Formal outline of final research paper

139 views 8:31 am 0 Comments May 30, 2023

Part 1: Formal
 outline of final research paper with APA reference page

This week you will write a 2 page minimum (not including the reference page), single spaced, formal outlineof your paper. Your outline should include at least three levels of subordination (main ideas, sub-topics, details) as well as include direct quotes (in quotation marks) followed by in-text citations from each source integrated into the outline. The APA reference page should also be included as the last page of the outline. You may also include indirect quotes (paraphrases) from each of your sources, but remember to also follow them with an APA in-text citation.

Submit your OUTLINE to the Unit 4 Drop Box.

Grading: The formal outline will be graded on length, content/support from your sources, the inclusion of a reference page, and formatting.

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

Provide an annotated bibliography of 5 sources. A description and example of annotated bibliographies can be found on Purdue University’s OWL website here: Your total word count, including references, should be at minimum 330 words.