Year etc.), b) a Table of
Contents of the group presentation and c) a disclaimer at the bottom of the page stating:
I confirm that this assignment presented for the Foundation Year assessment for this module has i) been
composed collaboratively, each member has a fair share of duties and responsibilities, ii) part of the
allocated sub-task (s) has been solely the result of my own work iii) and not been submitted for any other

All submissions must be submitted on Moodle by the date mentioned above in Item [3 ].
You should include a cover page with full identifiers (e.g. Module Name, Academic Year etc.) and a Table of
The formats acceptable for the oral presentation submissions are either MS PowerPoint or Google Slides in
MS PowerPoint format.
You are expected to use the concepts, frameworks and tools related to the subject covered in the


All Illustrations and tabulations are to be correctly titled and referenced
A reference list is expected, with a minimum of four citations included. These must demonstrate that the
student has deployed a range of literature sources, e.g., books, journals, articles, company documents, the
internet, and credible websites.
You should present your work professionally and engagingly and demonstrate a rehearsed presentation.
11. Referencing and research requirements
Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online This information is also available in book form:
Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2016)
Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 10th ed. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are available via the University library.


12. Submission details
All submissions of assignments must be on Moodle VLE and should be uploaded personally. Any other channels of
assignment submission, such as emails, must be avoided.
Before the formal assignment submission, all lecturers will ask you to upload some work for formative feedback. This
request will equip you with the digital skills to upload your assignment confidently by the deadline.
If you have a technical issue, report the incident in advance rather than after the deadline.
The contact detail for Moodle-related incidents and other enquiries is
[email protected].
13- Academic Integrity
You are reminded of SMU’s policy that stresses academic integrity and the importance of avoiding unfair practices
and academic misconduct
when you conduct your academic assignments.
The University’s academic misconduct regulations can be viewed on the University website: In submitting your assignment, you are
acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations


14- Marking Criteria-[How will your work be assessed]
Research [JISC 2015, Deneen, C 2015, Husain, S et al. l. 2018] has shown that assessment literacy, including the
marking rubric, will empower students to achieve higher scores and grade results.
Your work will be assessed on how it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for the
designated assignment CW1 (see above) and against other criteria and performance indicators as presented in the
Assessment Rubric for Level 3 and Module requirements.
You are expected to be familiar with Marking Assessment Criteria related to the module, and the lecturer will advise
you on optimising your effort and achievement accordingly.
This assignment will be marked, adapted and mapped in line with SMU’s grading descriptors for Foundation Year
Level 3.
Please check for the assessment criteria or marking grid below and on Moodle [Moodle Link to be added].


Please note:
This Assignment Brief is expected to be used with relevant information provided to you on
Moodle and in the contact sessions with module instructor (s).


Assessment Criteria Module Assessment Criteria
& weighting relative to PLC’s
Five Learning Outcomes
Performance Descriptor Performance Levels Marking Bands
Knowledge and
Team Understanding of the
15% The topic of interest is articulated in a group presentation in response to the key addressed module’s learning
outcomes, demonstrating a thorough knowledge and understanding of the role of globalisation trends in shaping
London City and having the ability to appropriate content, concepts and frameworks that assist members of the group
in having a deeper understanding of how those globalisation trends have shaped the city of London.
Accomplished & Exemplary 12.25-15.0
Competent & Proficient 10.25-12.24
Developing and Growing 8.25-10.24
Emerging & Satisfactory 6.25-8.24
Beginning & Up to Par 4.25-6.24
Unsatisfactory 2.25-4.24
Substandard 0.0-2.24
Intellectual Skills: Enquiry
Practices, Involvement &
Scholarly Practice
Team Content Organisation
and clarity
15% The presentation content organisation shows a collaborative effort of the relevant ideas and concepts across the team
members’ content production, where the points of view and their transition show a very careful and orderly outline
feeding into strengthening the group effort in addressing well-organised ideas with sustained clarity that ties up to the
main argument.
Accomplished & Exemplary 12.25-15.0
Competent & Proficient 10.25-12.24
Developing and Growing 8.25-10.24
Emerging & Satisfactory 6.25-8.24
Beginning & Up to Par 4.25-6.24
Unsatisfactory 2.25-4.24
Substandard 0.0-2.24
Use of Information,
Examples and Facts
20% The group’s description and explanation of ideas and viewpoints are supported by the use of clear, dependable,
diverse, and correctly referenced material, which shows that they are well backed up by several pertinent facts,
models, and/or examples related to the business case chosen.
Accomplished & Exemplary 18.25-20.0
Competent & Proficient 16.25-18.24
Developing and Growing 13.25-16.24
Emerging & Satisfactory 10.25-13.24
Beginning & Up to Par 8.25-10.24
Unsatisfactory 5.25-8.24
Substandard 0.0-5.24
Professional and Life Skills Teamwork 10% There is a demonstration of the collective participation of all group members in preparation for the presentation,
where the collective evidence [a-Group Brainstorming, b-Task Assignment Allocation Table] is appropriate and
indicates inclusivity and fair share in the presentation arrangement.
Accomplished & Exemplary 8.0-10.0
Competent & Proficient 7.0-7.9
Developing and Growing 6.0-6.9
Emerging & Satisfactory 5.0-5.9
Beginning & Up to Par 4.0-4.9
Unsatisfactory 3.0-3.9
Substandard 0.0-2.9
Group Oral Performance,
Presentation, and Language
10% There is a successful team performance and posture where the members have used gestures, made eye contact, had a
calm and clear tone and volume of voice, and a degree of confidence and excitement that retains the audience’s
attention; all of this points to a well-rehearsed effort and where the roles and their turns in the presentation flow
easily, suggesting a practical function of the group dynamics in generating a persuading, energetic, thought-provoking,
and inclusive fair share in the presentation process.
Accomplished & Exemplary 8.0-10.0
Competent & Proficient 7.0-7.9
Developing and Growing 6.0-6.9
Emerging & Satisfactory 5.0-5.9
Beginning & Up to Par 4.0-4.9
Unsatisfactory 3.0-3.9
Substandard 0.0-2.9
Individual Oral Performance 20% There is a demonstrable effective individual performance and posture involving the performer being active, engaged,
and maintaining a confident attitude that fits the level of the team’s and audience’s expectations; all of these factors
point to a well-rehearsed work rather than a last-minute preparation, with a “non-obstructive” reliance on reading
from notes or slides that may affect the presentation flow, as well, has a prompt and improvised framing, recapping
and an ability to take up in a timely way one’s role and turns, showing confidence in facilitating a professional
presentation communication.
Accomplished & Exemplary 18.25-20.0
Competent & Proficient 16.25-18.24
Developing and Growing 13.25-16.24
Emerging & Satisfactory 10.25-13.24
Beginning & Up to Par 8.25-10.24
Unsatisfactory 5.25-8.24
Substandard 0.0-5.24
Individual Evidence
10% There is individual evidence of contribution regarding the presentation preparation, development and delivery by
having clear communication indicators [e.g. WhatsApp messages or Zoom meetings], content and layout development
[e.d. Excel Task Allocation].
Accomplished & Exemplary 8.0-10.0
Competent & Proficient 7.0-7.9
Developing and Growing 6.0-6.9
Emerging & Satisfactory 5.0-5.9
Beginning & Up to Par 4.0-4.9
Unsatisfactory 3.0-3.9
Substandard 0.0-2.9