Global Food, Drink and Society

117 views 6:50 am 0 Comments April 5, 2023

Task Brief 1 – Presentation

Module Title:

Global Food, Drink and Society.

Assessment Title:

Presentation – Culinary Exhibition





Submission Date:

Week (Monday 6th March 2023, 15:00pm ) Briefing Paper/Poster Submission

Week (Tuesday 14th March 13.00pm) – Culinary Exhibition

Instructions To Students For Submission Of This Coursework

Task Details:

You will be allocated a country (or region within a specific continent). For this country (region) you will then research and identify the food & beverage influences and the cultural heritage influences on its contemporary cuisine. You are expected to apply academic frameworks within your research, including Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. From your research you will produce a range of written materials, visual aids, artefacts and food and drink dishes for tasting which you will present during an exhibition. The formal assessment of the exhibition presentation and final submitted portfolio following the exhibition will be individual.

The practical culinary exhibition day will consist of a poster presentation (one per individual), with a supporting briefing paper, plus any additional artefacts/materials you wish to present to represent your country. These materials will be exhibited together with the production of one key national/traditional dish and one beverage (not spirit) from your allocated country (It is expected that the dish will not be overly complex).

The poster presentation must cover the following aspects;

National overview;

Geography, topography, demographics, industry,

National culture and food/drink (include Hosfstede cultural dimensions)

Role / value that food and drink plays in society.

Nationally celebrated food and drink

Restaurant typologies and cultural significances.

Distinguished figures in the country’s gastronomy.

1. You will also produce a two sided briefing paper on your country (region) for the event as a hand out – this will become part of the academic written work for the module- this will be greater detail than can be included on the poster. You have a maximum 1500 words to use between your briefing paper and poster.

2. The exhibition day will consist of a four hour exhibition timetabled session; 2 hours to allow you to set up your stand and prepare the food, followed by 2 hours of exhibiting. The exhibition delegates will consist of your peers and staff, who will taste the food and ask questions on your allocated country. At the exhibition the whole of the level studying this module will come together on the exhibition day to display and act as delegates.

3. You will be required to visit a number of other exhibitors and during this produce a reflection record from a pre-designed evaluation sheet (to go towards Task 2).

You will need to submit an A4 size photo of your poster (you can copy and paste from images in to a word document) AND your briefing paper by 12.00pm on 6th March. Both documents are to be submitted via the online submission point on Blackboard.

Please note – you must have participated in the exhibition receive a grade for this assessment.

Particular instructions to students:

Each exhibitor must produce as a minimum one A1 poster. Font must be no smaller than size 14.

Two recipe dishes one beverage per country stand (to be confirmed with your tutor).

Traditional beverage for delegate tasting (not spirit based).

On the exhibition day you will act as a delegate and visit 5 other stands, trying the local food and beverages, writing a set of reflection notes and collecting information on the cultural/societal aspects you have learnt about which you will hand in as part of your portfolio (task 2). The countries to be visited will comprise of three allocated by your tutor and two of your choice.

Submission requirements

This is a practical oriented module assessment, as such exhibiting, attendance and engagement during the development process is compulsory for eligibility to undertake the task.

Your deadlines for all your coursework can be accessed via Assessment Diary. Please ensure you check this and you know when all your submission deadlines are due.

Submissions should be online via the Blackboard submission point. Please be aware that if you do not submit via the Blackboard submission point it will be deemed as a non-submission and therefore receive a mark of zero. In most cases you will also be required to submit to Turnitin for originality / similarity checking but this is not submission for marking purposes (see notes below for more detail).


In most cases you will be asked as part of your assessments to submit an electronic version of your work through a system known as Turnitin. The Turnitin system will produce a report identifying any similarities between the work and existing literature or other sources and can be used to help students avoid plagiarism and assist with referencing.

Your module tutor will give you guidance on how to submit work through the system and how to act upon the report produced. Please note that any Turnitin submissions will be in addition to the actual online assignment submission.

You will be expected to submit your 2 page ‘country briefing paper’ via Turnitin, before your exhibition. You may use this tool more than once to assist you with your work, but you must ensure the final version submitted is the same as the one submitted as your final online submission.

