Foundations of Health Promotion

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Foundations of Health Promotion
HPRO6715 Foundations of Health Promotion
Assignment 2.
The purpose of Assignment 2 is for you to review, reflect on, and critique a large-scale health promotion plan,
in line with concepts and methods covered in Module 3 and also leveraging relevant concepts and methods
covered in Modules 1 and 2. Many health promotion interventions – including the ones you selected for
Assignments 1A and 1B – correspond with a particular area of action. That area of action, in turn, is often one
part of a broader plan comprising many actions. So we can see here the necessity of large-scale plans in health
promotion – they contextualise and guide a range of actions in specific areas, with specific groups or
populations, addressing specific issues, over a specific period of time.
STEP 1. Choose one of the following health promotion goals. (links will take you to website)
The National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan
NSW HIV Strategy 2021-2025
National Action Plan for the Health of Children and Young People 2020-2030
NSW Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy 2022-2023
NOTE: The plan may include content that extends beyond the scope of health promotion (e.g., direct clinical
care, recommendations for legal reform, etc.). This is often the case with large-scale plans, as it is vital to
contextualise health promotion actions and to link them with other areas of practice. We recommend you
develop your response with clear acknowledgement of this, but with a primary focus on actions as they relate
to health promotion.
STEP 2. Address each of the following questions in a succinct, thoughtful and evidence-informed manner.
Note: Please adhere to the following instructions for your responses.
– Answer all questions in a single document (e.g., word document) and upload this to Canvas.
– In your responses, be sure to refer to peer-reviewed evidence and other reliable sources to support
what you are arguing and these need to be adequately cited and referenced. This includes relevant
theories, models, frameworks or policies.
– Ensure you appropriately cite and reference your responses – the reference list DOES NOT count
towards word limit.
– Word limits are provided for each question, this is the overall word count for the question. For
example, if the question has a word count of 500 words ± 10% and asks you to address three
elements, your overall response should be 500 words ± 10%, NOT 1500 words ± 10%. Information
provided outside of the prescribed word limits may not be considered when assessing your

Foundations of Health Promotion
Question 1. (word limit 800 words ± 10%)
We have learned about the key elements of a well-written, rigorous health promotion plan (as below), what
each of these elements should include, and why they are important.
1. a rationale for action;
2. a statement of intent;
3. a description of proposed action;
4. governance;
5. evidence of community consultation; and
6. evaluation.
Outline and discuss how well your chosen health promotion plan has included and addressed each of these key
Question 2. (word limit 400 words ± 10%)
Health promotion does not occur in a vacuum, and therefore is not without its conflicts and challenges. These
issues can arise in the initial stages of our planning, right through implementation and towards impact and
outcomes that we perhaps didn’t expect or intend to begin with.
As such, consult and read through relevant health promotion literature in relation to the health issue/s
discussed in your chosen plan. Reflecting on what the literature tells you, and considering what your chosen
plan aims to achieve, comment on what you perceive to be the potential conflicts and challenges.
Question 3. (word limit 200 words ± 10%)
Based on your reflections from responding to the above questions, and on your general critical appraisal of the
plan you chose, comment on the overall quality and likely effectiveness of the plan.
If you happen to have criticisms, comment on what you would recommend be changed in order to improve the
document and why.
TIP/ADVICE: As with Questions 1 and 2, be sure to adopt an evidence-informed approach for this response –
avoid simply presenting your own personal opinion. We want to see that you have thought about strategic
planning in health promotion with due attention paid to peer-reviewed literature and other reliable sources of
evidence. We encourage you to research widely – including looking at similar plans that focus on the same
health issue/s as your chosen plan, to provide a point for comparison.

Foundations of Health Promotion
Assignment 2: Marking Rubric

Fail Pass Satisfactory Credit Good Distinction Excellent High Distinction Outstanding
Question 1
Criteria 0-9.9 10-12.8 12.9-14.8 14.9-16.8 16.9-20.0
Critical analysis of
the plan content
approaches to
planning health
Links to relevant
guidelines, theories,
and/or frameworks
not made
Information provided
not linked to the set
Unclear description
of how plan reflects
all/most elements of
planning approaches
Where appropriate
makes links to relevant
guidelines, theories,
and/or frameworks
that are satisfactory
Information provided
with some links to the
set tasks
Somewhat clear
description of how
plan reflects few
elements of planning
Where appropriate
makes links to relevant
guidelines, theories,
and/or frameworks that
are somewhat clear
Information provided
somewhat linked to the
set tasks
Somewhat clear
description of how plan
reflects most elements
of planning approaches
Where appropriate
makes links to relevant
guidelines, theories,
and/or frameworks that
are mostly clear
Information provided
mostly linked to the set
Mostly clear description
of how plan reflects all
elements of planning
Demonstrates outstanding
knowledge of relevant
guidelines, theories, and/or
frameworks in
understanding the topic
Information provided
clearly linked to the set
Outstanding and clear
description of how plan
reflects all elements of
planning approaches
0-9.9 10-12.8 12.9-14.8 14.9-16.8 16.9-20.0
Understanding of
how the plan
approaches to
planning health
Demonstrates little
ability to critique
selected plan and the
alignment with
none/few very
elements of planning
satisfactory ability to
critique selected plan
and the alignment
with few elements of
planning approaches
Somewhat clear in the
critique of selected plan
and the alignment with
most elements of
planning approaches
Mostly clear in the
critique of selected plan
and the alignment with
all elements of planning
Demonstrates outstanding
ability to critique selected
plan and the alignment with
all elements of planning

