Final Major Project

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Assignment Brief Final Major Project



Final Major Project (FMP)

Unit Code

FADM 3004

Component Number

Component 1: Portfolio

Component Weighting

Component 1: 100%

Duration (number of weeks)


Credit Value


Total Learning Hours for Unit


Formative submission

Week 6 – Formative draft submission review.

Final summative submission

Submit Component 1 as a MS Word or PowerPoint document.

Deadline: 28th April 2023 05:00PM

Deadline: 2nd May 2023 05:00PM (Weekend Students)




Assessment Details

Table A1- Assessment Components

Assessment Component

List all separate components

Weighting (%)

Typical Indicative Assessment tasks

Assessment Type

Word Count Approx word count where applicable



A selected and organized body of work.

A final exhibited piece of work. Innovative Outcome

Portfolio of Designated tasks


Table A4 – Assessment Criteria

There should be at least one criterion against each learning outcome for the unit


Knowledge of contexts, concepts, technologies, and processes needed and relevant to the development of the project

LO1, LO2

Understanding through critical and contextual investigation relevant to specialism and self-directed project.

LO1, LO3

Application of technical and professional skills by organizing and presenting work in a professional manner.

LO3, LO4

Understanding through analysis, reflection and problem solving to develop individual creative solutions in a self-directed project and presenting work in a professional context.





Detailed Description of the Assessment


Over the next 10 weeks, you will be completing your final major project (Creative Design Portfolio OR Creative Business Document) for submission.

The template for your Creative Portfolio OR Business Document is on canvas for you to download and use. Note: If you’ve chosen to create a Creative Portfolio, your sketchbook pages must be scanned and placed in the template as the submission is done digitally through Turn It In.

For your final project you have been asked to create one of the following based on the theme of sustainability relating to your interest and pathway.

A Creative Design Portfolio, showing the development and outcome of a product, designs, or an art object that you have designed.


A Creative Business Document, showing the development of a business start-up that you have created.


Considering the topic of sustainability – take time to think about what sustainability is and how you can contribute to being a changemaker. Keeping these questions in mind: How can you contribute to change? What steps are you taking to address sustainability? As a future creative or business leader, how will you respond to this call to action? How can you contribute to a more sustainable regenerative future?

Examples of different Design Ideas, Products, or Business approaches:

Creative Business Document

Business – Retail Space, Restaurant, Fashion Brand

Business Product – Interior Design, Product design

Business Marketing – Events management, PR, Exhibition Space

Creative Design Portfolio

Design – Fashion Collection (selection of designs – illustrations, collage, digital rendering)

Product Design – Interior, Furniture, Technology

Graphic Design – Poster, Campaign, Photoshoot

Marketing Design – Social Media or Marketing Campaign

Your project on completion will include:

(A full checklist for both pathways will be provided on Canvas- All required outcomes are also listed within your selected template on Canvas).

Creative Business Document

Creative Design Portfolio

A 10-12 page MS Word business document outlining the sustainable business you intend to develop. This should be a new business that you create. A 15-20 page sketchbook of your creative design work. This should show the process of your idea generation and include a final outcome. This must be digitised for your online submission. Please note your physical sketchbook will need to be digitised for submission.

Reflection – A reflection on the skills learned and those you’d like to develop during the project. (Approximately 150 words)

Project Introduction – An overview of your project (approximately 200 words)

Evaluation Methods – A project action plan including how you will evaluate your work (approximately 100 words)

Introduction to your company

A Team including photos and titles

The Companies specialities

Expected financial performance

Global Presence (minimum 3 locations)

Customer Research questionnaire (5-10 questions)

Market Research Data (Graphs or Pie Charts)

Marketing Mix – 4P’s (Price, Place, Product, Promotion)

A Store Front or Floor Plan

A Company Logo

Reflection – A reflection on the skills learned and those you’d like to develop during the project. (Approximately 150 words)

Project Introduction – An overview of your project (approximately 200 words)

Evaluation Methods – A project action plan including how you will evaluate your work (approximately 100 words)

A mind map of your ideas

Mood Board + Colour Board

Customer Profile

Research (Primary & Secondary) (3-6 pages Sketchbook pages)

Design Development and Experimentation (4-8 Sketchbook pages including drawing and visual responses to your research)

Annotation / Notes

Photographs, images, or pictures of your outcome

A Brand Logo

Your final outcome can be a Design OR Business start-up.

