Financial Management and Decision Making in Healthcare

94 views 8:51 am 0 Comments April 15, 2023

Newcastle Business School
GSBS6385: Financial Management and Decision Making in Healthcare
Trimester 1, 2023
Case Study
Weighting 50 Marks (worth 50 %)
Apply theory in practice.
Analyse data using a spreadsheet.
Prepare a written report.
Gather and use financial information.
The assignment must be attempted and completed individually
Any assignment submitted late will penalised at a rate of 10% per day.
To provide the supporting data for your report you will be required to use Microsoft Excel. (Your
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet needs to be prepared in a way that a colleague could open your
spreadsheet and justify your calculations).
Your Excel Spreadsheet needs to be embedded into the Appendix of your report, by inserting a
Microsoft Excel Object. (How to do this will be illustrated in class).
Maximum word limit is 2000 -2500 words. (Word limit excludes references and the table of

Due Date and Submission:
o Written Assignment (2000 – 2500 word report)11:59pm, Thursday 13 April 2023 online via
Turnitin on Canvas.
The aim of the case study is to add value to a healthcare organisation by applying relevant financial
management principles and concepts in the formulation and execution of its strategy.
In this case study you will select a publicly listed healthcare organisation to analyse. Each student will analyse a
different healthcare organisation, with selections approved by the course co-ordinator via email on a first-come
first-served basis.
You must receive confirmation from the course co-ordinator regarding your selection before commencing the
case study. A list of publicly listed healthcare providers can be found on the following website:
The background of the case study is COVID-19 has now been with us for over two years and firms should be
now moving closer towards business as usual. However, economic uncertainty is high due to the continued
impacts of inflation making the investment decision more difficult. In this case study you will evaluate the past
position and performance of the organisation, discuss both how COVID-19 has affected the organisation (and
its operations post COVID-19) and provide financing/investment recommendations on the basis of your
You will be required to communicate the formulation, analysis and evaluation as a report with the intended
audience the board of directors where it is assumed you work for the organisation in a Finance role.
1. Describe the main activities of the healthcare organisation, indicate the sub-industry it operates in and
discuss the organisation’s overall strategy. Describe the main overall opportunities and risks
(competitors, the economic environment etc) the company faces in the medium to long term. (10 marks)
2. Collect and then analyse the prior five years of financial statements to determine the impact of COVID-
19 on the healthcare organisation. As a minimum this should include trend analysis of relevant Balance
Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement items as well as ratio analysis across the areas of financial
performance, liquidity and capital structure. Calculate operating leverage for the firm for the previous 5
years. (18 marks)
3. Critically appraise the results, discussing each piece of analysis in turn. Note: Your answer is not to be
general. For example it is insufficient to state XYZ ratio increased by 5% over the previous five years.
The analysis needs to be critical, and connected to your research in part 1. so that possible explanations
are provided for performance. (8 marks)
4. Evaluate the overall healthcare organisation with respect to their strategy moving forward, the
investment and financing decision. In the event you identify a deficiency in the firm, provide possible
recommendations and solutions. E.g. If the amount of debt has increased significantly in the firm, how

may the healthcare organisation seek to resolve this and broadly what are the consequences from
resolving/not resolving the issue. Discuss the main limitations to your analysis. (10 marks)
Your report should be structured and include the following:
-Executive Summary
– Introduction
– Body of the Report
– Conclusion and Recommendation
– References
– Appendices
(Do not include the calculations in the body of the report, they should be included in the appendix by cutting
and pasting each part of the analysis (in Microsoft Excel) into the Microsoft Word document.)

Written Assignment Marking Criteria:

Marks Excellent Good – Satisfactory Poor
100%-75% 74%-50% 49%-0%
Presentation of the
2 The report is professionally
presented with excellent use
of formatting, headings and
supporting tables/graphics.
The professionalism of the report is
good however there are some
inconsistencies in the use of
formatting, headings and supporting
The professionalism of the report
is poor due to major
inconsistencies in the use of
formatting, headings and
supporting tables/graphics.
Quality of writing 2 Excellent professional
language is used which
communicates meaning with
excellent clarity and fluency.
Very minor errors in spelling,
grammar and punctuation, or
sentence structure.
Good professional language is used
which conveys meaning with good
clarity and fluency.
Errors in spelling, grammar,
punctuation, sentence structure, and/or
Poor language impedes meaning
because of errors in usage and
disorganisation of information.
Report is inconsistent with
presenting thoughts.
1. Discussion of: –
10 Excellent discussion,
interpretation and analysis of
relevant points which are both
comprehensive and thorough
independent to COVID-19
and with COVID-19
Good discussion, interpretation and
analysis of relevant points in the report
which mostly meet the requirements of
the assignment independent to
COVID-19 and with COVID-19
Poor/minimal discussion,
interpretation and analysis of
relevant points which does not
adequately address the
requirements of the assignment.
2. Analysis 18 Analysis is excellent due to
being accurately and
comprehensively completed
with the impact of COVID-19
on the healthcare organisation
clearly articulated.
The analysis is easy to follow
and is supported by
appropriate headings and
No errors or very minor errors
are shown in calculation
Analysis is good due to being mostly
accurate, however there were some
inconsistencies or omissions in the
analysis and/or articulating the impact
of COVID-19 is incomplete due to
errors or omissions.
The analysis is mostly easy to follow
as a result of minor inconsistencies in
formulas or missing or inappropriate
Errors are shown in calculation.
Analysis is poor due to major
parts of the analysis missing
and/or incomplete.
The analysis is difficult to follow
due to a lack of headings or
formulas or discussion of the
impact of COVID-19 on the
healthcare organisation.
Major errors are shown in
3. Critical
appraisal of
8 Excellent discussion and
analysis of the results in
assessing the performance of
the organisation which are
comprehensive, thorough and
Interpretation is accurate and
logical with overall appraisal
supported with evidence and
well justified.
Good discussion and analysis of the
results in assessing the performance of
the organisation.
Interpretation is correct and relevant to
the results with a good justification of
the appraisal.
Poor/minimal discussion and
analysis of the results in assessing
the performance of the
organisation/analysis does not
address the requirements of the
Interpretation is lacking or
supported by errors in judgement
with little or no justification.


4. Evaluation/
10 Excellent discussion in
evaluating the healthcare
organisation which is both
comprehensive and thorough.
All issues and main
limitations are adequately
Recommendations are logical,
accurate and well justified.
Good discussion and analysis of the
healthcare organisation which mostly
meet the requirements of the
Majority of the issues and main
limitations are addressed.
Recommendations are correct and
relevant to the results with a good
justification, however there are errors
or omissions.
Poor/minimal discussion and
analysis of the results in
evaluating the organisation and/or
discussion does not address the
requirements of the assignment.
Major issues and limitations are
not addressed.
Recommendations are lacking or
supported by major errors in
judgement with little or no
Total Marks 50