129 views 10:04 am 0 Comments April 20, 2023



Please read this assignment feedback and prepare Assignment 2 according to that.


Thank you, Raj for submitting your first assessment and a review of the operations of Amazon.

This is an extremely wide brief than one thing I would recommend is confining your analysis to a particular function of and was on so that you can be more detail in your discussion and review.

 I have some thoughts for you to consider against each Criterion and to help you improve just that little bit more on your next assessment and a few comments in the report.

Criterion 1: Application of relevant model/s (such as input transformation-output model or 4Vs) to provide contextual background. Application of Hays and Wheelwright’s (H&W’s) model to identify and evaluate existing operations.35%

The 4V’s analysis was adequately covered and neatly depicted.   You acknowledged well aspects of variety and variation and volume and where flexibility is required to be demonstrated by the club.

Your understanding of the subject was further reflected to some degree in the analysis of the Hayes & Wheelwright model, and this was indicated on the slides you have used.

Criterion 2: : Critical analysis of the current operations strategy from the following four perspectives: top-down outside-in bottom-up inside-out. 20%

You conducted a high-level analysis of Amazons operations but this was generalised and then moved into Four perspectives, going into each area.

Once again there is scope here to be more focused and specific.

The notes on the slides appeared to be those that accompany the text and not specifically related to Amazon (

This Criterion 3: : Critical evaluation of the four perspectives’ reconciliation and articulation of a vision for operations.  20%

You include an overview of the reconciliation of the perspectives and strategies in place, which could have been further illustrated by use of the LoF model.

Generally, this section would be improved with greater development and analysis.

Referral back to the H&W model would have been useful here to demonstrate how the gains would benefit the club overall in greater detail and this is an area you could look to elevate in Assessment 2.

Your reflection demonstrated that you had developed some insights as a result of application of theories was covered and in particular how you can expand this and incorporated into your work and shows and a growing understanding.

Criterion 4 : Engaging and clear communication, highly professional presentation, with logical, well-structured slides. Solid reflection on learning, and application of lessons learnt – 20%

The downside was that you did not record on zoom as per assignment instructions – this makes viewing the slides a challenge – we can discuss how to tweak that, so you’re prepared for future presentations.

Your audio level made listening to your presentation a little challenging, and that’s something to improve upon in subsequent presentations. Using a separate microphone rather than that in the device might give a sharper sound here.

Criterion 5 Referencing 5%

You used your sources well throughout the course of the presentation.

My overall comment is that there is considerable scope for improvement and this would possibly result if you were to use a specific function of Amazon that was localised and which enabled you to do a much deeper dive analysis.


This might assist in remedying the issue commented where your commentary is very high level and almost generic and suffers as a result of this in addition to the technical issues associated listening to the recording.


I appreciate this may not be the result you were hoping for, and please let me know if there is anything we can work on to ensure a stronger outcome in Assessment 2.


I wish you smooth sailing through the rest of your MBA journey – please reach out if there’s any guidance I can provide.