Final Assessment

111 views 8:04 am 0 Comments April 27, 2023

Ops937 2023 Tri 3

Final Assessment: Instructions and style guide

The exam (50% of the final mark) is based on an online video case study;

Video is available 13-26 April

Questions are available here from 25 April, 9am.

Submission is due 26 April, 5pm. (Note: late penalties apply if not approved)

Marks allocation is listed in the question on Moodle


Format instructions:

The full submission, including all of your answers should be a maximum of 2,500 words (references not included).

Please select ONE question set and submit all the questions in it to the appropriate Turnitin box.


Font: Calibri;

Font size 12;

Spacing 1.5;

left justified;

2.54 cm Margins (standard)

Writing style: academic question and answer format (an essay format is not required).

Please READ THE CASE DESCRIPTION before you start answering the questions.

Paraphrase your definitions (put them in your own words) rather than copy content from the text/Moodle or other sources.

Submission through Turnitin will allow markers to identify if you have used other sources as your own work, and whether you have referenced correctly. Your answers should be based on theory/concept, but must be your own individual and original writing (not previously submitted elsewhere).

Provide in-text referencing AND a reference list at the end of the whole task. No more than three academic sources required, including textbook and subject material.

Questions about the final assessment will be managed via a Q&A forum. Please note that due to the nature of this assessment (final assessment) only technical questions, and not assessment advice, can be provided.


NOTE: all failed assessments are double marked.