Every child is capable of learning something

125 views 8:27 am 0 Comments May 6, 2023

Every child is unique. Every child is capable of learning something. Every child belongs. Inclusion is not about the setting a child is educated in; it is a belief that all children are entitled to learn together and fully participate in their communities. Each part is worth up to 5 points. You must fully answer the question for each section by responding in a few sentences to receive the points.
1: In your first discussion board, you were asked to discuss your experience with children with disabilities and your philosophy on inclusion. How has your perspective and attitude on inclusion changed or been deepened this semester? 2: What assignment did you find the most meaningful and WHY? Discussion boards (topics included people-first language, Learn the signs. Act early., UDL, case studies, communication delays, and vision impairments) Spotlights on the DEC recommended practices (assessment, transition, family, instruction, environment, and interaction) Family reflection Show and Tells Virtual inclusion learning experience Inclusion Presentation 3. How will you use what you learned in this course in your future profession