149 views 7:41 am 0 Comments March 1, 2023

Criteria will be posted on Blackboard under “Assessment”

For this Assessment, you are to choose a behavioural risk factor where there is evidence of this being effectively addressed through health promotion interventions.

  1. Health Issues, Impacts. Describe and discuss the possible health issues or impacts of this behavioural risk factor to the health of the population. Your discussion on these identified health issues or impacts will need to be supported and substantiated with relevant evidence and data.
  • Prevalence in Specific Populations. Identify and discuss the evidence of this behavioural risk factor being more prevalent in specific population groups, particularly in relation to the National &/or State averages associated with these data. Propose and analyse possible causes associated with these data.
  • Government Policies, Priorities. Identify any government policies &/or priorities that currently support investment in modifying this behavioural risk factor and thereby reducing the prevalence of the associated health issues or impacts on high-risk population groups.
  • Tensions: Prevention/Promotion vs Treatment. Identify and analyse the tensions that may exist between the prevention/promotion and treatment agendas in relation to addressing this behavioural risk factor. This should be considered at the National, State and even local levels if possible.
  • Resourcing Challenges. Discuss what challenges are evident in relation to resource allocation towards the health promotion/prevention investment in addressing this behavioural risk factor.
  • Settings. Recommend and justify suitable settings in which effective health promotion interventions could be delivered to positively modify this behavioural risk factor in priority population groups more at risk.
  • Ongoing Investment. Conclude by providing a convincing argument

supporting the ongoing investment in prevention in relation to the

modification of this behavioural risk factor and thereby reducing the incidence of corresponding health issues throughout the population.

Please ensure you have read the following prior to submission of your assessment

  Submission procedure:   Upload your assessment in one document as an MS Word document (.doc or .docx) to Turn It In via Blackboard/Assessment/Assessment. The name given to the file should read, YOUR LASTNAME, FIRST NAME, STUDENT ID (e.g., SMITH JOSSIE 1122334). Do not submit a hard copy.   ASSESSMENT FORMATTING The following guidelines are to be followed in preparing the assignment. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a reduced grade.   Text format Typed in 12-point Times New RomanDouble-space (except tables can be single-spaced)Page numbers left-justified margins (align text left NOT centred)2.54 cm margin for every margin discussion of a table and reference to a table (eg see Tablecome before the table   Writing style Written as a professional to be reviewed by colleagues/supervisors. Do not assume the reader would know what is coming up next or what you are planning to do. Use professional language.   A title page that includes Your name and student IDUnit name and unit coordinator’s name title of your assignment (e.g., Assessment 1)The TOTAL word count (except the title page, tables/appendices, and reference list)   Referencing style and formatting Use APA 7th edition. Discussion of appropriate referencing is provided via the Blackboard Assessment Map. Be sure to reference the original source, not class slides/lectures/recordings. Please access the Library website “Citewrite” for further clarification and instruction on correct referencing techniques