Global Food Product Conformity

99 views 8:31 am 0 Comments April 15, 2023

MSc Food Technology for Industry

FTI7017 Global Food Product Conformity

WRIT 1 for MSc Food Science and Technology

Submission date – Via Turnitin, 14.00GMT, Friday 9th December 2022. Late submissions are not permitted

This is the first of two assessments for this module. The assessment is designed in order for you to consider the legal framework and food issues in a particular country

You have been placed into groups as discussed in the class sessions

As a group, you are to prepare and submit a series of four A3 posters consisting of four infographics and references poster as follows:

1. Information about the country relating to food

Demographics, Geography, Food production/ imports/ exports

2. Legal framework relating to food

How is the legal system in the country arranged

Government at national/ regional/ local level

Main pieces of law controlling food

Main institutions in relation to food

Enforcement of food law

3. Main food issues within the country

Select two main issues of concern in your country, evidence the scale and severity of the problems

4. Response to these two food issues

What are the responses by government/ NGOs and consumer groups? What are the policy responses and ultimately changes to food law?

Citations in the infographics should be numbered chronologically and referred to in the reference list. References here should be in the Harvard style, and all sources of information must be appropriately academic and reliable.

In order to assist you, each group will give a short presentations (6 – 8 minutes each plus questions) in relation to their country. These will not be formally assessed, but groups will be given feedback by the tutor and members of the cohort to help develop the work. The format of the presentation is up to individual groups – you may choose a Powerpoint presentation or present your draft infographics – it’s entirely up to you. The main thing is to have the information, at the required Masters level, to present.

Tutor and students will give constructive comments in the chat facility as you present, and all of the presentations sessions will be recorded on Teams.

The presentations are as follows:

Week 15 (1st November)

Week 16 (8th November)

Remember to include in your presentation:

Information about the country relating to food

Legal framework relating to food

Two main food issues within the country

Responses to these two issues

Any work that you wish to present must be uploaded to your Teams channel prior to the presentation session. Do not bring your presentation along on data stick or similar.

You have been split into groups for the purposes of Moodle and teaching, and the way that I have set the groups up is that each group can make one joint submission for the final piece of work. It does not matter which group member submits the work since Turnitin will recognise the work as being submitted by all group members

At the time of the submission date, you will also take part in anonymised peer marking in respect of the other members of your group which will form part of the final mark.

The marking guidelines for the group mark is as follows:

Marking guidelines

Completeness of information given 40

Effectiveness of Infographics 30

Evidence of appropriate research 15

Appropriate referencing 15

The group mark will be weighted by the peer marking