Assessment Brief 1
Programme ttle: | Foundaton Year in Business and Law |
Module name: | Personal and Career Development |
Assessment ttle: | A Journey to become a… (your goal) Follow the answer template |
Module code: | MBUMDOPCD |
Module lecturer: | Dr. Zamanur Rahman |
Internal verifer: | Dr. Raziur Chowdhury |
Submission deadline: | 03 April 2023 2:00 PM |
Assessment type: | Individual Presentaton (1200 words) Presentaton will take place on week 7,8 and 9 |
Weight: | 30% (1,200 words) |
Module Aims
The aim of this module is to provide and support students with the necessary skills base for
engaging with Foundaton Year modules, and to help students identfy and develop a range of
transferable skills in preparaton for studying at degree level. The module aims to develop a
reflectve approach by helping students identfy their own strengths and weaknesses, and plan
for their personal, educatonal and career development.
Indicatve Module Content
You will focus upon issues associated with commencing Higher Educaton with a primary focus
upon personal development and employability. This module content will include establishing
pre and quashing misconceptons about University life; the staff-student relatonship and
expectatons; the importance of employability within the HE curriculum and engagement with
Career Development Services and the CORE.
Learning and Teaching Strategies
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Teaching will be primarily through small group seminars, workshops, VLE/e-learning resources,
and regular one-to-one tutorials with personal tutors/supervisors.
Our philosophy of learning and teaching, our understanding of teaching for Foundaton years
and CCCU policies and strategies have all influenced our specifc approach to learning and
teaching for the Foundaton year. Our teaching methods have been developed with explicit
atenton to debates pertaining to student learning styles. As such, our teaching methods
provide a framework via which students develop the capacity to manage their own learning and
evolve, over the course of their studies, into independent learners, acquiring the knowledge,
understanding and skills that are essental to learning in Higher Educaton and to lifelong
learning, post-graduaton.
Overview of learning and teaching actvites on the module
Teaching will be primarily through small group seminars, workshops, VLE/e-learning
resources, and regular one-to-one tutorials with personal tutors/supervisors.
No | Learning Outcomes |
1 | Understand and act upon specifc gaps in their skills as identfed during the module. |
Topic | A journey to become a ……(your goal) |
Delivery method: | Individual Presentaton,10 minutes presentaton and 5 mins Queston & Answer session! |
Type/format: | Individual Presentaton by PPT |
Word count: | PPT (1200 words including speaker note) |
Weight: | 30% Marks |
Submission method: | CCCU Turnitn |
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Basic guidelines: | Individual Presentaton Individual presentaton should take about 10 minutes. There will be an additonal 5 minutes for questons at the end. In additon, you will need to upload the presentaton report to Turnitn by (TBC). Please ensure you include your name and ID on the cover page. You MUST use college cover page template. |
Assessment grading criteria: |
Referencing system:
The Business students are required to use Harvard as the standard referencing conventon.
Learning Materials/Resources:
Recommended Resources:
Barker, A. (2010), Improve Your Communicaton Skills, (2nd Ed.) Kogan Page
Cotrell, S (2013), The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke
Cotrell, S. (2015), Skills for Success: Personal Development and Employability. 2nd Ed.
Creme, P., Lea, M. (2008), Writng at University: A Guide For Students (3rd Ed).
Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press. [Primary]
Gallagher, K. (2016), Essental Study and Employment Skills for Business and
Management Students, (3rd Ed.), OUP.
Lumley, M. & Wilkinson, J. (2014), Developing Employability for Business, OUP
Moon, J. (1999), Reflecton in Learning and Professional Development, Logan Page
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Moon, J. (2006), Learning Journals: A Handbook for Reflectve Practce and
Professional Development, Routledge
Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013), Cite them Right: The Essental Referencing Guide. 9th
Ed. Palgrave Publishing.
Stuart-Hoyle, M. and Wiles, J. (2012), Orientaton to Higher Educaton, 2nd Ed,
Reader’ Pearson
Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013), Cite them Right: The Essental Referencing Guide. 9th
Ed. Palgrave Publishing.
Trenholm, S. & Jensen, A. (2004), Interpersonal Communicaton, (5th Ed.), OUP
Trought, F. (2017), Brilliant Employability Skills: How to Stand Out From The Crowd in
the Graduate Job Market. Pearson.
All the recorded sessions including the weekly lectures can be found on the module blackboard
as a recorded collaborate session.
Journals, magazines & academic artcles related and relevant to the subject:
You are expected to keep abreast of current academic theory and the events and issues that
involve or affect internatonal logistcs. This may be via published and academic journals,
newspapers, trade magazines etc.
You are expected to keep abreast of news, both specifc to internatonal logistcs and general
news as well as other informaton published in websites. The following websites are examples
of those which you might fnd helpful:
Please note that the format and order of this reading list is for illustratve purposes only.
Additonal sources can also be found in Library services.
Students are requested to submit a single alphabetcal order bibliography list containing all
sources used for each piece of work submited.
For guidelines on the required Harvard referencing style please refer to:
Other informaton
This handbook should be read in conjuncton with other sources:
Student Handbook: for programme academic informaton applying to all modules
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Current Student Webpages: for generic student experience informaton
Advice for Students Blackboard for Business School informaton
Date and validity of Module Handbook
Valid for academic year 2022/23.
