Final Assignment Backup

138 views 8:18 am 0 Comments April 19, 2023

The marking of this back-up file is worth 23 out of the total of 43 marks for your final assignment.
Assignment #3 Final Assignment Backup
Criteria Ratings Pts Future Project Contingency Assessment 4 to >3.0 pts 3 to >2.0 pts 2 to >0 pts Allowances / contingency: Prob x Cost: rank & select Proficient Competent Novice Accurate tables Tables mostly accurate Poor or generic 4 pts detail
Research: Description, PDS. Snow
Research: Risks, Impact & treatment, Refs
References inc. project external reporting (not client or project)
4 to >3.0 pts Proficient Rates & estimate accurate
3 to >1.0 pts Competent Adequate attempt, some errors
4 to >3.0 pts 3 to >2.0 pts Proficient Competent
reasoned schedule with Adequate resourcing & calendars
6 to >4.0 pts Complete
4 to >2.0 pts Some missing or poor calculation
S to >4.0 pts Specific risk description & response with list & impact
4 to >3.0 pts Adequate
1 to >0 pts Proficient Poor attempt.
2 to >0 pts Novice Inadequate
2 to >0 pts Novice A poor attempt
3 to >0 pts Novice Inadequate effort
4 pts
4 pts
6 pts
5 pts
Total Points: 23