Foundations of Health Promotion

0-4.9 5.0-6.4 6.5-7.4 7.5-8.4 8.5-10
Writing style Responses are not
within word limits
Poorly written, with
limited use of peer
reviewed evidence
and other reliable
Some responses are
within word limits
Reasonably well
written, with some use
of peer-reviewed
evidence and other
reliable sources
Few responses are
within word limits
(±~10%) with some
clearly above/below
Adequately well written,
with good use of peer
reviewed evidence and
other reliable sources
Responses are mostly
within word limits
Mostly well written,
with excellent use of
peer-reviewed evidence
and other reliable
Responses are consistently
within word limits (±~10%)
Very well written, with
outstanding use of peer
reviewed evidence and
other reliable sources
Question 2
0-9.9 10-12.8 12.9-14.8 14.9-16.8 16.9-20.0
Critical analysis of
the plan content
and potential
conflicts and
Links to relevant
guidelines, theories,
and/or frameworks
not made
Information provided
not linked to the set
Unclear description
of potential conflicts
and challenges of
plan, none provided
Where appropriate
makes links to relevant
guidelines, theories,
and/or frameworks
that are satisfactory
Information provided
with some links to the
set tasks
description of
potential conflicts and
challenges of plan
Where appropriate
makes links to relevant
guidelines, theories,
and/or frameworks that
are somewhat clear
Information provided
somewhat linked to the
set tasks
Somewhat clear
description potential
conflicts and challenges
of plan
Where appropriate
makes links to relevant
guidelines, theories,
and/or frameworks that
are mostly clear
Information provided
mostly linked to the set
Mostly clear description
of potential conflicts
and challenges of plan
Demonstrates outstanding
knowledge of relevant
guidelines, theories, and/or
frameworks in
understanding the topic
Information provided
clearly linked to the set
Outstanding and clear
description of potential
conflicts and challenges of
0-4.9 5.0-6.4 6.5-7.4 7.5-8.4 8.5-10
Writing style Responses are not
within word limits
Poorly written, with
limited use of peer-
Some responses are
within word limits
Reasonably well
written, with some use
Few responses are
within word limits
(±~10%) with some
clearly above/below
Responses are mostly
within word limits
Mostly well written,
with excellent use of
Responses are consistently
within word limits (±~10%)
Very well written, with
outstanding use of peer

Foundations of Health Promotion

reviewed evidence
and other reliable
of peer-reviewed
evidence and other
reliable sources
Adequately well written,
with good use of peer
reviewed evidence and
other reliable sources
peer-reviewed evidence
and other reliable
reviewed evidence and
other reliable sources
Question 3
0-9.9 10-12.8 12.9-14.8 14.9-16.8 16.9-20.0
Critical analysis of
the plan to
achieve aims
Demonstrates little
understanding of
strengths &
weakness of plan to
achieve aims
Issues identified not
relevant/ limited
relevance to plan to
achieve aim
critique and any
modifications have
limited justification
and or not evidence
understanding of
strengths & weakness
of plan to achieve aims
Issues identified
relevant to plan to
achieve aim
Satisfactory critique
and any modifications
reasonably well
justified and evidence
Demonstrates good
understanding of
strengths & weakness of
plan to achieve aims
Issues identified
somewhat relevant to
plan to achieve aim
Adequate critique and
any modifications
somewhat justified and
evidence based
Demonstrates mostly
clear understanding of
strengths & weakness of
plan to achieve aims
Issues identified
relevant to plan to
achieve aim
Excellent critique and
any modifications
mostly justified and
evidence based
Demonstrates outstanding
understanding of strengths
& weakness of intervention
to achieve aims
Issues identified highly
relevant to plan to achieve
Outstanding critique and
any modifications
exceptionally well justified
and evidence based
0-4.9 5.0-6.4 6.5-7.4 7.5-8.4 8.5-10
Writing style Responses are not
within word limits
Poorly written, with
limited use of peer
reviewed evidence
and other reliable
Some responses are
within word limits
Reasonably well
written, with some use
of peer-reviewed
evidence and other
reliable sources
Few responses are
within word limits
(±~10%) with some
clearly above/below
Adequately well written,
with good use of peer
reviewed evidence and
other reliable sources
Responses are mostly
within word limits
Mostly well written,
with excellent use of
peer-reviewed evidence
and other reliable
Responses are consistently
within word limits (±~10%)
Very well written, with
outstanding use of peer
reviewed evidence and
other reliable sources

Foundations of Health Promotion

Foundations of Health Promotion