Appendix 1
Learning Log based on Kolb’s Learning Cycle (1984)
Date | Concrete experience What did I DO? |
Reflectve observaton What did I OBSERVE? |
Abstract conceptualisaton What did I THINK? (So what?) |
Actve experimentaton What is my PLAN for future acton (what next?) |
Appendix 2
Development needs for forthcoming year(s)
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Area of specifc development need |
Type of development |
Timescales | Who is responsible? |
Further comments |
Provide a specifc descripton of the desired changes (e.g., skills gained, knowledge acquired, topics/themes/ content covered) |
E.g., Online resources, Course, Workshop. |
E.g., End of April, To be completed in the next 6 months, Over next 1-2 years. |
Whether additonal support is required? Whom and how will you access this? |
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CCCU Assessment grading criteria: Foundaton Year/Level 0
Criteria | 100-70% | 69-60% | 59-50% | 49-40% | 39-20% | 20-0% |
Planning, coherence, and organisaton of work, |
Detailed self directed planning evident in coherent and well organised work which meets tmescales |
Logical, well planned, and coherent work which meets tmescales |
Evidence of effectve planning. Work demonstrates some coherence and is organised and meets tmescales. |
Evidence of some planning and work has basic coherence and organisaton and meets tmescales. |
Poor organisaton and litle coherence. Inefcient planning and tasks incomplete |
Disorganised and incoherent Litle evidence of planning |
Context and applicaton of knowledge |
Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of subject context demonstrated and used effectvely |
Good knowledge and understanding of defned subject context shown and used appropriately. |
Sound knowledge and understanding of defned subject context shown and used. |
Basic knowledge and understanding of defned subject context demonstrated. |
Limited knowledge and understanding of subject shown |
Very limited or no understanding of subject shown. |
Presentaton | Confdent selecton, organisaton and communicaton of ideas using appropriate and resources and with clear focus on intended audience |
Confdent selecton, organisaton, and communicaton of ideas appropriate to the intended audience |
Competent communicaton of ideas with clarity and an appropriate structure |
Competent and appropriate communicaton of ideas although some lack of clarity evident |
Ineffectve communicaton and presentaton of ideas and lack of clarity in structure |
No coherent communicaton of ideas |
Writen Communicaton, (including accuracy, spelling, grammar. punctuaton) |
Fluent and accurate writng style which utlises appropriate conventons and is appropriate to the assignment. |
Fluent writng style appropriate to the assignment. Academic conventons are used, and grammar and |
Writng style serviceable and appropriate with awareness of academic discipline |
Basic writng style using appropriate format but containing some errors in expression |
Ineffectve writng style with litle atenton to academic or grammatcal conventons |
Inappropriate and incoherent communicaton |
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Mostly correct grammar and spelling |
spelling are generally accurate. |
Communicaton (oral) |
Engaging and confdent presentaton of well- structured ideas. Pace is appropriate for subject mater and audience |
Clearly communicated ideas which are well structured, and pace is appropriate. Atempts are made to engage the audience |
Sound structure and pace is evident in appropriate communicaton of ideas. Some effectve audience engagement |
Basic structure and competent communicaton evident although limited appropriateness or engagement with audience. |
Presentaton of ideas lacks coherence and fluency. Very litle atempt to engage with audience at an appropriate level. |
Ineffectve communicaton and presentaton of ideas, lacking clarity in structure. Minimal engagement with audience. |
Evaluaton and Reflecton |
Excellent use of evaluaton and reflecton throughout. Confdently reflects on own strengths and weaknesses and translates this to effectve acton planning |
Consistent and appropriate use of reflecton, evaluaton, and acton planning |
Adequate use of reflecton, evaluaton, and acton planning with evidence of reasoned decision making |
Limited use of reflecton, evaluaton, and acton planning |
Insufcient evidence of reflecton or evaluaton informing very limited acton planning |
No evidence of reflecton or evaluaton |
Analysis and critcality |
Makes very good use of analysis by comparing and contrastng alternate positons using critcal insight. |
Makes effectve use of established techniques of analysis and shows awareness of alternate theories and analytc approaches |
Makes conventonal use of analysis, including some critcality. Is aware of current debates. |
Makes basic use of analysis and there is evidence of some critcal insight and reference to debates. |
Litle analysis of or justfcaton for ideas |
No evidence of analysis or critcality in presentaton of ideas |
Referencing and Academic protocols |
Sources used are acknowledged and |
Sources used are acknowledged in a |
Atempts to follow a systematc |
Some atempts to cite sources but |
Limited acknowledgement of |
Litle or no acknowledgement of |
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referenced accurately using a systematc and appropriate approach |
systematc and appropriate approach. References are generally accurate |
approach using accepted protocols. References are generally accurate |
contains inaccuracies, errors, or omissions |
sources, which are inaccurate or incomplete |
sources of informaton |
Use of literature and data |
Evidence of broad and in-depth consultaton of source material, which is well chosen, appraised, synthesised, and used effectvely. |
Evidence of independent research and consultaton of appropriate sources which are used with critcal insight, synthesised, and have relevance. |
Sufcient relevant informaton is consulted, documented, and used in a critcal way. |
Evidence of reading and research from appropriate sources but this may be presented uncritcally or descriptvely. |
Very limited or inappropriate sources consulted with litle critcal insight. |
Ineffectve or irrelevant consultaton of sources presented descriptvely. |
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