Weighted Assessment Criteria:

Your task will be graded against the following weighted criteria as per the marking grid;

Your demonstration of content


Your application of theory in this assignment


Your demonstration of knowledge in this assignment


Your presentation of the assignment including references


Your evidence of up-to-date research and use of academic/professional sources


Your work is expected to demonstrate the following aspects:

Key influences and theoretical perspectives

Regional and national food, its development and its influence

Food and beverage tastes and fashions.

Application of theory

Exhibition presentation


Study Skills Support

This will be on-going throughout the seminar delivery.

Feedback & Feed-forward Strategy and how students can access their Feedback

On-going performance feedback will be available during the timetabled seminar sessions. Students will be able to contact module tutors in class or via email regarding specific questions to the assessments. However please note that although tutors will aim to reply to emails as soon as possible and within 48 hours wherever possible, responses will not be sent during evenings, weekends and holidays.

A short drop-in session shall be available during the seminar in week 32 to enable students to discuss their assignment. This can include briefly reviewing a specific section of draft assignments, provided they are brought to the session.

Generalised feedback will be given during the exhibition; however the final mark and feedback will be given within three weeks following the exhibition. Students will be able to use this feedback as feed-forward guidance for assessment task 2.

In-module Task Recovery Strategy (where applicable)

In-module retrieval shall only be applicable for the portfolio stage of the assessment. Where a student does not achieve the pass mark of 40% for the portfolio, they will be invited to submit an in-module retrieval submission within 2 weeks of receiving their original grade and feedback. The students must have attempted all components of the portfolio task to be eligible for in-module retrieval. The in-module retrieval mark shall be capped at a maximum of 40%. If a student scores less than in their original attempt then the score from the original attempt shall remain.

Additional Information

To assist in developing your organoleptic skills and demonstrating your awareness of wider cultural and societal issues you will provide a set of professional tasting notes/weekly reflections from each of the active experimentation seminars – with reference to the food and/or drink sampled, submitted as evidence in your final portfolio (task 2). You must include at least one academic reference in each of the weekly notes you produce. (It is strongly advised that you build this up on a weekly basis…do not leave it to the last minute)

Please carefully read the assessment and marking criteria overleaf

Course Title:

Hospitality Pathway

Module Title:

Food, Drink and Society



Assessment Title:

Culinary Exhibition



Assessment Criteria – Task 1




Your demonstration of content

Your identification and demonstration of knowledge in this assignment

Your application of critical analysis and synthesis in this assignment

Your presentation of the assignment including references

Your evidence of up-to-date research and use of academic/professional sources

Exceptional 1st



The content is exceptional and discussed in an original and reflective way

Exceptional knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Relevant theory and/or empirical results are applied exceptionally well

Exceptional, well-directed presentation, logically and coherently structured with creativity in the use of language. Outstanding referencing and reference list.

Extensive evidence of integrating appropriate supplementary sources

High 1st



The content is discussed in an original and reflective way

Excellent knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Relevant theory and/or empirical results are applied with excellence

Excellent, well-directed presentation, logically structured argument. Language in professional and academic standard. Excellent referencing and reference list.

Evidence of extensive reading of supplementary sources

Mid 1st



Low 1st



High 2:1



The content presented considers the main issues well

Comprehensive knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Relevant theory and/or empirical results are applied well

Very good quality presentation, well-structured arguments. Language in appropriate standard. Comprehensive referencing and reference list.

Evidence of reading a range of supplementary sources

Mid 2:1



Low 2:1



High 2:2



The content presented describes the main issues and material

Appropriate knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Relevant theory and/or empirical results are occasionally applied

Good orderly presentation and logical structure. Clearly distinguished sections in reasonable quality arguments. Adequate referencing and reference list.

Evidence of reading directed reading and some supplementary sources

Mid 2:2



Low 2:1



High 3rd



Some of the main issues are presented

Basic knowledge with limitations of key principles and concepts only underpinning this assignment

Basic application of theory and/or empirical results

Acceptable presentation and structure. Data are clearly presented. Some evidence of logical arguments. Limited referencing and reference list.

