Ethics and Professional Practice

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FLD201/A1-A V2.23.05.2022 R.Leontini
FLD201 Ethics and Professional Practice
Assignment 1
Assessment 1: Open-book, short-answer assessment (20%)
Due Date: Week 4
Total Word Count: 700 words
(+ or – 10%) excluding references
All students from every campus must complete this assessment online using the link provided
and submit in Moodle through Turnitin
This assessment is designed to help you develop the foundational knowledge of ethics and
professional practice in community services.
Preparation for Assignment 1: for this assignment you are to draw from content covered in weeks
1,2 and 3, including the readings, lecture notes/slides and/or tutorial activities.
There are two (2) Topics, Topic 1 and Topic 2. You are to choose
one (1) Topic only and answer
two (2) questions provided for that Topic.
This is an OPEN BOOK assessment
While you may be informed by lecture slides and readings, you are to use your own words in
your answers. Copied material from slides or readings will not be accepted.
Check the
marking criteria below and in your Unit Guide.
For any references/citations, you are to draw only on the required and optional readings
listed for your preparation in weeks 1-3
Important! Some concepts may appear similar to those used in other units, eg. in
counselling or psychology.
Remember that for this unit you are to draw out the relevance to
Remember to state which Topic you have selected at the start of your assignment
The format is short answers to each question, for a total of 700 words (+ or – 10%) for the
combined responses
Apply double spacing to your text and 12 size font
Link opens: 9 am Friday of Week 4
Closes: 11.55 pm Sunday of Week 4
Please make sure to submit a WORD file only
You can only make one (1) attempt at submitting.
FLD201/A1-A V2.23.05.2022 R.Leontini
Choose from one (1) of the two Topics below
NOTE: Do not repeat the scenario or questions in your responses. Simply state the topic title
and question number you are addressing.
TOPIC 1: Ethics Theory and Concepts
Question 1: approx. 400-500 words
In the aftermath of tragically serious floods in a regional area, many local residents
have lost their homes and belongings. The losses have hit everyone across all ages,
genders and ethnicities. Cynthia, the manager of a community services centre,
realises there are too many people in need and her organisation cannot possibly
help everyone with the resources they have. Such resources include staff/staff time,
food, temporary makeshift accommodation, and counselling.
Following consultations she has with her staff, a disaster management organisation
and a local government agency, Cynthia and her staff in the community services
centre decide it is best to provide full support only to two groups: elderly people and
single parents with their children. They argue that these groups are a comparatively
smaller minority but quite vulnerable. By taking this approach, all the organisation’s
resources would be assigned to these two groups.
On the other hand, the disaster management organisation and local government
agency believe it is better to start helping those who need fewer resources but who
then help themselves get back on their feet sooner. In this way, they reason, the
few resources can go a longer way and a greater number of people in need would be
helped. If they take this approach, the elderly and single parents with children may
need to wait longer and perhaps suffer ongoing hardship until more resources can
be secured.
Drawing on theoretical work examined in class and through your readings, you are to:
(a) determine what theoretical framework/s and/or concept/s the two groups of staff
are guided by, and
(b) briefly outline the values they are upholding.
Question 2: approx. 200-300 words
What is the key feature of the ‘Virtue ethics’ approach, and what kinds of values does it
presupposes? Illustrate your response with short examples.

FLD201/A1-A V2.23.05.2022 R.Leontini
TOPIC 2: Power; Respect in Community Service Work
Question 1: approx. 300-400 words
Briefly outline what is meant by a power differential in community service work, and the
factors that contribute to this power differential. You must outline three (3) factors or
‘types’ of power and explain them, showing clearly the ethical tensions and implications for
community workers.
Question 2: approx. 300-400 words
Consult the ACWA code of ethics and the ACWA Work Practice Guidelines to consider the
following short scenario. You
must not copy anything from these documents, but cite the
principle or guideline number and then explain your response in your own words.
A 16-year-old girl is pregnant and unsure about whether to have the baby or
terminate her pregnancy. She turns to a case worker for advice, saying she is
terrified at the thought of raising a child at her age and about telling her parents of
her pregnancy. The case worker is sympathetic but firm, warning the girl that
terminations (abortions) are dangerous to both the body and the soul. The young girl
is frightened and tells the case worker she has decided to have the baby.
The case worker’s supervisor, Jane, finds out about what transpired during this
consultation between the case worker and her young client. Jane reprimands the
case worker and advises her to revise her ethical responsibilities.
(a) Why does Jane reprimand the case worker?
(b) What values and responsibilities in the 2 above-noted ACWA documents
would you – as the supervisor – refer your case worker to? Briefly outline the
ones you think are most important.

Criteria for Assignment 1 Weight: 100%
Content: addresses questions drawing on content from readings,
lectures and/or tutorials as relevant
Evaluation skills: ability to understand questions & concepts, and to
provide explanations that are coherent and concise
Total /100%