Group Assignment

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Assessment 2 Marking Rubric: Group Assignment
CRITERIA Excellent (80-100%) Very good (70-79%) Good (60-69%) Acceptable (50-59%) Unacceptable (<50%)
Critical analysis
of group
processes (35%
of total mark)
Excellent, relevant issues
identified and explained. Highly
relevant OB theory or concepts
are identified and explained.
No errors in reasoning,
accuracy or relevance. Issues
strongly supported by relevant
and specific examples.
Relevant issues identified
and explained. Relevant OB
theory or concepts are
identified and explained.
Very few errors in
reasoning, accuracy or
relevance. Issues strongly
supported by relevant and
specific examples.
Adequate issues
identified and explained.
OB theory or concepts
are adequately
described. May include
some minor errors in
reasoning, accuracy or
Issues are identified. OB
theory or concepts are
described. May have
some minor or a few
major errors in
reasoning, accuracy or
Issues incomplete or
not identified. Does
not describe OB theory
or concepts, or is
mostly inaccurate or
(35% of total mark)
Excellent, logical and relevant
recommendations provided for
each identified issue. Highly
relevant OB theory or concepts
are identified and explained.
Recommendations strongly
supported by relevant and
specific examples.
Very good, logical and
relevant recommendations
provided for each identified
issue. Relevant OB theory
or concepts are identified
and explained.
Recommendations well
supported by relevant and
specific examples.
Good relevant
provided for each
identified issue. OB
theory or concepts are
adequately described.
supported by relevant
and specific examples.
Solid recommendations.
OB theory or concepts are
described. Examples
included but require
Basic or
recommendations. Does
not describe OB theory
or concepts, or is mostly
inaccurate or irrelevant.
Examples are disjointed
or incorrectly stated.
Introduction and
Conclusion (10%
of total mark)
Excellent introduction
provided. Topic, background,
position, and structure of the
essay explained. Excellent
conclusion summarising key
points made.
Very good introduction
covering the topic,
background, position, and
structure of the essay
explained. Very good
conclusion summarising
key points made.
Good introduction and
conclusion. Introduction
covers topic,
background, position,
and structure of the
essay. Conclusion
summaries key points.
Solid introduction and
conclusion. May have
some minor or a few
major errors.
Basic or
introduction and
conclusion. Do not
cover points of the
essay or is mostly
inaccurate or missing.
writing (10% of
total mark)
Sequence and structure are
logical and easy to follow;
excellent overall organisation.
Excellent grammar and
Sequence and structure
are logical and easy to
follow; very good overall
organisation. Very good
grammar and spelling.
Structured well enough
to make sense; could be
better organised and
more tightly focused
upon the topic, may lack
focus, engagement or
summary. Good
grammar and spelling.
Mostly coherent
organisation; may have
some sections where
difficult to follow
reasoning. Could be
more clearly and
logically organised.
Some grammar and
spelling errors.
Lacks coherent
organisation and
structure. Describes
disconnected bits of
information or many
direct quotes. Poor
spelling and grammar.
(10% of total mark)
Excellent use of relevant and
appropriate sources of
literature. Correct referencing
Very good use of
relevant and appropriate
sources of literature.
Correct referencing.
Good use of relevant and
appropriate sources of
literature. Good
Acceptable use of
relevant sources of
literature. Mostly
correct referencing.
Few if any literature
sources included
and poor