Evidence of basic reading only

Mid 3rd



Low 3rd



Borderline Fail



The content presented omits some relevant materials

Limited and/or superficial knowledge of key principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Limited application of theory and/or empirical results

Poor presentation and structure, grammar and spelling Insufficient referencing and reference list.

Minimal evidence of reading

Mid Fail



Low fail



Very low fail



The content presented is insufficient and largely irrelevant

Insufficient evidence of key principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

No evidence of relevant theory and/or empirical results applied

Unacceptable presentation and structure, grammar and spelling Little or no referencing and reference list.

Little or no evidence of reading





The best things about your assignment are:



The areas of improvement of your work are:




Task Brief 2 – Coursework Portfolio

Module Title:

Global Food, Drink and Society.

Assessment Title:






Last Submission Date:

Monday 17th April 2023, 15:00pm

Instructions To Students For Submission Of This Coursework

Task Details:

You are required to submit a 2,500 word portfolio that documents your learning across the entirety of the module.

As a general guide, your portfolio should include the following elements:

Title page

Contents page

Introduction – purpose and content of the portfolio

Exhibition poster image (a copy image of what has already submitted for task 1)

Exhibition stand images (demonstrating the final presentation of your stand, food and drink etc.)

Exhibition briefing paper (a copy of what has already been submitted for task 1)

Exhibition notes – your evaluation notes and reflections from the 5 stands visited during the exhibition

Weekly reflective debates (10 x weeks)

Discussion – the relationship between food and drink and society

Conclusion – take a position.

Appendix –

Exhibition recipes

Exhibition food & drink order sheet

Any additional materials collated through the semester (e.g. tasting notes)

Weekly Reflective Debates

To assist in developing your organoleptic skills and demonstrating your awareness of wider cultural and societal issues you will provide a set of professional tasting notes/weekly reflections from each of the active experimentation seminars – with reference to the food and/or drink sampled, submitted as evidence in your final essay. These may be referred to within your essay, if applicable, in order to support your discussion.

These should be between 100-150 words in length.

You must include at least one academic reference in each of the weekly notes you produce.

A minimum of 7 reflective notes must be submitted. 10% will be deducted for each set of notes missing if a student submits less than 7.

Discussion – The relationship between food, drink and society

In order to demonstrate your understanding of the traditional, historical and societal underpinnings central to culinary arts and the role that food and drink plays within culture, you are required to engage in a discussion on the relationship between food, drink and society. This section is a vital element to your portfolio and is your main opportunity to demonstrate academic rigour, to apply what you have learnt and evaluate the core learning from the module.

You will be expected to draw upon the learning you have gained through the lecture and seminar programme, as well as the student led exhibition, in order to inform your understanding. The exhibition should have further developed your appreciation of how food, drink and society are related at a global level and as such your discussion should consider this.

You should be able to demonstrate consideration of contemporary food and drink issues as well as societal, ethical and cultural values within your writing.

You will be expected to refer to relevant and appropriate academic resources in order to apply theory and justify your comments.

You should allocate approximately 1000 words to allow for sufficient depth of research and demonstration of understanding within your discussion.

Particular instructions to students:

You will be expected to draw specific conclusions about the information researched and also to reflect upon your own understanding and views within the subject area.

You will be expected to fully reference your work as per the APA system. Please see the guidance on the Blackboard module site for further advice on how to structure your essay and appropriate language to use.

This is a formal piece of work which you will submit via Blackboard under the dedicated Portfolio tab.

You will also be required to submit your 1000 word ‘Discussion’ as a separate word document through the Turnitin originality tool. This is open and work can be submitted multiple times. The final piece of work that you wish to have marked will be submitted via the formal on-line submission point.

Submission requirements

Submission is on-line via Blackboard, with electronic feedback. You are also expected to submit a final copy of your discussion section via Turnitin.

Your deadlines for all your coursework can be accessed via Assessment Diary. Please ensure you check this and you know when all your submission deadlines are due.

Sheffield Business School operates a deadline time of 3:00pm for all coursework submissions. Submissions should be online via the Blackboard submission point. Please be aware that if you do not submit via the Blackboard submission point it will be deemed as a non-submission and therefore receive a mark of zero. In most cases you will also be required to submit to Turnitin for originality / similarity checking but this is not submission for marking purposes (see notes below for more detail).