All students work will be:

Presented Digitally regardless of Creative design Portfolio or Creative Business Document.

Note: If you create a video – you are required to add a link and screen shots of your process to your portfolio.

Word Count:


Deadline: April 28th 2023 Before 05:00PM

Additional Assessment Requirements & Information

All assignments should be submitted through Turnitin. If you file will not upload please ensure it is the correct size and if not you must contact the Admin Team ([email protected]) BEFORE the assignment Deadline.


Turnitin will review the assignment for levels of plagiarism and this will be reviewed by Academic Staff when marking. Students who have been deemed as committing at academic offense including plagiarism or collusion will be subject to the Academic Misconduct policy.


Any work submitted after the deadline will be classed as a non-submission unless you have approved mitigating circumstances (see section).


All assignments will be given a mark out of 100. A pass mark will be 40 or above.


Students who fail their first attempt will be offered a resit attempt where the mark of the assignment will be capped at 40% at the Board of Examiners.



Assessment Marking Descriptors

All Assignments at LCCA are marked in like with the Assessment Criteria outlined in Table A4, but also against these marking descriptors which outline the requirements for each gr


Mitigating Circumstances

LCCA and UCA understand that in students lives, there can be situations that are unexpected and can impact on your ability to hand in your assignment. LCCA and UCA define these situations as mitigating circumstances, and these are exceptional, short-term events which are outside the student’s control and impact their ability to prepare for, submit or present themselves for an assessment by the given deadline.

If something happens close to your assessment deadline that is hindering your ability to submit, please collect a Mitigating Circumstances from the Admin Team and submit along with appropriate supporting evidence BEFORE the assessment deadline. Any forms submitted after this deadline will require additional evidence.

If approved, you will be given an extension to the assignment deadline without being penalised.

However, LCCA and UCA consider that students who submit or present themselves for assessment are, in doing so, declaring themselves fit to be assessed, and therefore mitigating circumstances will not be accepted.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct is defined as where a student gains or seeks to gain and advantage in an assessment by unfair or improper means. Academic Misconduct can include the following:

Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. This is where a student present work which contained unacknowledged published work (words, thoughts, judgements, ideas, structures, images etc.) of another, or presents work that has been previously submitted for another unit or course, or at a different institution.  

Collusion. This is where a student work for assessment done in collaboration with another person(s) entirely as their own or collaborates with another student(s) on work which is subsequently submitted as entirely of the other students work.  

Examination Offenses. This is where a student takes unauthorised materials into an exam room, communicates, or attempts to communicate with another student during the exam, fails to comply with invigilators instructions, or breaches other exam regulations.  

Dishonest Practice. This can include using essay mills, submitting work not completed by yourself, offering bribes, seeking to obtain confidential information, making false declarations and falsifying transcripts and certification or other official documentation.  

All assignments are checked for Academic Misconduct and students who have been found to have committed an offense will be subject to the Academic Misconduct Policy and or the Student Disciplinary Procedures.

Marking and Feedback

You should expect to receive you marks approximately 4 weeks after the assignment deadline.

To ensure fairness, and parity of marking. All assignments are first marked, and a sample are second marked, and Internally Verified by a tutor from UCA to ensure the marks are correct and the feedback is appropriate.

The marks also considered by an Internal Exam Board at LCCA to ensure due process has been followed and the Board of Examiners at UCA where marks are ratified.

All marks are PROVISIONAL until ratified by the Board of Examiners.

Your provisional grade and feedback will be made available to you on Turnitin on Canvas. Unless advised otherwise by your tutor.