Foundations of Sociology and Politics for Community

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SAP101 Foundations of Sociology and Politics for Community
Services Workers T1-2023
Assessment 3: Essay 1. Weighting 25% Due in Week
Mark as done
Opened: Monday, 20 February 2023, 11:59 PM
Due: Sunday, 12 March 2023, 11:59 PM

Title: Assessment Task 3: Essay
Unit learning outcomes: 1,4
Weighting: 25%

Akriti Devi POUDEL AP
Home My courses HE – Higher Education Courses Bachelor of Community Services 2023 BCS Trimester 1 – Please click here for your … SAP101
Foundations of Sociology and Politics for C…
Assessment Assessment 3: Essay 1. Weighting 25% Due in Week 5
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Length: 1000 words
Due date: Due week 5: Sunday 12 March 11.59pm
Type: Individual essay
Submission: Submission via Turnitin

Assessment instructions
Consider the following statements.
Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected
circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given, and transmitted from the past. (Marx, K 1852:1)
Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both. (Mills
C 2000 p.3)
The sociological imagination demands that we ‘think ourselves away’ from the familiar routines of our daily life in
order that we may look at them from a new point of view which may appear strange, at least at first. (Giddens, A;
Sutton, P. ,2021 p. 5)
Topic: Draw on two sociological theories and related concepts presented in this unit between weeks 1 and 4, to
discuss how you are a social being and have become who you are today. Identify specific instances where
‘agency’ and ‘structure’ have been influential.
In this 1000-word essay, written in academic style, you will show you have read the required readings through
demonstrating understanding of the key concepts in weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4

Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass NN (Fail)
understanding of two
sociological theories
presented in this unit
Everything in
Distinction plus
can discuss two
theories critically
showing the
these theories
have made to
sociology. Has a
understanding of
Has selected two
theories, can
discuss the
theories in
relation to their
development. The
discuss is rich
with examples of
structures and
Has selected 2
theories from
this unit, is able
to clearly define
and discuss the
main features.
Has shown a
between their
identity and
social structure
Has selected two
theories from this
unit, is able to
between them,
has used at least
one concept from
each theory Has
attempted to draw
a relationship
between identity
and social
Does not discuss
theories used in
this unit. Even if
the student tells
a good story of
their life, they
fail this part if
they do not
discuss theory.

Supporting resources
See your prescribed textbook chapters, additional readings for activities unit outline materials, utilise Stott’s
College library and Proquest to access peer reviewed resources..
Assessment Criteria
Demonstrated understanding of two sociological theories presented in this unit 25
Demonstrated understanding of agency and structure 25
Demonstrated use of the required texts 25
Academic Style, writing, expression, APA 25
Total /100 weighted to 25%

understanding of
agency and structure
Everything in
distinction but has
a critical
understanding of
agency and
structure and can
discuss the
complexity and
nuances of
agency and
Clearly defines
agency and
structure and has
four or five rich
examples from
their life that are
of agency and
clearly defines
them, and can
identify one or
two examples
in their life
Demonstrates an
understanding of
both agency and
structure but the
examples are
weak or may not
be completely
Does not discuss
either agency or
Demonstrated use of
the Essential texts 25
References all the
required literature
in weeks 1-4 and
can critique the
References all the
required literature
in weeks 1-4 and
uses each text
very well.
References all
the required
literature in
weeks 1-4 and
uses at least 2
of the required
texts well
References all the
required literature
in weeks 1-4 but
doesn’t use it as
well as credit
Does not use the
Academic Style, writing,
expression, APA 25
All of distinction
and interesting to
Good APA
including quotes
and page
numbers and
clear expression
Uses APA with
no errors. No
errors in
expression and
paragraphs are
well organised.
Using APA but
some small
errors. Some
errors in
expression but
and some messy
Does not use
APA or writes in
a way that iis not

You will submit this assessment task as a single Microsoft Word document via Turnitin using the submission link
Add submission
Submission status

Attempt number This is attempt 1.
Submission status No submissions have been made yet
Grading status Not graded
Time remaining 22 hours 49 mins remaining

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