Evidence-Based Practice Proposal

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Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Final Paper – Rubric Total 200 points

Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent
Dissemination Plan
Dissemination Plan
0 points
A plan to disseminate
evidence and present
findings is omitted.
13 points
A plan for to disseminate
evidence and present
findings is partially
15 points
A general plan for
disseminating evidence is
presented. The plan
summarizes potential ways
to present findings.
17 points
A plan for disseminating
evidence is presented. The
plan includes several
potential ways to present
20 points
A well-developed plan for
disseminating evidence is
presented. The plan details
potential ways to present
Evaluation Plan
Evaluation Plan
0 points
The evaluation plan,
projected outcomes, and
variables to be assessed are
omitted. The evaluation plan
is not supported by the
findings in the literature
6.5 points
The evaluation plan is
incomplete. The projected
outcomes and the variables
to be assessed are only
partially discussed.
7.5 points
The evaluation plan outlines
methods to evaluate the
effectiveness of the
proposed solution. The
projected outcomes and the
variables to be assessed are
summarized. The narrative is
generally supported by the
findings in the literature
8.5 points
The evaluation plan
discusses methods to
evaluate the effectiveness of
the proposed solution. The
projected outcomes and the
variables to be assessed are
described. The narrative is
supported by the findings in
the literature analysis.
10 points
The evaluation plan details
realistic and sound methods
to evaluate the proposed
solution. The projected
outcomes and the variables
to be assessed are
thoroughly described. The
narrative is strongly
supported by the findings in
the literature analysis.
Proposed Solution
Proposed Solution
0 points
A proposed solution is not
6.5 points
A partial summary of the
proposed solution is
outlined. It is unclear
whether the solution is
supported by the findings in
the literature review.
7.5 points
A summary of the proposed
solution is presented. The
solution is generally based
on the support indicated in
the literature review.
8.5 points
An explanation of the
proposed solution is
presented. Overall, the
solution is based on the
support indicated in the
literature review.
10 points
A detailed explanation of the
proposed solution is
presented and is based on
the support indicated in the
literature review.
Documentation of Sources
Citations, footnotes,
references, bibliography, etc.,
as appropriate to assignment
and style.
0 points
Sources are not documented.
6.5 points
Documentation of sources is
inconsistent or incorrect, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, with numerous
formatting errors.
7.5 points
Sources are documented, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, although some
formatting errors may be
8.5 points
Sources are documented, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, and format is
mostly correct.
10 points
Sources are completely and
correctly documented, as
appropriate to assignment
and style, and format is free
of error.
Argument Logic and
Argument Logic and
0 points
Statement of purpose is not
justified by the conclusion.
The conclusion does not
support the claim made.
Argument is incoherent and
uses noncredible sources.
13 points
Sufficient justification of
claims is lacking. Argument
lacks consistent unity. There
are obvious flaws in the logic.
Some sources have
questionable credibility.
15 points
Argument is orderly but may
have a few inconsistencies.
The argument presents
minimal justification of
claims. Argument logically,
but not thoroughly, supports
the purpose. Sources used
are credible. Introduction
and conclusion bracket the
17 points
Argument shows logical
progression. Techniques of
argumentation are evident.
There is a smooth
progression of claims from
introduction to conclusion.
Most sources are
20 points
Clear and convincing
argument presents a
persuasive claim in a
distinctive and compelling
manner. All sources are
Implementation Plan
Implementation Plan
0 points
The implementation plan is
omitted. The narrative fails to
demonstrate an
understanding of the
implementation process.
6.5 points
The implementation plan is
incomplete. The narrative
demonstrates a minimal
understanding of the
implementation process.
7.5 points
An outline of the
implementation plan is
presented. The plan includes
the required aspects, but
some information or support
is needed. The narrative
demonstrates a general
understanding of the
implementation process.
8.5 points
An implementation plan is
described. The plan includes
the necessary resources,
strategies, timeline, and
stakeholders. The narrative
demonstrates an
understanding of the
implementation process.
Adequate rationale and
support are provided.
10 points
A well-developed
implementation plan is
described. The plan includes
the necessary resources,
strategies, timeline, and
stakeholders. The narrative is
well supported, informative,
and demonstrates a clear
understanding of the
implementation process.
Questions from PICO
Questions from PICO
0 points
PICO questions are omitted.
3.9 points
The questions are vague or
unrelated to the topic. It is
4.5 points
The questions are generally
based on the PICO and
5.1 points
The questions are based on
the PICO. Overall, the
6 points
The questions are clearly
based on the PICO and highly


Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent
unclear if the question is
based on the PICO.
appear to be relevant to the
proposed topic.
questions are relevant to the
proposed topic.
relevant to the proposed
Problem or Issue
Health care problem or issue,
issues based in discipline or
specialty area, target
0 points
The health care issue or
problem and affected target
population selected are not
6.5 points
The health care issue or
problem selected, the
affected target population,
and why this is an issue or
problem in the discipline or
specialty of the author are
only partially discussed. The
narrative lacks support.
7.5 points
The health care issue or
problem selected, the
affected target population,
and why this is an issue or
problem in the discipline or
specialty of the author are
generally discussed. Some
areas are vague or
inaccurate. Some support is
8.5 points
The health care issue or
problem selected, the
affected target population,
and why this is an issue or
problem in the discipline or
specialty area of the author
are discussed and adequate
support is provided.
10 points
The health care issue or
problem selected, the
affected target population,
and why this is an issue or
problem in the discipline or
specialty area of the author
are thoroughly discussed and
well supported.
0 points
The conclusion is omitted.
6.5 points
The conclusion summarizes
some aspects in the paper
but does not give
completeness to the paper.
7.5 points
The conclusion summarizes
the main aspects in the
paper and provides adequate
8.5 points
The conclusion summarizes
the main aspects in the
paper and provides a final
observation or insight.
10 points
The conclusion is well
developed, summarizes the
main aspects in the paper,
and leaves the reader with a
compelling observation or
Paper Format
Use of appropriate style for
the major and assignment.
0 points
Template is not used
appropriately, or
documentation format is
rarely followed correctly.
6.5 points
Appropriate template is
used, but some elements are
missing or mistaken. A lack
of control with formatting is
7.5 points
Appropriate template is
used. Formatting is correct,
although some minor errors
may be present.
8.5 points
Appropriate template is fully
used. There are virtually no
errors in formatting style.
10 points
All format elements are
Topic, Introduction,
Reference Page, and
Topic, Introduction,
Reference Page, and
0 points
More than one of the
required documents is
missing. Formatting
guidelines are not followed
for any of these documents.
6.5 points
One required document is
missing. There are significant
7.5 points
The topic, introduction,
reference page, and any
needed appendices are
included. There are errors.
8.5 points
The topic, introduction,
reference page, and any
needed appendices are
included. There are minor
10 points
The topic, introduction,
reference page, and any
needed appendices are
included and in compliance
with formatting guidelines.
Research Questions and
Ethical Considerations
Research Questions and
Ethical Considerations
0 points
The criteria for the literature
review are incomplete. The
articles fail to provide
evidence in support of the
selected problem or issue
and proposed
intervention.Fewer than
three research questions are
presented. The narrative fails
to identify the parameters
and ethical aspects of
developing research
2.6 points
Two of the three proposed
questions are vague and do
not appear to encourage
further study. The narrative
vaguely identifies the
parameters and ethical
aspects of developing
research questions.
3 points
At least two of the three
research questions
encourage further study on
the selected health care
problem or issue. The
narrative demonstrates a
general understanding of the
necessary parameters and
ethical aspects of developing
research questions
3.4 points
The three research questions
encourage further study on
the selected health care
problem or issue. The
narrative demonstrates an
understanding of the
necessary parameters and
ethical aspects of developing
research questions.
4 points
The three research questions
are well written and
encourage further study on
the selected health care
problem or issue. The
narrative demonstrates a
clear understanding of the
necessary parameters and
ethical aspects of developing
research questions.
Mechanics of Writing
Includes spelling,
punctuation, grammar,
language use.
0 points
Surface errors are pervasive
enough that they impede
communication of meaning.
Inappropriate word choice or
sentence construction is
13 points
Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors distract
the reader. Inconsistencies in
language choice (register) or
word choice are present.
Sentence structure is correct
but not varied.
15 points
Some mechanical errors or
typos are present, but they
are not overly distracting to
the reader. Correct and
varied sentence structure
and audience-appropriate
language are employed.
17 points
Prose is largely free of
mechanical errors, although
a few may be present. The
writer uses a variety of
effective sentence structures
and figures of speech.
20 points
Writer is clearly in command
of standard, written,
academic English.
Literature Review
Sufficient article support,
summary of purpose,
support for selected issue or
0 points
The criteria for the literature
review are incomplete. The
articles fail to provide
evidence in support of the
selected problem or issue
and proposed intervention.
6.5 points
The literature analysis of at
least eight peer-reviewed,
research-based articles is
presented, but the articles
provide little evidence to
support the selected
7.5 points
The literature analysis of 10
to 12 peer-reviewed articles,
provide general evidence
based support for the
selected problem or issue
and proposed intervention.
8.5 points
The literature analysis of 10
to 12 peer-reviewed articles,
eight or more being
research-based, provides
evidence-based support for
the selected problem or
10 points
The literature analysis of 10
to 12 peer-reviewed articles,
eight or more being
research-based, establishes
strong evidence-based
support for the selected


Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent
problem or issue and
proposed intervention.
One or two more research
based articles are needed.
issue and proposed
problem or issue and
proposed intervention.
Theory or Model and
Application to
Theory or Model and
Application to
0 points
A theory or model and the
application of it to the
implementation of the
evidence-based intervention
is not discussed.
6.5 points
A theory or model is partially
outlined and the application
of it to the implementation of
the evidence-based
intervention is only partially
7.5 points
A theory or model is
summarized and the
application of it to the
implementation of the
evidence-based intervention
is outlined. Some
information or support is
8.5 points
A theory or model is
described and the
application of it to the
implementation of the
evidence-based intervention
is discussed. The narrative
has adequate support and
10 points
An accurate and well
described theory or model is
described and the
application of it to the
implementation of the
evidence-based intervention
is discussed in a logical and
well supported narrative.
Thesis Development and
Thesis Development and
0 points
Paper lacks any discernible
overall purpose or organizing
13 points
Thesis is insufficiently
developed or vague. Purpose
is not clear.
15 points
Thesis is apparent and
appropriate to purpose.
17 points
Thesis is clear and forecasts
the development of the
paper. Thesis is descriptive
and reflective of the
arguments and appropriate
to the purpose.
20 points
Thesis is comprehensive and
contains the essence of the
paper. Thesis statement
makes the purpose of the
paper clear.
Evidence of Revision
Evidence of Revision
0 points
Final paper does not
demonstrate incorporation
of feedback or evidence of
revision on research
6.5 points
Incorporation of research
critique feedback or evidence
of revision is incomplete.
7.5 points
Incorporation of research
critique feedback and
evidence of revision are
8.5 points
Evidence of incorporation of
research critique feedback
and revision is clear.
10 points
Evidence of incorporation of
research critique feedback
and revision is
comprehensive and
thoroughly developed.