In most cases you will be asked as part of your assessments to submit an electronic version of your work through a system known as Turnitin. The Turnitin system will produce a report identifying any similarities between the work and existing literature or other sources and can be used to help students avoid plagiarism and assist with referencing.

Your module tutor will give you guidance on how to submit work through the system and how to act upon the report produced. Please note that any Turnitin submissions will be in addition to the actual online assignment submission. You may use this tool more than once to assist you with your work, but you must ensure the final version submitted is the same as the one submitted as your final online submission.

Weighted Assessment Criteria:

Your task will be graded against the following weighted criteria;

20% Your demonstration of content

20% Your application of theory in this assignment

20% Your demonstration of knowledge in this assignment

20% Your presentation of the assignment including references

20% Your evidence of up-to-date research and use of academic/professional sources

Study Skills Support

One seminar will include information on essay writing expectations. You will be expected to engage with student services to further develop any particular requirements that you may require in your essay writing style.

Feedback & Feed-forward Strategy

On-going performance feedback will be available during the timetabled seminar sessions. Students will be able to contact module tutors in class or via email regarding specific questions to the assessments. However please note that although authors will aim to reply to emails within 24 hours wherever possible, responses will not be sent during evenings, weekends and holidays.

Short support sessions shall be available during the seminars in weeks 35 and 36 to enable students to discuss their assignment. This can include briefly reviewing a section of draft assignments, provided they are printed out and brought to the session.

Final marks and feedback will be available on Blackboard following internal moderation, within three weeks from the date of submission.

In-module Task Recovery Strategy

None offered

Please carefully read the assessment and marking criteria overleaf

Assessment Criteria – Task 2

Course Title:

Hospitality Pathway

Module Title:

Global Food, Drink & Society



Assessment Title:







Your demonstration of content

Your identification and demonstration of knowledge in this assignment

Your application of critical analysis and synthesis in this assignment

Your presentation of the assignment including references

Your evidence of up-to-date research and use of academic/professional sources

Exceptional 1st



The content is exceptional and discussed in an original and reflective way

Exceptional knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Relevant theory and/or empirical results are applied exceptionally well

Exceptional, well-directed presentation, logically and coherently structured with creativity in the use of language. Outstanding referencing and reference list.

Extensive evidence of integrating appropriate supplementary sources

High 1st



The content is discussed in an original and reflective way

Excellent knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Relevant theory and/or empirical results are applied with excellence

Excellent, well-directed presentation, logically structured argument. Language in professional and academic standard. Excellent referencing and reference list.

Evidence of extensive reading of supplementary sources

Mid 1st



Low 1st



High 2:1



The content presented considers the main issues well

Comprehensive knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Relevant theory and/or empirical results are applied well

Very good quality presentation, well-structured arguments. Language in appropriate standard. Comprehensive referencing and reference list.

Evidence of reading a range of supplementary sources

Mid 2:1



Low 2:1



High 2:2



The content presented describes the main issues and material

Appropriate knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Relevant theory and/or empirical results are occasionally applied

Good orderly presentation and logical structure. Clearly distinguished sections in reasonable quality arguments. Adequate referencing and reference list.

Evidence of reading directed reading and some supplementary sources

Mid 2:2



Low 2:1



High 3rd



Some of the main issues are presented

Basic knowledge with limitations of key principles and concepts only underpinning this assignment

Basic application of theory and/or empirical results

Acceptable presentation and structure. Data are clearly presented. Some evidence of logical arguments. Limited referencing and reference list.

Evidence of basic reading only

Mid 3rd



Low 3rd



Borderline Fail



The content presented omits some relevant materials

Limited and/or superficial knowledge of key principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

Limited application of theory and/or empirical results

Poor presentation and structure, grammar and spelling Insufficient referencing and reference list.

Minimal evidence of reading

Mid Fail



Low fail



Very low fail



The content presented is insufficient and largely irrelevant

Insufficient evidence of key principles and concepts underpinning this assignment

No evidence of relevant theory and/or empirical results applied

Unacceptable presentation and structure, grammar and spelling Little or no referencing and reference list.

Little or no evidence of reading





The best things about your assignment are:



The areas of improvement of your work are:


